The year 2012 was a depressing time for people who are already pessimistic about the state of our common culture. Conversely, the re-election of Barack Obama, in large measure made possible by the heavy financial support of Hollywood, projects the optimism of the cultural Left. They anticipate increased blue-state voting patterns in favor of gay “marriage,” legalized pot, gun regulations, and what next? Legalized prostitution? Euthanasia subsidized by Obamacare?
So let’s just line up the cultural winners of Obama’s America, where the only impediments to progress are those who believe in religion, manners, and “family values.”
Winner: Seth MacFarlane, the creator of the sick “Family Guy” cartoon and other Fox animated smutcoms on Sunday nights. He’ll mock anything to shock the viewer, from portraying Jesus as a lying drunk, to joking Ronald Reagan was gay, even to making fun of domestic violence. Tinseltown loves this man. He guest-hosted “Saturday Night Live” in their season debut, was named host of the 2013 Academy Awards telecast, and ABC’s Barbara Walters named him one of the year’s ten “Most Fascinating People.”
“Seth is the vision and the sensibility behind America’s most popular and profitable cartoon series,” Walters cooed. “Seth is a hands-on mastermind.” She proclaimed “The ‘Family Guy’ franchise is said to be worth nearly two billion dollars.” She concluded by promoting his Oscar-host gig: “In two months, hundreds of millions will be watching this writer, producer, actor, cartoonist, singer, multi-millionaire, and all-around genius, and we’ll all find out just how far Seth MacFarlane can go.”
MacFarlane's filthy semi-animated movie “Ted” grossed (literally grossed) $218 million at the box office. This was the movie described efficiently as "a boy’s teddy bear comes to life and becomes a profane slacker who practically lives inside a bong and hires hookers in groups." The most unnecessary scene of the year was this teddy bear coming on to a sleazy fellow employee by not only doing pelvic thrusts, but also by spraying himself in the face with hand lotion — a porny orgasm shot on a child’s toy.
That's "sensibility," says the Obama culture.
Winner: MacFarlane’s older sidekick, Bill Maher, the toxic atheist HBO star and the epitome of self-indulgent Hollywood liberalism, a man who shamelessly denounces the rest of America as a nation of idiots. Maher wrote a million-dollar check to Obama’s super PAC Priorities USA. The liberal media labored mightily to connect Mitt Romney to Donald Trump, but have said almost nothing to connect Maher to Obama.Maher had another year of vicious commentary. Late in the campaign, he joked, “If you're thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you.” After Obama’s victory, Maher joked about Karl Rove, "It was a little Hitler's bunker, wasn't it? I wanted to rush in with a cyanide capsule there.”
He summed up the election this way: “It is your choice, America, because for me it is a win-win. If it’s Obama, America wins, and if it’s Romney, comedy wins.” Maher has set the tone: Comedy is strictly deployed against the people who don’t like Obama. If that feels like a Third World backwater to you, welcome to the Obama culture.
Winner: Roseanne Barr. She just won't go away. She was honored as comedic trail-blazer for women with a Comedy Central roast. Katey Sagal, who played a foolish bimbo mom on “Married with Children,” used the occasion to whack at Ann Romney: "Roseanne, I feel honored that you and I broke new ground as TV moms who didn't cook, didn't clean and didn't make any money. In the '90s that made you a bad mom. But today it makes you Mitt Romney's wife."
Roseanne also exemplified the Obama culture’s reaction to Chick-fil-A, in several Christian-bashing Twitter rants in July, including: "Anyone who eats S--t Fil-A deserves to get the cancer that is sure to come from eating antibiotic filled tortured chickens 4Christ". Then came the geopolitics: “Off to grab a s--it fil-A sandwich on my way to worshiping Christ, supporting AIPAC and war in Iran.”
Winner: Howard Stern. NBC parted with $20 million to bring in the old shock-jock as a sharp-tongued judge on their summer show “America’s Got Talent.” The ratings dropped, but in the Obama culture, that’s not really the point. NBC just announced Stern signed a new contract for 2013 to repeat his “towering presence and opinions,” because his “dedication comes across in a genuine way to our viewers who share his passion.”
The slogan for Team Obama in 2012 was "Forward." There's nothing forward about the Obama culture, however. It is down, down, straight down, into the abyss.