Years before she admitted her own affairs with married men, ABC's Barbara Walters pressed Monica Lewinsky about her affair with a married Bill Clinton: "Did you ever think about what Hillary Clinton might be feeling?" [audio available here]
At the time, the public wasn’t yet aware of Walters’ own affairs. Now, more than nine years later, Barbara Walters has come forward with stories of her affair in her new book "Audition" something former "The View" co-star Star Jones has publicly denounced saying, "It is a sad day when an icon like Barbara Walters in the sunset of her life is reduced to publicly branding herself as an adulterer, humiliating an innocent family with accounts of her illicit affair […] It speaks to her true character."
This new information on Walters sheds some interesting light on her 1999 "20/20" interview with Monica Lewinsky regarding her affair with President Clinton. As MRC Director of Media AnalysisBARBARA WALTERS: One juror at the grand jury asked why you kept having affairs with married men. Why did you? Why do you?
MONICA LEWINSKY: I have to say that was the most difficult question to answer in my experience with the grand jury. It was the most pointed question. First I hope, I know I will never have an affair with a married man again. I have to pray about that but clearly to me what I've come to see is that that happened because I didn't have enough feelings of self-worth. So that I didn't feel that I was worthy of being number one to a man.
WALTERS: So you had to take whatever you could get?
WALTERS: Did you ever meet Hillary Clinton?
LEWINSKY: I wouldn't say that I've met her and spoken with her in a way that I would feel I know her. It was very briefly, more handshakes.
WALTERS: Monica, did you feel that you were in competition with Hillary Clinton?
LEWINSKY: Sometimes. Sure. I think you'd need to look at that as that she was the wife of this man that I was in love with.
WALTERS: When you saw Hillary Clinton sometimes she was with the President. Did he then acknowledge you in anyway?
WALTERS: Smiling? Saying something?
WALTERS: So he would be with her but you would still know that he was looking at you and thinking of you.
LEWINSKY: mmhmm. [nods]
WALTERS: Did you ever think about what Hillary Clinton might be feeling or would feel if she knew? Did you ever think about Hillary Clinton?
LEWINSKY: I did. I think I thought about her a lot. But I never thought she would find out. I was never gonna talk about this publicly.