Joy Behar Tells Martin Sheen He's One of the Top Ten Most Obnoxious Hollywood Liberals

October 19th, 2011 1:09 AM

As many conservatives are aware, Human Events has a list of the Top Ten Most Obnoxious Hollywood Liberals.

On Tuesday's The Joy Behar Show, the host - who coincidentally is on this list herself - informed her guest Martin Sheen that he and his son Charlie are as well (video follows with transcript and commentary):

JOY BEHAR, HOST: Speaking of politics, you and I, believe it or not, your family and I are on a list, a top ten list together. You want to know what it's for?


BEHAR: We’re both on the same list. It is for the Top Ten Most Obnoxious Hollywood Liberals. Now I am not even a Hollywood liberal, but you and I, I'm number nine and you are, the Sheens are number ten.

EMILIO ESTEVEZ: It's collective, it’s all of us?

BEHAR: It just says the Sheens - the entire family.

SHEEN: That excludes the Estevezes.

ESTEVEZ: So you got your crap on my shoes?

SHEEN: No, no, no, no, it's just the Sheens. It’s just Charlie and me. You're off the hook.

BEHAR: It’s just Charlie and Martin.

SHEEN: There you go.

ESTEVEZ: Glad I used my real name.

SHEEN: Yes, see? See, I told you.

ESTEVEZ: See how you did that? That was smart of you.

SHEEN: Obnoxious Hollywood liberal. How extraordinary.

ESTEVEZ: Yeah. Yeah. Interesting.

BEHAR: Me, too.

SHEEN: What are we obnoxious about?

BEHAR: Well, according, this is a website called Human Events, which is a conservative website.

SHEEN: I see. Well, there are advantages not to owning a computer or knowing how to use it.

BEHAR: Except unfortunately you came here so that I could tell this to you.

SHEEN: Ah-ha.


What's really funny about this is that Sheen doesn't understand why he's on this list despite admitting moments later to having been arrested 67 times in his life fighting for social causes.

Now THAT'S entertainment!