Stephanopoulos Propoganda, Inc.

March 4th, 2009 5:45 PM
The latest Stephanopoulos entry on ABC News needs a reality check, in a big way, and Erick Erickson of RedState hit it perfectly.

The Democrat-turned-born-again-journalist posted the following story on his ABC News blog today, claiming that Eric Cantor had repudiated Rush Limbaugh's CPAC rhetoric:
“Defending his attacks against President Barack Obama's economic plans, Limbaugh said Saturday to the conservative conference, "What is so strange about being honest and saying I want Barack Obama to fail if his mission is to restructure and reform this country so that capitalism and individual liberty are not its foundations?"

Cantor today rejected Limbaugh's rhetoric.

"So the Rush Limbaugh approach of hoping the president fails is not the Eric Cantor, House Republican approach?" I asked.

"Absolutely not," Cantor said. "And I don't -- I don't think anyone wants anything to fail right now. We have such challenges. What we need to do is we need to put forth solutions to the problems that real families are facing today."
First, if one actually pays attention to the construction of the argument, Rush Limbaugh is being grossly misquoted. Limbaugh has said from the beginning of this coordinated-media attack that he hopes the President fails to implement a socialist agenda. Go back, read what Limbaugh said again, and determine for yourself if that is a true statement.

Second, Cantor's comment is incomplete. The full comment, according to the show transcript, is:
“CANTOR: George, absolutely not. And I don’t — I don’t think anyone wants anything to fail right now. We have such challenges. What we need to do is we need to put forth solutions to the problems that real families are facing today. And our common-sense, conservative principles of limited government, and the belief in free markets, and the belief that really opportunity can only be created by the private sector are going to undergird our proposals going forward.”
Third, as pointed out by Red State, Rep. Cantor does not ever repudiate what Limbaugh actually said! Instead, Cantor repudiated what Stephanopoulos said. You see, there are no Republicans that want the President to have a failed presidency. Nor do Republicans want America to fail under the Obama presidency.

Conservatives want Obama to fail to implement a socialist agenda. It really isn't that hard to figure out. Stephanopoulos is being completely disingenuous for continuing to portray White House spin as news, and call it unbiased journalism.

Stephanopoulos needs to figure out if he's a journalist or a Democratic mouthpiece. It's a no-brainer connection to see an aggressive, White House-driven spin being preached as truth by a major network correspondent.