Jennifer Rubin, Outraged Elitist, Replays Anti-Reagan Themes

August 31st, 2019 4:02 PM
Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin insisted on MSNBC that we must "burn down the Republican Party" since they are "not fit for polite society." Where have I heard this kind of pompous moralizing from media and Republican elites bemoaning a prominent Republican before? Oh, right. Now I remember. Here’s a sample of what the elites of the Republican Party and the media had to say about….Ronald…

'Facts First' CNN Wonders If Anyone Cares About Biden Mangling Facts

August 31st, 2019 7:39 AM
Is this an apple, or a banana? The usual self-confident and self-appointed defenders of truth at CNN aren't sure because the controversy at hand is not one that involves President Trump, but rather former Vice President Joe Biden and a story Biden has been telling about the war in Afghanistan.

Shhhh! Media Downplay MIT Study Finding ‘No Gay Gene’

August 30th, 2019 2:50 PM
An international research team has just published a controversial genetic study that claims that “it is impossible to use genes to predict someone’s sexuality,” throwing more skepticism on the idea that homosexuals are born that way. However media sites reporting on the issue were quick to downplay the study’s implications, insisting that either way, “same-sex sexual behavior is ‘simply a natural…

WashPost: Your Pumpkin Spice Latte is a Bloody Imperialist Brew

August 30th, 2019 1:44 PM

The Washington Post wants you to feel bad about your pumpkin spice latte. And not because of the calories, or because it’s a swishy, effeminate beverage (that would never do for Posties). The drink just isn’t woke enough.

WashPost: ‘Reasonable Right’ No Better Than Slavery Apologists

August 30th, 2019 11:52 AM
Eve Fairbanks says that as a college senior, she “studied almost nothing but Abraham Lincoln’s speeches.” Doubtful. The Gettysburg Address needed just 271 words to restate and rededicate the purpose of America’s founding; Fairbanks requires more than 3,000 words to argue that conservatives -- even the “reasonable” ones -- are evil. 

Washington Post: If You’re Pro Life, You Might Be a Nazi

August 28th, 2019 1:46 PM

Next time some talking head complains that the right trades in hate speech, open the latest Washington Post to any page at random for a bit of perspective. Where else could you learn, for example, of the sinister link between the pro-life movement and white nationalists?


Brian Williams Mocks Sanders for 'Conspiracy Theory' of Media Bias

August 28th, 2019 11:17 AM
It's been fascinating to watch the media-bias deniers of the "mainstream" media dismiss socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders crying Centrist Bias with all the same contempt they show conservatives. On Monday, Sanders fan Keith Spencer at obsessed over a Twitter account under the name "HoarseWhisperer," an anonymous account which for some mysterious reason was singled out by disgraced MSNBC…

Cornell: Peterson, Shapiro ‘Infect’ Users With Alt-Right Beliefs

August 27th, 2019 4:33 PM

A study from Cornell University claims YouTube channels that feature prominent conservative figures are “infecting” users with alt-right beliefs. “Auditing Radicalization Pathways on YouTube,” written by five academics, concluded that “channels in the Intellectual Dark Web (IDW) and the Alt-lite would be gateways to fringe far right ideology.” The study, released August 22, linked The Daily…

Wash Post FREAKS Over This Brexit ‘Menace’: He’s Like ‘Rasputin’

August 26th, 2019 3:52 PM
The Washington Post’s bias doesn’t stop at the water’s edge. The paper on Sunday profiled Dominic Cummings, the man who led the 2016 Brexit Leave campaign and who now has a top job steering job to completion for Prime Minister's Boris Johnson’s government. In a supposedly objective story, writers Karla Adam and Adam Taylor smeared him as a ‘Rasputin’-like “menace” who is promoting the “divisive”…

Jen Rubin: GOP Should Be 'Burned Down' with No 'Survivors'

August 25th, 2019 5:10 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin renewed a previous attack on former Donald Trump administration members as she declared that they should be "shunned" for the rest of the lives, and that the Republican party should figuratively be "burned down" so that there are no "survivors," punishing Trump's "enablers."

WashPost Critic: Lizzie Warren Is the 'Springsteen of Campaign 2020'

August 25th, 2019 10:14 AM
The liberal media's reliable "rock star" metaphors are breaking out for the 2020 campaign. In Sunday's Washington Post, theatre critic Peter Marks witnessed Elizabeth Warren speaking in Tempe, Arizona and professed to be "moved," declaring Warren the "Springsteen of campaign 2020." 

WashPost Demands Ryan, CNN Address 'Hypocrisy' on Press Access

August 23rd, 2019 9:27 AM
Well you don’t see this happen very often. The Washington Post hammered CNN Thursday, for shamelessly ignoring an ugly story involving their political analyst, April Ryan. After her bodyguard was charged with assaulting a journalist, whom Ryan ejected from an event she was speaking at, even her liberal peers had enough. Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple bluntly demanded Ryan, address the…

The Media’s Intersectional Embrace of Anti-Semitism

August 21st, 2019 7:32 PM
Imagine two sitting Republican Congresspeople planned a trip to a foreign country in conjunction with a nongovernmental organization. Imagine that particular NGO had a long history of Jew hatred: It had run a piece on its website quoting anti-Semitic myths about Jews imbibing Christian blood, republished a neo-Nazi article decrying the “Jew-controlled entertainment media” and suggested that “…

Pronouns Die in Darkness: WashPost Promotes Pregnant 'Not a Woman'

August 18th, 2019 8:29 AM
On the front of Sunday's Washington Post, transgender movement orthodoxy overcame common-sense pronouns again. The story was headlined "Non-binary, pregnant and taking on motherhood: They are not a woman, but they are about to assume the most gendered role of all." Online, the headline was "A mother, but not a woman." Mmm, so which gender does the uterus represent? It was an enormous story, with…