On Monday’s Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann mocked Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, tagging her as "Worst Person in the World," for her recent declaration in an interview with World Net Daily that she would like to dine with Jesus Christ, Ann Coulter and a number of other historical and public figures. In addition to cracking that Coulter would accuse Jesus of being gay and that conservative talk radio host Mark Levin would "run out on the check," the MSNBC host concluded that Jesus would try to stop Bachmann and presumably other conservatives from "mak[ing] the House of Representatives a house of morons."
Olbermann: "Coulter would question Jesus’s sexuality. Levin would run out on the check. And Jesus would shout, "Get these out of here. Do not make the House of Representatives a house of morons," and then turn over the table. You know, like in the Real Housewives of New Jersey."
The Countdown host went on to mock the conservative concept of adhering to the original intent of the Constitution as meaning slavery would be legal and that women would not have the right to vote. Olbermann:
The original size would presumably be after the first Senate convened in 1789. That would mean only 26 Senators, only 69 Congressmen, and there are only 13 states and thus no representatives from Minnesota, and the government only attends to the needs of what the population of the country was back then: four million. Original constitutional limitations would mean there’s no Bill of Rights, slavery is legal, and women can’t vote. Michele "do you ever get the feeling she should be going not to Congress, but to a sixth grade American history class" Bachmann, today's "Worst Person in the World."
Below is a transcript of the relevant portion of the Monday, October 18, Countdown show on MSNBC:
KEITH OLBERMANN: But our winner, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. A double header from an interview with "paranoia.com," better known as World Net Daily. Question, "If you could sit down to dinner with any eight people who ever lived and they could all for this one occasion speak English, who would be on your guest list?"
Answer: (IMITATING BACHMANN’S VOICE) "Jesus, George Washington, Adam – the first man – the Apostle Paul, Johann Sebastian Bach, Ann Coulter, Ronald Reagan and Mark Levin. It would be a very interesting combination."
(BACK TO NORMAL VOICE) Yes, Reagan would turn back into a Democrat. Washington would read her his farewell address warning against forming political parties. Adam would reconsider celibacy. Paul would announce he’d gone blind again. Bach would play the harpsichord loud enough to drown out her voice. Coulter would question Jesus’s sexuality. Levin would run out on the check. And Jesus would shout, "Get these out of here. Do not make the House of Representatives a house of morons," and then turn over the table. You know, like in the Real Housewives of New Jersey.
Part two, World Net Daily also asked, question, "If, with the snap of your fingers, you could you change anything about America, what would it be?"
Answer: (IMITATING BACHMANN’S VOICE) "Reduce the federal government to its original size and constitutional limitations and to restore the Ninth and Tenth Amendments."
(BACK TO NORMAL VOICE): The original size would presumably be after the first Senate convened in 1789. That would mean only 26 Senators, only 69 Congressmen, and there are only 13 states and thus no representatives from Minnesota, and the government only attends to the needs of what the population of the country was back then: four million. Original constitutional limitations would mean there’s no Bill of Rights, slavery is legal, and women can’t vote. Michele, do you ever get the feeling she should be going not to Congress, but to a sixth grade American history class Bachmann, today's "Worst Person in the World."