Piers Morgan Tonight

Threats Force Loesch to Move Her Family; Piers Morgan Is OK With That
October 23rd, 2017 11:59 PM
When they're not ignoring these matters completely, the press only usually only reluctantly notices when conservative business owners and public figures are harassed, threatened, have their property destroyed, and are sometimes even physically harmed. Beyond that, some press members seem to and sometimes actually act as if the victims should know, understand and accept that this kind of treatment…

CNN Rebukes Piers Morgan For 'Sad' Attacks on Anderson Cooper
October 9th, 2014 1:30 PM
Piers Morgan's former employers at CNN finally responded on Thursday to the former host's recent targeting of Anderson Cooper. Politico's Dylan Byers reported that in an e-mail, network publicist Megan Rivers "accused Morgan of making unjustified attacks on his former colleague [Cooper] in order to find a new job." The former CNN host is now editor-at-large at the Daily Mail.

Zucker Defends Overhaul of CNN: 'We Have to Change'
October 6th, 2014 7:49 PM
Ever since Jeff Zucker took the reins of the Cable News Network in January of 2013, he has made many significant changes in that channel's programming. His most popular move has been a shift from solid news to more reality shows, such as Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown and The Hunt With John Walsh.
However, that change has also drawn fire from such people as Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show…
Piers Morgan Condemns Media's 'Moral Cowardice': Not Anti-Gun Enough
October 6th, 2014 10:30 AM
Appearing on Monday's NBC Today, ex-CNN host Piers Morgan kept up the anti-gun crusade that caused his ratings to plummet, denouncing his colleagues in the press: "I wish more American media people, American news anchors stood up. Because so many of them privately to me would say, 'I love what you're doing. Keep going, it's really important.' But I never heard that on air. And I think there's a…
Bitter Piers Morgan Slams Anderson Cooper, Preps Gun Control Doc
October 2nd, 2014 3:51 PM
Piers Morgan, who was forced out at CNN due to low ratings, gave an interview to Politico where he lashed out at his former colleague, Anderson Cooper. The journalist also discussed plans for a new documentary pushing gun control. Regarding Cooper, Morgan complained, "Could I have done with a better lead-in? Yes...Anderson is a great field reporter, but does he drive big ratings at CNN, outside…
NewsBusted's Jodi Miller Fires a Parting Shot at Piers
April 1st, 2014 10:15 PM
"Piers Morgan ended his final show on CNN with an angry plea to take away America’s guns. Oddly enough, the last Brits that held these same views were canceled in 1776."
For that zinger and to find out what ObamaCare and pop star Beyoncé have in common, watch the April 1 edition of NewsBusted by clicking play on the embed below the page break. Sign up for NewsBusted by email here and/or…

Piers Morgan Uses Swan Song To Call For the Disarmament of U.S. Citize
March 28th, 2014 11:00 PM
Piers Morgan got in one last word in favor of gun control during the final episode of his CNN program on Friday, and called for the complete disarmament of the American citizenry: "As my brother, a British army colonel, says, 'You always want an American next to you in a trench when the going gets tough.' But that's where, I think, guns belong...in the hands of highly-trained men and women…

Bye-Bye Piers! A Top 10 Countdown of the Soon-to-Be Ex-CNN Host's Most
March 24th, 2014 10:18 AM
This week marks the end of Piers Morgan’s show on CNN and his run has been full of effusive praise for liberals and damnation of conservatives. Even before Morgan began his show, back in 2010, he tipped his hand in which ideological direction he wanted to take the show when he revealed who he most wanted to interview: “I’d love to do President Obama. I like what he’s done for the reputation of…
Comedian Chelsea Handler Mocks Piers Morgan: ‘You’re a Terrible In
March 11th, 2014 8:39 AM
Controversial comedian Chelsea Handler stopped by CNN’s Piers Morgan Live last night and had some harsh words for the outgoing CNN host.
Appearing as his guest on Monday March 11, Handler slammed the provocative Morgan’s interviewing skills and claimed that “I have to come here and tolerate this nonsense and then I have to ...You can't even pay attention for 60 seconds. You're a terrible…

As Piers Morgan's Ratings Spiral Into Oblivion, 'Variety' Blames His
February 21st, 2014 10:24 AM
According to an influential entertainment magazine, Piers Morgan's ratings are in a death spiral and the reason might be his obsession with attacking Second Amendment rights of Americans. Variety writer Rick Kissell related the devastating news: "Tuesday’s telecast, which included coverage of the uprisings in Kiev and an interview with Rudy Giuliani, drew the show’s second smallest…

Nancy Grace Slams Piers: 'It's Not Really Right For A Brit To Jump Up
February 18th, 2014 12:44 PM
Nancy Grace blasted Piers Morgan on the latter's CNN program on Monday for unsurprisingly forwarding gun control in the middle of a panel discussion on the controversial Michael Dunn case: "It's not really right for a Brit to jump up and start talking to us about gun control." Morgan shot back by condescending to the HLN host specifically and to Americans in general: "It seems like it's…

Leftist Academic Scolds Piers on Transgender Tussle; Likens It to Romn
February 6th, 2014 10:42 PM
Columbia University Professor Marc Lamont Hill chided Piers Morgan on the British host's CNN program on Wednesday for his apparent lack of sensitivity towards transgendered author Janet Mock during a recent interview. Hill acknowledged that Morgan was an "ally" of LGBT actvists, but claimed that his interview of Mock was akin to Mitt Romney's supposed gaffe about hiring women: "It's like when…
Politically Correct Piers Morgan Falls Prey to P.C. Police in Furor Ov
February 6th, 2014 6:38 PM
Piers Morgan was left aghast on his CNN program on Wednesday over "being viciously abused by the transgender community," in his words, over an interview he conducted with Janet Mock the previous evening. Mock, who claims transgendered status, expressed outrage on Twitter over the way Morgan handled the LGBT issue, which led to the CNN host receiving a "firestorm" of criticism from left-wing…

Piers Morgan Falls Flat In Gun Debate With Silly Kinder Egg Analogy
January 27th, 2014 11:49 PM
CNN's Piers Morgan used a Kinder egg to make an analogy about the absurdity of lax gun laws on Monday, but it backfired when his conservative guest didn't take the bait.
Morgan pointed to "your constitutional right to have guns, but I can't eat this chocolate egg, does that strike you as strange?" However, Oklahoma state senator Nathan Dahm agreed that Kinder eggs should be legal and the…