Dianne Feinstein

Univisión lamenta abiertamente el deceso de la senadora Feinstein
Con frecuencia se nos recuerda que Univisión se ha encargado de actuar como un lobby de inmigración en lugar de una división de noticias. Lo mismo ocurre hoy, cuando la muerte de la senadora Dianne Feinstein no se informa como una noticia, sino que se lamenta como la muerte de un aliado político.

Univision Openly Mourns Passing of Senator Feinstein
We are often reminded that Univision has taken it upon itself to act like an immigration lobby rather than a news division. So it is today, wherein the death of Senator Dianne Feinstein is not reported as a news story, but mourned as the death of a political ally.

Media Choir Raise Voices to Falsely Glorify Feinstein a ‘Centrist’
California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein was a liberal stalwart who took up extreme positions against Second Amendment rights and harmful environmental policies. But when it was announced on Friday that she had passed away overnight, the liberal media choir joined their voices to gaslight Americans and falsely proclaim her a “centrist Democrat” who simply leaned towards “liberal…

Fang Fang, Bang Bang: Nets Punt on New Info About Swalwell’s Old Flame
Former Washington Examiner Justice reporter Jerry Dunleavy revealed Sunday in a series of lengthy tweets that, per a source, senior FBI leadership meddled in and shuttered investigations into Fang Fang, the rumored ex-lover of Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA) as well as Russell Lowe, a Chinese-American who had been working for Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).

Hypocrites: The View Demands Feinstein Resign, ‘Not Ageism or Sexism’
The die was cast on ABC’s The View on Friday as the cast collectively demanded that California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein resign as her advanced age and deteriorating health hindered her ability to represent her constituents, and they should get a younger liberal in the seat. But this was a grossly hypocritical position for the liberal ladies to take since they’ve previously…

Mika and McCaskill Clash Over Whether Feinstein Should Stay In Senate
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski defends Diane Feinstein against people calling her looks "frightening," and says it is her choice whether to remain in the Senate. Claire McCaskill says that she looks up to Feinstein, and even would "stand in front of a train" for her, but says her faculties have declined, and suggests she is incapable of performing her "public-facing" duties as a senator.

NewsBusters Podcast: Democrats Get an F for Feinstein and Fetterman
An easy way to discover how the media favor Democrats is from the treatment of embarrassing gaffes by Senators Feinstein and Fetterman. The same media outlets that constantly questioned Donald Trump's mental fitness are acting very gentle and protective around their favorite partisans.

Study: Taxpayer-Subsidized PBS Whacks GOP with 85% Negative News
Given their government funding, citizens should expect public broadcasting’s news coverage to be scrupulously neutral, yet an exhaustive Media Research Center study of PBS NewsHour found coverage of the first four months of the new Congress has been heavily slanted against Republicans.

NewsBusters Podcast: Jake Tapper Perturbs Durbin from the Left
The Sunday surprise on CNN was Jake Tapper shaming Sen. Dick Durbin on how the Democrats haven't forced out Sen. Dianne Feinstein so they can get liberal judges confirmed. Sister Toldjah of RedState explains how Tapper sounded hyperpartisan and Durbin was more reasonable.

Politico Suggests Constitutional Amendment to Remove Sen. Feinstein
Politico's former health editor reveals the desperation of the Democrats in removing ailing Dianne Feinstein from the Senate.

Meyers, Porter Celebrate Tucker Leaving Fox, Hype Biden 2024
As a result of taking two weeks off in the middle of the month, NBC Late Night host Seth Meyers missed Rep. Katie Porter’s initial book tour/Senate campaign announcement. To remedy this, Porter stopped by for Tuesday’s show where the duo piled on Tucker Carlson, hyped Biden 2024, and lamented that the Senate’s “arcane” rules are making life difficult for Democrats.

Twitter Files Show Election Interference, Gov’t Collusion & Censorship
The Twitter Files have uncovered the internal mess that Twitter has become over the last six years as the company has interfered in American elections, directly colluded with federal government agencies and censored Americans.

MUST WATCH: Doocy Slams Psaki on Mask Hypocrisy & Biden Border Crisis
Another day, another wild episode of the final season of the Psaki Show. This time with a well-deserved grilling by Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy, and some rather bizarre questions from a couple of other reporters in the room.

Lawrence O'Donnell Gets Roasted on Twitter for Defense of Feinstein
Eric Ting at SFGate.com reported MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell created controversy on Twitter for coming to the defense of Sen. Dianne Feinstein after the San Francisco Chronicle reported four senators anonymously said she was suffering from mental problems on the job.