AP Photo Evokes Obama as Christ at His Baptism
June 16th, 2008 3:01 PM
I noticed this photo accompanying an unrelated and relatively straightforward AP story at MSNBC.com about Barack Obama's electoral strategy. As you can see, it falls into the Obama-as-messiah mold, albeit a little more subliminal and requiring more biblical literacy than previous still shots: Photo by Alex Brandon/AP. Caption: "Sen. Barack Obama walks to the pulpit to speak at the Apostolic…
MSNBC.com on 'Sharing' Social Security Numbers w/ 'Undocumented Worker
May 27th, 2008 12:52 PM
Identity theft, defrauding the federal government, and illegal immigration are serious criminal matters.But if you're the Web editor for MSNBC.com, stolen Social Security numbers are merely "shared" with "undocumented workers" stuck in a web of "federal employment laws." From the subheadline for the front page tease to the May 27 edition of "Red Tape Chronicles" (see screencap above at right):…
Headline Bias in Burmese Relief Story
May 12th, 2008 12:13 PM
Poor teaser headline selection by MSNBC.com? I report, you decide.At right is a screencap of a teaser headline from the Web site about U.S. humanitarian aid reaching Myanmar Burma. As the AP story linked makes clear, the fault for the delay in the aid's arrival is that of the military dictatorship, not any incompetence or lack of concern by Washington. Yet the teaser headline reads: "First U.S.…
ChiTrib: Phil Donahue 'Makes Truth His Mission
May 11th, 2008 1:40 PM
Today's Chicago Tribune carries a story centering on talk show pioneer Phil Donahue and the anti-war documentary he's peddling these days. The article is headlined:"Phil Donahue, 'Body of War' battle to get into theatersFormer talk show host makes truth his mission, now on other side of the camera"The headline would have been more accurate had it allowed that Donahue makes his truth his mission…
Olbermann Missed Drive-By Memo on Admitting Limbaugh Effect
May 7th, 2008 9:14 PM
As reported earlier by Noel Sheppard, the drive-by media that previously downplayed Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos has changed it's tune now that Barack Obama's campaign is blaming the Limbaugh effect for keeping Hillary Clinton in the race. Too bad for Keith Olberman and MSNBC because they apparently missed the memo; instead choosing to do a segment refuting the effect altogether. Last night…
MSNBC Finds Penguins at North Pole... But Penguins Don't LIVE at North
May 6th, 2008 2:02 PM
**Video added below the fold**
**UPDATE: Penguins Edited Out of Report!**
A 15-year-old British girl named Camilla Hempleman-Adams is being hailed as a "hero" for trekking across the ice floes of the North Pole to become one of the youngest women to explore the frozen world of the penguin... well, at least as far as MSNBC is concerned. In their report on the feat of endurance, MSNBC had a shot…
HuffPo Slams NBC for Not Sensationalizing Eight Belles' Derby Death
May 5th, 2008 3:18 PM
On the heels of accusations that the media exploited the death of 2006 Kentucky Derby winner Barbaro, now there are cries that NBC didn't spend enough time on Eight Belles' death. After her second-place finish in Saturday's Derby, the three-year-old filly snapped both ankles and was euthanized by a vet on the track. Ruth Hochberger is one of the voices criticizing NBC for their “abysmal” coverage…
Media Ignore Serious Flaw in Clinton's Indiana Ad
May 4th, 2008 2:07 PM
Last Wednesday, ABC's "World News with Charles Gibson" exposed a serious flaw in a television advertisement Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is running in Indiana (video embedded right, h/t Gateway Pundit).In fact, Indiana newspapers began pointing out the former first lady's mistake almost three weeks ago after she spoke at a school in that state.Yet, according to LexisNexis, no…
ABCNews.com Trumpets Dow Rally, Other Network Websites Downplay It
April 1st, 2008 6:25 PM
Wall Street saw a 391-point rally on the Dow today, the first day of the second quarter. ABCNews.com saw the development worthy of a "Breaking News" tag towards the top of its Web page and put the story in the top headlines rotation.But it appears that ABCNews.com was alone among its competitors in trumpeting the news. I checked numerous Web sites shortly after 5:30 and found ABC's to be the only…
[Updated: Williams Responds] | MSNBC.com Omits Jefferson's Democratic
March 31st, 2008 2:13 PM
Update at bottom of post: Williams responds (18:24 EDT) I have to hand it to the AP this time. They actually noted the political party affiliation of another Democrat in legal hot water. So did CNN.com and Reuters. But for some reason, MSNBC's Pete Williams left out the party affiliation of Louisiana's Rep. William Jefferson (D) in this March 31 item at the First Read blog:In something of a…
Hot Air's Morrissey Shows Negative Media Basra Narrative Is False
March 30th, 2008 11:50 AM
It is so easy to get sucked in by context-free negativity, isn't it?If you looked at the home page of the New York Times a couple of hours ago, these items you would have among those seen in the (appropriately) far-left column: In This Shiite Battle, a Marked Shift From the Past (article link)Shiite Militias Cling to Swaths of Basra and Stage Raids (article link) Top-of-hour network radio reports…
MSNBC.com Pumps Up Bias, Shows Gas Price 21 Percent Above Average
March 20th, 2008 1:49 PM
It's a common trick the media employ when reporting on "skyrocketing" gas price stories: show photos or B-roll of price marquees that bear prices way above the actual average price.MSNBC.com's front page this morning is no exception, as the screen cap at right shows regular unleaded for $3.979, or 21 percent higher than the national average of $3.27.The article's headline reads, "Rising gas costs…
Media Ignore Weather Channel Founder's Intent to Sue Gore for Fraud on
March 14th, 2008 1:15 PM
Al Gore has made a lot of money and publicity with his crusade against global warming. I have written in the past how this whole crusade seems to be based on a Big Lie, and its real purpose appears more intended to get global government so the rest of the world (ie. the United Nations) can gain control over the United States' many assets without having to go through the awkward exercise of…