
'The View' Begs Chelsea to Run for President In 2020

May 31st, 2017 12:38 PM
Chelsea Clinton is making her rounds in the media this week to promote her new children’s feminist book, (that includes a special cameo of her mother!), aptly titled "She Persisted." After one fawning interview on NBC’s Today show Tuesday, Clinton was ready for another cushy interview on Wednesday’s The View.

NBC Mourns With Chelsea: How Did Mom's Loss Affect You ‘As a Human'?

May 30th, 2017 1:12 PM
Sitting down for a friendly chat with Chelsea Clinton on Tuesday’s NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie sympathized with her one-time network colleague over Hillary Clinton’s “devastating” loss in the 2016 election: “Well, we know of course that your mom is a woman who inspires you....She’s actually been more in the spotlight recently, and really, I think, seeming to open up about the emotional…

NYTimes 'Book Slut' Slams Ivanka Book as Like a 'Demented 12-Year-Old'

May 6th, 2017 10:48 PM
The New York Times knew exactly who was the perfect reviewer for the new Ivanka Trump book on Women Who Work. It was a radical feminist writer named Jessa Crispin, whose Twitter account is “The Book Slut.” What are the chances we’re going to get a thumbs-down? 100 percent. But would this review treat the author with any respect? No, she sounds like “the scrambled Tumblr feed of a demented 12-year…

New NBC Sitcom Mocks Ivanka Trump as Worthy of Hate

April 26th, 2017 2:27 AM
The brand-new NBC show Great News premiered on April 25 with two episodes, “Pilot” and “The Bear Attack.” The show is about young television news producer Katie Wendelson (Briga Heelan) who is trying to gain respect in the newsroom at “The Breakdown” while her helicopter mother Carol (Andrea Martin) takes an internship position at the station.

King Hilariously Defends Yachting with Obamas; ‘Not Political' at All

April 22nd, 2017 11:08 PM
On Friday’s Access Hollywood, CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King responded to the fact that she had recently vacationed in Tahiti with, among others, the Obama family, pathetically claiming that it was “not a political statement” and no big deal since her “friends” are out of the White House.

Vanity Fair Hilariously Begs Media: Stop Hyping Chelsea Clinton!

April 22nd, 2017 9:19 AM
Hillary Clinton has just come off the most humiliating political defeat in the memory of most Americans. Despite the unrelenting hype for her candidacy and the absolutely certainty among the mainstream media that she would win the 2016 presidential election...she lost. Unfortunately the media seems unable to quit with the Clinton hype since now they are going overboard in promoting Chelsea…

Chelsea Clinton’s Cheerleading Cult

April 19th, 2017 6:31 PM
Thirstier than an ultra-marathoner lost in Death Valley in mid-July. Hyping the entertainment magazine's latest cover, Co-Editor-in-Chief Claudia Eller gushed this week, "How cool does Chelsea Clinton look on our Power of Women, NY, cover?" Welcome to the liberal media's manufacturing of "cool." Leather jacket? Check. Overzealous airbrushing? Check. Humanizing grin? Check. Democratic…

CBS to Chelsea: ‘Are You Running? Are You Running? Are You Running?’

April 4th, 2017 1:01 PM
When it comes to the Clintons, the hosts of CBS This Morning are indistinguishable from gushing celebrity “journalists” at Access Hollywood. They are devotees. On Tuesday, the most pressing question for these partisan fan boys (and fan girls) is whether Chelsea Clinton or her mom will run for office in the future. 

Chelsea Clinton Hopes MAGA Hat on Pic of Lincoln Is Photoshopped

March 26th, 2017 8:26 PM
Chelsea Clinton is 37 years old — 19 years past the minimum voting age, 16 years over the legal age to drink, no longer entitled to reflexive press protection as the daughter of a Democratic President or presidential candidate, and thus eligible for ridicule when she deserves it — even if the establishment media's gatekeepers don't like it. I'd suggest that if you really have to ask, as Chelsea …

NYT Issues Defiantly Pointless Story on Chelsea Clinton's Twitter Feed

March 23rd, 2017 5:19 PM
New York Times Katie Rogers tried to have it both ways in her story on Chelsea Clinton’s Twitter feed, claiming the Clinton daughters’ tweets were “innocent,” and forwarded advice from a Clinton friend to Chelsea’s “naysayers”: “Just unfollow.” Yet Rogers still reprinted some of Clinton’s highly politicized tweets, as if to keep her in the partisan mix anyway. Rogers’ front page Styles section…

Shocker! Cosmo Condemns Sexism Toward Conway With Conservative Op-ed

March 7th, 2017 11:54 AM
Sometimes, Cosmo surprises us... and not in the "I Walked in on a Foursome" and 15 Other OMG Confessions" kind of way. While the liberal, feminist magazine usually pushes progressive content, it occasionally runs trenchant pieces by conservative authors. At least one editor there must realize that conservative and liberal women can agree on several important tenets of feminism. For example, women…

Chelsea Blasts 'Fake Attacks;' Forgets Mother Fabricated Bosnia Attack

February 3rd, 2017 3:59 PM
Friday morning, Chelsea Clinton called out Kellyanne Conway for allegedly “making up” a fake terrorist attack. While Conway has explained that she “misspoke,” Chelsea apparently forgot that her own mother repeatedly claimed that she was the victim of an attack that never actually happened.

ABC, NBC Tout Chelsea Defending Barron, No Mention of ‘SNL’ Writer

January 23rd, 2017 8:45 PM
Saturday Night Live writer Katie Rich found herself in hot water over the weekend after the 33-year-old thought it was humorous to bully 10-year-old Barron Trump, saying “Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter.” In response to Rich’s vile tweet, former first daughter Chelsea Clinton spoke up and defended the president’s son. ABC and NBC, of course, touted her defense Monday…

Like Mother, Like Daughter? Nets Censor Chelsea’s Corruption

November 7th, 2016 12:02 PM
Like the old saying goes: The apple doesn’t far fall from the tree. According to new e-mails released by WikiLeaks, both Chelsea Clinton and her husband Mark Mezvinsky leveraged the Clinton Foundation for personal gain. Number of seconds devoted to these scandals by the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks? 0