PJ Media

Snopes Cries 'False' at PJ Media for Accurate Obama Foundation Story
Snopes.com took after a PJ Media article, asking "Did Obama Foundation Store Classified Documents at Empty Furniture Warehouse?" Matt Margolis found a letter proving that was true. Snopes claimed it was "False"!

Don’t Question! Twitter Censors PJ Media Article About FBI Trump Raid
Shielding the FBI? Twitter restricted the link to a PJ Media article questioning the FBI’s motives for raiding former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida.

Facebook Claims ‘Incitement,’ Censors Trans Criticism: Report
Facebook may now label speaking out against transgenderism as “violence and incitement.” Facebook reportedly suspended a Bible professor for seven days following a post criticizing President Joe Biden’s new policies towards transgender individuals, and ironically, Facebook censorship.
Oxford Study Wants Ad Blacklist of Conservative Sites Like CNSNews
Academics funded by Big Tech only argue for more censorship of conservative thought. The Oxford Internet Institute, a department of the University of Oxford, released a study that smeared conservative sites such as CNSNews, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, The Blaze, The Epoch Times, PJ Media, and FrontPageMag as “junk news and disinformation.”

Lame! Google Apologizes After New ‘Bug’ Blacklists Conservative Sites
Talk about living down to expectations. Google gave a measly mea culpa after several conservative websites were delisted from its general search and appeared to have been blacklisted. The massive search engine company claimed that a technical issue prevented many high profile conservative websites from being reached via Google. Google said the problem was merely a bug in the system.…

Cornell: Peterson, Shapiro ‘Infect’ Users With Alt-Right Beliefs
A study from Cornell University claims YouTube channels that feature prominent conservative figures are “infecting” users with alt-right beliefs. “Auditing Radicalization Pathways on YouTube,” written by five academics, concluded that “channels in the Intellectual Dark Web (IDW) and the Alt-lite would be gateways to fringe far right ideology.” The study, released August 22, linked The Daily…

Engineer: Google News Top 20 Results Are All Left-Wing

PolitiFact: AOC Wasn't 'Crying Over a Parking Lot,' It Was a Road!

Facebook Accused of Censoring Smollett Hate Hoax Articles

Huh? Actor Richard Dreyfuss Writes Rational Article for PJ Media