Daily Kos Week in Review: Still Crazy After All These Years

September 8th, 2012 6:46 AM

Several Kossacks spent part of their Labor Day weekend or the week of the Democratic convention pondering the allegedly poor mental health of Republicans. One dared to assert that a specific event -- Bill Clinton's 1992 defeat of George H. W. Bush -- made GOPers lose their minds.

As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.


Scott Wooledge: Right-wingers use their illusions

...Conservatives live in an Imaginary America...

...Psychologists call it "mass hysteria," the inclination of groups of people to believe the same delusion; as when an entire village "witnesses" a witch fly or "sees" a UFO. Under the sage mentorship of Karl Rove the Republican Party has learned well to harness the power of mass hysteria to win elections...

TiredOfGOPLies: Republican derangement is two decades old
...It was the loss of the White House after the Reagan years, the loss of the cult of personality built up around Reagan, and the loss of the mythology built around "his policies" within the GOP that sent them over the edge.

These people thought they were going to form their own thousand year reich built on the shoulders of Ronald Reagan and to have that bubble burst just a mere 4 years later was more than they could stand...

Mark Sumner: Conservative nuttiness stimulates the economy
...Are we very sure that conservatism isn't a plot by the American Psychological Association to drum up business?...

otto: The one on the right could have been on the left

...I've always seen the authoritarian streak that lives in American Conservatives. Just as an accident of birth could have made them Hindu, an accident of birth could have made these same hyper nationalists into Nazis, Soviet Communists, or any fascist of any stripe...

Bill in Portland Maine: Democrats are so mature
...The longer this Democratic convention goes on, the more it makes the Republican hootenanny look like a bunch of six year olds eating Play-doh in a treehouse...

Pericles: Paul Ryan turns it up to eleven

...Ryan does remind me of some fictional characters, but not Roark or Galt. To me, Paul Ryan resembles David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel, the middle-aged rockers of Spinal Tap. Probably they were good boys once, but the rock-star life has robbed them of the experiences they needed to grow up. Proclaimed as geniuses at an early age, they enter their 40s believing that the puerile thoughts of their teens are still deep and weighty...