CARTER ROBERTS, World Wildlife Fund: We're definitely asking people to do a couple things. To turn off the lights, but also to cast a light on one of the greatest problems in the 21st century.
GEORGE LEWIS, NBC News correspondent: That problem, global climate change and the role that humans play in it. [Picture of industrial site, complete with smokestacks]
It is certainly understandable for Lewis to quote this fellow follower of Climatology since the story is about Earth Hour, a major event organized by the World Wildlife Fund. Also newsworthy would be an expert in environmentally-friendly economics, or a businessman who chose to have his business participate in that event:
LEWIS: From the ancient Acropolis in Greece to the Eiffel Tower to the Coliseum in Rome, they flipped the switches for one hour's time. So, why do this? Does it really matter? Some say yes, it is more than just symbolism.A brief aside: It is worth noting that Lewis's idea of “more than just symbolism” is immediately refuted by his chosen expert. How fitting!
J.R. DeSHAZO, environmental economist, UCLA): No one really expects it to have a dramatic impact immediately on the climate. But it's a learning process. It's a process of practicing.
LEWIS: In Vegas, casino owners say they're trying to send a message that the color of money is not the only green they care about these days.
GARY LOVEMAN, Harrah’s Entertainment: There are a variety of ways that we, along with our employees and customers, can make a difference in how we treat the environment, without in any way reducing the quality of the experience that we have for our guests or for the folks that work with us.
Ineptitude aside, Lewis provided his viewers with no avowed skeptics of anthropocentric climate change. It's not as if such expert skeptics are difficult to find - the Cato Institute found over one hundred of them for a full-page ad in today's Washington Post. What’s more, the one instance of a (mild) contrary statement (from DeShazo) is offered as an expert witness for Lewis' view on the importance of the so-called Earth Hour!
Perhaps Lewis agrees with Al Gore – that the time for scientific debate is over. Both would do well to remember that such a statement is very unscientific – and, in the case of Lewis, horribly biased.