George Carlin

NPR's Whitewash for George Carlin: 'Eternal Respect from Every Person'
May 14th, 2016 3:49 PM
On Wednesday morning, NPR’s Morning Edition bowed deeply to the late “hippie dippie” comedian George Carlin. The man who mocked everyone else in an increasingly sour, misanthropic way was revered as a figure of “eternal respect.”
The occasion was Carlin’s egotistically organized archives of his career being donated to a new National Comedy Center. NPR reporter Elizabeth Blair never found a note…
George Carlin, Newsweek's 'God Who Cussed
June 30th, 2008 11:15 PM
How strange does Newsweek get on the subject of religion? See this week’s appreciation of the late George Carlin by director Kevin Smith (who cast the obscenity-laced comedian as a ridiculous Catholic bishop in "Dogma"). Smith concluded: "He was, and will likely remain, the smartest person I've ever met. But really, he was much more than just a person. Without a hint of hyperbole, I can say he…
CBS: George Carlin Made Us Think...Abortion Is Okay
June 24th, 2008 5:58 PM
On Monday’s CBS "Evening News" anchor Katie Couric teased an upcoming segment remembering controversial comedian George Carlin: "...he was a comedy legend who made us laugh and think." During the segment, correspondent Jim Axelrod followed the same theme: "George Carlin made lots of us laugh...But his genius was making us think." Immediately following that observation a clip was played of Carlin…
George Carlin's 'View': Wildfire Victims 'Get What's Coming to Them
October 24th, 2007 3:32 PM
Comedian George Carlin blames the victims on the Southern California wildfires. Appearing on the October 24 edition of "The View" Carlin said, because many of these home owners "overbuild" and "put nature to the test," "they get what’s coming to them." This rant was too much even for noted left-wing co-host Joy Behar who felt his statement was "a little harsh." Carlin continued that he "can’t…