Beto O'Rourke
Reporter Now Admits He Buried Bad Beto Story Until After the Election
CBS’s O’Keefe Blames ‘Goading’ from Other Dems for Media’s Beto-Fever
Politico Writer Labels Beto O'Rourke a 'Semigogue'
CNN Hammers Beto’s ‘White Maleness’ 52 Times In One Day
King Hits Beto From the Left: Hard Being a ‘Privileged White Man?'
‘Hardball’ Catches Betomania; ‘Magical’ O’Rourke Has ‘Vibrancy’
AGAIN?! ABC’s Paula Faris Beclowns Herself for Beto, CBS Now Too
MSNBC Worries Beto Not ‘Liberal Enough’ for Democrats
Are You KIDDING? WashPost Labels O’Rourke, Biden ‘Centrists’
CBS Gush: Beto O’Rourke Near the ‘Center,’ Off to a ‘Glowing Start’
NBC Hypes Beto ‘Buzz,’ Excited by O’Rourke ‘Making it Official’
Vanity Fair Author: Beto 'Has That Gleam In His Eye'
ABC's Faris Fangirls Over 'Star' Beto Announcing 2020 Run
Journalists Go Bonkers for Beto!
Failed Democratic Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke announced his presidential candidacy today, despite his last political campaign ending in a loss to Ted Cruz in 2018. But who needs a stretch of political victories to build momentum for a presidential run when you have gale force winds – in the form of liberal media hype – behind your back?