Jesus Christ

Hyper-Hypocrite Scarborough Rips Trump For Criticizing Dems
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough rips Donald Trump for criticizing Democrats in his comments at the National Prayer Breakfast. Scarborough cites the words of Jesus at the Sermon on the Mount. Scarborough's hypocrisy is stunning, given his penchant for criticizing Trump in the harshest of terms.

A Light in the Darkness
The week before Christmas in 2006, on the same day I lost my job, doctors gave my wife six months to live. I had to be the one to break the news to her. I sat in her recovery room following a lung biopsy surgery, waited for her to be awake and aware, and told her the doctors discovered she had an aggressive form of cancer that had spread to her lungs. There was nothing they could do. Merry…

'Jesus Was Gay': CBS Yucks It Up With Anti-Jesus 'Comedy'
CBS’s late night comedy game show After Midnight went off rails on Thursday as host Taylor Tomlinson and her fellow comedian guests yucked it up with some cheap and flippant anti-Jesus and “Jesus was gay” laughs.

Daily Show Suggests Jesus Would Approve of Transgender Visibility Day
The cast of Comedy Central’s Wednesday installment of The Daily Show managed to hit all the wrong notes as it reacted to conservative criticism of President Joe Biden recognizing Easter Sunday as Transgender Visibility Day. Temp host Desi Lydic tried to suggest that Biden had nothing to do with his own proclamations and butchered multiple Biblical references, while correspondent…

Christianity: Not Exactly Something Normal
Christianity is a weird religion. Other religions have a version of the "Golden Rule." Other religions have a watery creation. Other religions have sacrifice. Other religions have mercy. Other religions have a lot of what Christianity has. But they are all so much more the same, and Christianity itself is so divergent it is not exactly something normal or something we would make up. Most other…

Target & Walmart Celebrate Easter With Bunnies and Eggs, Ignore Jesus
MRCTV/Culture's analysis of Easter candy selection at retail giants Target and Walmart revealed that the majority of products have no connection to the religious significance of the holiday. Results for "Easter candy" showed offerings mostly comprising of secular symbols like bunnies, eggs, and rainbow flowers, with only a few items symbolically relating to the religious aspect.

Cling to Christ: Pause the Politics, Dwell on the Resurrection
The world is headed into Holy Week, the holiest of times for the worlds more than 2 billion Christians. Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth entered Jerusalem as a king on Palm Sunday; was tortured, crucified, killed and buried on Friday; and rose again on Easter Sunday. It is one of the defining weeks in human history. As we head there, it is an appropriate time to pause the politics and…

Biden Meanders, Bashes Way Through the....National Prayer Breakfast?
The number of President Biden’s gaffes and flip-flops on issues would fill a book, but he combined several categories of verbal meanderings at last week’s National Prayer Breakfast. The gathering took place in the Capitol’s National Statuary Hall. Biden pronounced it “statutory hall.” He must have had son Hunter’s legal problems and the possibility of his own impeachment in mind. The annual…

Some Perspective for Christmastime
Seventeen years ago this week, I started the day losing my job and ended the day looking my wife in the eyes to tell her she was going to die. Doctors thought they had found a very aggressive form of cancer in her lungs. She had, in their estimation, six months. Thankfully, before the end of the next day, they realized they had misdiagnosed my wife. Within 72 hours, my job had been saved. But…

Colbert Claims GOP Couldn't Vote For Jesus: 'He Was a Christian'
A COVID-ridden Stephen Colbert hosted Monday’s edition of The Late Show on CBS from home and claimed that the GOP could not vote for Jesus in the quest to find a Speaker of the House because “He was worse than a socialist, he was a Christian.”

The View: 'Jesus Would Be the Grand Marshal of the Pride Parade'
Anti-Christian bigotry and blasphemy were the themes of Monday’s edition of ABC’s The View following a weekend mass shooting at a Colorado Springs, Colorado gay bar. Despite admitting they didn’t know what motivated the shooter, the cast lashed out at Republicans and Christians by suggesting “Jesus would be the grand marshal” of a gay pride parade and hinted that they’re like January…

The Beginning of the End
Sometime just over 2,000 years ago, contrary to the song, it was not a silent night. In Bethlehem, a young woman gave birth to a baby in a stable. The story went exactly as one would tell a story if one did not want the story taken seriously. The first witnesses were shepherds, men so unreliable that their testimony was inadmissible in court. Key eyewitnesses were women, also seen as…

Turning From Darkness to the Light of Jesus
A suicide just happened. Somewhere out there, maybe down the street or across town or in the next state, someone just took their own life. By the time you finish reading this, someone else will be in their final moments before taking their life. One hundred thirty-two times today, someone in the United States is going to commit suicide.

CNN‘s Don Lemon: Jesus Christ 'Admittedly Was Not Perfect'
Don Lemon often makes astounding claims during his CNN Tonight program, but he went too far on Monday, when he attacked a tenet of Christianity by stating that “Jesus Christ admittedly was not perfect when he was here on this Earth.” Lemon made the amazing comment during a discussion with Chris Cuomo, who is the host of the Cuomo Prime Time show, which airs at 9 p.m. on…