The Left’s Cover-Up of a Declining Joe Biden

July 9th, 2024 10:07 AM

Anyone hoping the interview of President Biden by George Stephanopoulos of ABC News would allay fears by growing numbers of Democrats that the president is not mentally fit to serve another four years must be disappointed. When asked repeatedly and in different ways if he would take an independent neurological exam, Biden refused, claiming he is mentally fit and doesn’t need a test because he…


PBS Sees Dangerous GOP, Is Sad That Hunter Trial May Make Joe Unhappy

May 20th, 2024 8:28 PM

It was a livelier-than-usual roundtable on Friday’s Washington Week with The Atlantic, as the import of former President Trump’s polling strength in the face of multiple trials seemed to be causing panic among the press corps. Moderator Jeffrey Goldberg led the feisty journalists in the discussion, including Laura Barrón-López of PBS NewsHour, Eugene Daniels of Politico,…

The New Yorker Wrote Mock State of the Union Speech to Sell Bidenomics

March 7th, 2024 7:18 PM

Apparently, The New Yorker isn’t confident President Joe Biden is capable of selling his atrocious economic policies on his own, so it has chosen to offer a propagandist’s helping hand by acting as his speech writer.


MSNBC's Morning Joe Cheers for Dems to Take Over Texas, Laments Delay

March 6th, 2024 6:41 AM

Promoting the series God Save Texas -- currently running on HBO -- MSNBC's Morning Joe regulars recently lamented that Democrats are not seizing control of Texas quickly enough as predicted by the media for decades. And, as The New Yorker's Lawrence Wright appeared on both Morning Joe and on PBS's Amanpour & Co. to promote the series (which he…

Weyant cartoon The Boston Globe 11-23-23

For Thanksgiving, The Boston Globe Serves Up Trump—The Turkey Killer

November 23rd, 2023 6:38 AM

On Thanksgiving, the online edition of The Boston Globe publishes a cartoon depicting Donald Trump on his way to the tree stump, axe at the ready, to dispatch the turkey. And in turn, the turkey is regretting having rejected Biden because of his age.


FLASHBACK: The Nasty Media Campaign to Destroy Brett Kavanaugh

September 16th, 2023 8:50 AM

Five years ago this week, the media began their infamous campaign of innuendo and attacks against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. All in all, it was a shoddy excuse for journalism.

Ron Brownstein Audie Cornish Phil Mattingly Coleman Hughes CNN This Morning 9-4-23

CNN Host Phil Mattingly's Pauline Kael Moment

September 4th, 2023 7:39 PM

Similar to Pauline Kael's reputed famous line in 1968 that she couldn't understand how Nixon won, since nobody she knew voted for him, on CNN This Morning co-host Phil Mattingly says the people he talks to can't understand how Donald Trump can remain tied with Joe Biden in the polls. 


ABC Whines About Trump Created 'Alternate Reality' on Investigations

August 13th, 2023 1:50 PM

Much like Meet the Press, ABC’s This Week was forced to discuss the special counsel investigation into Hunter Biden’s multiple crimes. This of course wasn’t without their usual caterwauling about former President Donald Trump’s indictments and the one that’s reportedly coming up later in the week. New Yorker staff writer Susan Glasser huffed that America is living in…


FLASHBACK: NewsBusters Exposed Fareed Zakaria’s Plagiarism Scandal

August 12th, 2023 8:45 AM

Twelve years ago, NewsBusters exposed an act of plagiarism by CNN host and Time columnist Fareed Zakaria. Here's a look back at how the story unfolded, and the reaction from Zakaria's fellow journalists.

Column: Jeffrey Toobin Revives the Oklahoma City Smear

May 5th, 2023 6:05 AM

An old smear is now being renewed by liberal legal pundit Jeffrey Toobin, who is shamefully associated with the words “Zoom masturbation incident.” The deadly Oklahoma City bombing of 1995 isn't just blamed on the bomber, Timothy McVeigh. “In Toobin’s view, it wasn’t just militarism that made McVeigh—it was Republicanism."

Don't Expect Lib Media to Cover Soros-Tied 'Anti-Industry’ Movement

March 1st, 2023 1:26 PM

Energy journalist Robert Bryce blasted the liberal media for bypassing the nefarious agenda of the “anti-industry” movement in a new report detailing the billions that go towards crushing American capitalism and success. 



On PBS, Journos Label House GOP As All 'Very Extreme,' Unlike Dems

January 14th, 2023 6:47 AM

On Tuesday's Amanpour & Co., PBS put on display the liberal media's tendency to view nearly all elected Republicans as "extreme," but not so much with Democrats.


Reid Falsely Claims Women Will Be Jailed For Miscarriages; Stillbirths

July 7th, 2022 6:37 PM

As if mourning that abortion is no longer the law of the land wasn’t grisly enough, many in the media have spread outlandish and false claims that women will now be jailed for suffering miscarriages and stillbirths. MSNBC’s Joy Reid proudly took up the standard on Wednesday night’s episode of The ReidOut, where she used a trio of exceptional cases to fearmonger about the Handmaid’…

New Yorker Uses 'Latinx' 21 Times to Hype Liberal Spanish Radio

June 26th, 2022 3:38 PM

The New Yorker apparently hasn't gotten the message constantly repeated over the past few years that Spanish speaking residents in the United States mostly shun the despised term "Latinx."