WashPost Wildly Claims Vindman 'Falsely Accused' of Whistleblower Plot

January 2nd, 2020 8:10 AM
Eddie Scarry at the Washington Examiner makes a great point about how The Washington Post blustered on Christmas Day about how Alexander Vindman was "falsely" brutalized by Trump. In the telling of Post reporters (and Russiagate enthusiasts) Greg Miller and Greg Jaffe, "An entire roster of public servants has been disparaged, bullied and in some cases banished for standing in Trump’s path as he…

WashPost's Puffy Sunday Interview with Jane Fonda, Climate Protester

December 30th, 2019 9:04 PM
Sunday's Washington Post Magazine offered a softball interview to Jane Fonda on her climate change activism, with this quote pulled out: "If necessary, we're going to have to shut the government down. And that's not radical. What is not radical is not doing anything."

WashPost Media Blogger Hits Maddow for 'Rooting' for Dubious Dossier

December 29th, 2019 7:03 AM
Washington Post media blogger Erik Wemple has been a fierce critic of Fox News in the Trump era. So it’s notable that he’s done six pieces on the collapse of the Steele dossier, and no article drew more notice than this one: “Rachel Maddow rooted for the Steele dossier to be true. Then it fell apart.”

FLASHBACK: WashPost Admired Obama’s ‘Chiseled Pecs’

December 28th, 2019 12:15 PM
Given the intense and sustained media attacks on Donald Trump, it’s sometimes easy to forget just how much journalists loved Barack Obama. Instead of comparing the President to Hitler or Nazis, The Washington Post embarrassed itself by drooling over the Democrat’s “chiseled pecs.” Eleven years ago this week, on December 25, 2008, The Washington Post’s Eli Saslow gushed over Barack Obama as a “…

WashPost Pretends Trump 'Reality' Is a Totalitarian Nightmare

December 27th, 2019 1:46 PM
On the day after Christmas, The Washington Post Style section published an article on "6 books whose writers seemed to predict our reality." Once again, the Post definition of "reality" seems to be chemically altered or emotionally overwrought, claiming that somehow the Sinclair Lewis novel It Can't Happen Here is our "reality," when the book tells of a totalitarian state with no Congress or…

Dwyane Wade Proves Father Doesn't Always Know Best

December 27th, 2019 9:10 AM
Father doesn't know best in the home of a retired NBA superstar. Not Dwyane "D" Wade, who says he needs to get up to speed with his 12-year-old trans son Zion. Far more woke presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Julian Castro do get it, though, and they're exploiting Zion's personal confusion to cater to LGBT voters.

Trump-Hater Scarborough Claims to Embrace 'Love Thy Neighbor' Politics

December 26th, 2019 3:18 PM
Self-awareness? Apparently not Joe Scarborough's strong suit. On Thursday's Morning Joe, Scarborough claimed to embrace a recent column by frequent panelist David Ignatius of The Washington Post that called for a "love thy neighbor" politics in which people "put aside" their grievances. "Truer words were never written," enthused Scarborough. That's all well and good, but not exactly the best…

Bozell & Graham Column: The Media Help Erode Our Norms

December 21st, 2019 8:11 AM
When the Washington Post infamously posted the motto “Democracy Dies in Darkness” on its masthead after Donald Trump was elected, it was implicit -- oh, sure, they'll deny it -- that Trump was the enemy of democracy, and of “light,” or transparency. So it was sadly poetic that after the House Democrats rammed through such an incredibly partisan impeachment vote – without a single Republican…

Only ONE of 122 WashPost Stories Admit Bezos Urged Bloomberg Bid

December 20th, 2019 7:45 AM
The Washington Post’s owner reportedly urged fellow billionaire Michael Bloomberg to run for president. Just don’t expect to see that admitted often by The Post. A LexisNexis search revealed that The Post ran at least 122 stories (a mix of news and opinion) that mentioned Bloomberg’s potential candidacy or actual bid for the White House between Nov. 9, 2019, and Dec. 9, 2019.

Party Time! WashPost Reporters Wish Everyone a ‘Merry Impeachmas’

December 19th, 2019 12:57 AM

In a late Wednesday night, post-impeachment tweet devoid of all self-awareness, Washington Post congressional reporter Rachael Bade flaunted how she and four other journalists from the paper were celebrating President Trump’s impeachment.

WashPost: Weiner's Butterfly Effect Might Have Caused Trump's Election

December 16th, 2019 7:01 AM
Did Anthony Weiner tweeting a photo of his crotch in 2011 lead to a series of events resulting the election of Donald Trump in 2016? That is the intriguing "butterfly effect" question posed by a Washington Post article.

WashPost Prints Lecture: Don't Mock My Pronouns, You're Suffocating Me

December 15th, 2019 7:33 PM
The Washington Post has assembled an array of mean-spirited comedians on staff, from Gene Weingarten to Alexandra Petri to cartoonists Tom Toles and Ann Telnaes. So when it comes to choosing sensitivity over comedy, they're major hypocrites.  But they ran a Sunday opinion-section lecture that you should never joke about people choosing their gender pronouns. 

The Washington Post Impeaches Its Credibility

December 14th, 2019 4:00 PM
The Washington Post was adamant. It addressed the House Judiciary Committee’s passage of articles of impeachment this way: "“The House Judiciary Committee has now completed its task, and it has failed miserably. It has approved four articles of impeachment, of which two are ill-defined and two are unsubstantiated." 

Major Hillary-Loving Newspapers Now Endorse Trump's Impeachment

December 14th, 2019 2:02 PM
Last Sunday, CNN's Brian Stelter complained on Twitter that Fox & Friends responded to the Times and Globe pieces with an on-screen banner, "MEDIA DECLARES TRUMP SHOULD BE IMPEACHED." Stelter fussed: "Who's writing those banners?!" By now, impeaching Trump has now been endorsed by The Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, the Philadelphia Inquirer, USA Today, and The Washington Post.