Verne Lundquist, closet Republican? The sports announcer got in a bit of good-natured trash talking while interviewing Pres. Obama during this afternoon's game between Duke and Georgetown in DC that PBO attended. In a basketball-politics double entendre, Lundquist asked the left-handed Obama "do you have any problems at all going to your right?"
When the president made his way to the announcers table during the second half, he, Lundquist and Clark Kellogg engaged in some b-ball banter. At the very end, an obviously nervous Lundquist hit PBO with his cheeky question.
VERNE LUNDQUIST: Could I be totally irrelevant?Have to say that PBO handled it well. Kudos to Verne for the moxie to pose the good-natured gibe.
LUNDQUIST: Maybe irrelevant, but irreverent as well.
OBAMA: Irrelevant and irreverent.
LUNDQUIST: Thank you, sir. My big moment, and I couldn't handle it. You're obviously a left-hander. Any problems at all going to your right?
OBAMA: Ah, you know, I went to the Republican House Caucus just yesterday to prove that I can go to my right once in awhile.
LUNDQUIST: Thank you.
OBAMA: But there's no doubt I've got a stronger left hand.