Gail Saltz

CNN Guest Who Blasted 'Bully' Limbaugh in 2009 Claims She Avoids 'Opin
August 18th, 2014 2:45 PM
On Sunday's Reliable Sources on CNN, Dr. Gail Saltz blasted Fox News contributor Dr. Keith Ablow for his jab at Michelle Obama's weight: "To be criticizing people, kind of, willy-nilly is – I don't think meets the Hippocratic Oath." She played up how Dr. Ablow previously hinted that Vice President Biden might have dementia, and claimed that the psychiatrist violated "American psychiatric…

NBC's 'Today' Decries 'End of Civility' in America, Alludes to Joe Wil
August 9th, 2011 6:13 PM
During a discussion on Tuesday's NBC Today of a nasty divorce custody case, psychologist Gail Saltz bizarrely shoe-horned in this observation: "This is reflective of a national problem....We have taken on this 'Do whatever feels good in the moment,' with no regard for a moral compass...calling the president a liar..." Co-host Matt Lauer declared: "The end of civility."
The husband involved…
NBC's 'Today' Frets Celebrations After bin Laden's Death Were 'Very Di
May 4th, 2011 5:32 PM
On NBC's Today on Wednesday, co-host Matt Lauer worried about Americans celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden: "...your children are going to see, and have already seen, people in the streets celebrating about the death of someone and that's a contradictory image for them." Today contributor and psychiatrist Gail Saltz replied: "Absolutely, very disturbing for them."
The segment was on…
Shiny Happy Talk: NBC's Today Insisted Gore Split Was 'Brave' and Prov
June 4th, 2010 11:36 PM
NBC's Today crew tried to put a heavy spin on the Gore split on Wednesday morning. The audience was told that the Gores' 40-year marriage wasn't a failure, it was a success, several times over. Matt Lauer even insisted their divorce was "brave" -- as if all the other old married people would do the same if they weren't cowards. It's fine if the liberals at NBC don't want to think less of the…
CNN Psychoanalyzes Talk Radio Listeners, Cites Liberal Study on Format
October 19th, 2009 1:38 PM
CNN’s Carol Costello began a new series on political talk radio on Monday’s American Morning, suggesting it was unfairly dominated by conservatives, and brought on a liberal psychiatrist who theorized that Rush Limbaugh has an audience because he’s “operating like the bully, and if you’re on the want to be...under the bully’s wing and go along with him and get...some power by…