
Nets Silent on New York City DA Vowing to Let Violent Criminals Walk

January 5th, 2022 9:02 PM

While the broadcast networks were busy spending Wednesday hyping the anniversary of January 6 for political gain in the midterms, they were intentionally overlooking the violent chaos in their own backyard in New York City. There, newly minted District Attorney Alvin Bragg promised to allow violent criminals to walk free as part of his progressive Democratic criminal justice reform plan; at a…


Conservative on CNN Roasts Vain AOC Mad at Criticism Over FL Trip

January 3rd, 2022 11:40 AM

CNN got more than they bargained for when asking conservative commentator Mary Katharine Ham to comment on a tweet sent out by Democrat congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over the weekend. 

Merry Christmas! NYT Stirs Up Omicron Panic: ‘Reconsider' Family Visit

December 24th, 2021 5:05 PM

In the wake of a surge in Covid cases driven by the Omicron variant, the New York Times is trying to scare you back into your homes, alone, perhaps through government edict, just in time for the holidays.


Chuck Todd: Hey, Maybe Bill Clinton Could Convince Cuomo to Resign

August 3rd, 2021 4:05 PM

Just minutes after observing how scandal-plagued New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo was using the “Clinton playbook” of lies and defiance to cling to power, MSNBC anchor Chuck Todd bizarrely suggested Bill Clinton was one of the few Democrats who might be able to convince Cuomo to resign. The host also pleaded for President Biden to pressure the sexual-harassing politician to step down…


NY Biz Owner Battles CNN Over Returning Mask Mandates

July 30th, 2021 12:33 PM

One New York City business owner took CNN to task this morning, over their love for government lockdowns and mask mandates. After Mayor Bill De Blasio threatened to reinstitute mask mandates next week due to coronavirus variants, art dealer Eli Klein came onto CNN to blast the decision as “a blueprint for indefinite government restrictions in New York.”


ABC Covers Up Cuomo in Hot Seat Over Sexual Harassment

July 16th, 2021 11:40 AM

On Friday, ABC’s Good Morning America completely ignored New York’s scandal-plagued Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo preparing to be questioned by the State Attorney General’s office about the numerous sexual harassment allegations against him, among other accusations of misconduct. Meanwhile, NBC’s Today show and CBS This Morning at least offered seconds-long news…


OMITTED: Cuomo Says COVID Gave Him a 'Tremendous Personal Benefit'

July 11th, 2021 8:44 AM

As Dr. Anthony Fauci prepares for another round of Sunday morning network interviews, it would be fun to imagine a news media that actually put Gov. Andrew Cuomo on their Sunday shows and peppered him with skeptical questions. The New York Post ran a story headlined "After $5.1M book deal, Cuomo calls pandemic ‘tremendous personal benefit’." The front page had the headline "LA DOLCE…


Nets BLASTED Georgia’s Elections Law, But Bury NYC Debacle

June 30th, 2021 12:20 PM

The networks this spring and summer blasted states like Georgia for election security laws, deriding them as racist power grabs. But when the deeply liberal and Democratic state of New York suffered a massive debacle on Tuesday, the networks were virtually silent. ABC’s Good Morning America on Wednesday offered ZERO coverage to New York City’s mayoral race descending into chaos

Panic at the NY Times: Leftists Are Losing Black and Brown Voters!

June 29th, 2021 7:29 AM

The results of the New York mayor's primary are causing a bit of panic inside The New York Times. Is it possible that the radical police-defunding leftists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are not popular even among Democrats? Lisa Lerer penned a "Political Memo" under the headline "Progressives’ Urgent Question: How to Win Over Voters of Color."


ABC: 'Surprising' 'Defund the Police' Not Bigger in NYC Mayor Race

June 6th, 2021 10:50 AM

In another example of the New York-based national media thinking their local activities and politics were a concern for the rest of the country Sunday, ABC’s This Week featured chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Karl (because D.C. is apparently New York now) examining the race for mayor. And while he only looked at Democrats, he found it “surprising” that the radical “defund the…


Big Three Stooges CENSOR Governor Cuomo to Get $5.1M from COVID Book

May 18th, 2021 5:16 PM

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks didn’t seem to mind New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) monetizing the disastrous way he handled the pandemic in his state. 


Where's Rest of Press? Fox Highlights Release of Attempted Cop Killer

April 22nd, 2021 7:30 AM

On Tuesday's Fox & Friends First show, co-host Jillian Mele gave attention to one of several critical factors that are helping to increase violent crime in New York City, highlighting the case of a violent criminal who attacked an Asian cop, possibly attempting to murder him, but was quickly released from jail because of bail reform. The liberal media who otherwise claim to care…

REPORT: 28 States Take on Big Tech; 20 Battle Online Censorship

March 31st, 2021 2:56 PM

Congress has remained locked in a stalemate over how to tackle Big Tech tyranny. Meanwhile, state governments have stepped up and decided to take matters into their own hands where the federal government has failed. The partisan gridlock in Congress grew more apparent as Republicans and Democrats clashed with Big Tech executives —  and with each other —  in a March 25 hearing. Twenty-eight…

Laughable NYTimes Lead on Cuomo Asks: Are Dems Imposing 'Purity Test?'

March 14th, 2021 6:25 PM

New York Times’ political reporter Lisa Lerer shared the lead story slot with her take on the Democratic Party’s Andrew Cuomo problem, as allegations made against New York’s Democratic governor deepen in seriousness. Apparently, the party’s moral standards are just too high to compete with those sleazy Republicans. It's a fairy story the Times loves to tell. A few prominent…