Olbermann: Republicans Hijacked

September 11th, 2008 10:09 AM

CNN's Chetry: 'Please Tell Me It's Not Lipstick Again

September 10th, 2008 11:40 PM
 On CNN's American Morning today, White House correspondent Suzanne Malveaux reported on Barack Obama's campaigning in Virginia.  Afterwards, anchor Kiran Chetry had a question:CHETRY: All right. And Suzanne, what's on tap for the campaign today? And please tell me it's not lipstick again.MALVEAUX: Let's hope not. He's going to be in Norfolk, Virginia. That is in southeast Virginia, and it's home…

Headlines Offer an Alternate Liberal Reality

September 8th, 2008 10:21 PM
This is to say, not reality at all. What is the first step in the main stream media’s handbook of liberal bias?  Why, alter the headline to fit your agenda, of course. In textbook MSM form, liberal news outlets have been altering the planned Tuesday announcement by President Bush that 8,000 troops in Iraq will be home by February.  Allow me to demonstrate…

MSNBC Attempting to Make Palin McCain's Rev. Wright

September 2nd, 2008 8:14 PM
Conservative blogs led the way in raising questions about Barack Obama's home church, but for months on end the MSM ignored the story until incendiary video of Rev. Jeremiah Wright made the rounds earlier this year and the story was too juicy to ignore.Not so when it comes to Sarah Palin and her former church, the Wasilla Assemblies of God, as media outlets try to find juicy "controversial" video…

Olbermann Mad At McCain For ‘Stealing’ Hillary’s Ads

August 27th, 2008 3:57 PM
Mainstream news anchors covering the Democratic National Convention are getting more impatient by the day as the McCain campaign broadcasts ads using Hillary Clinton's own words against Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. MSNBC anchorman Keith Olbermann was visibly annoyed not only with the Democrats' lack of counter-punches to the McCain campaign but also angry at the McCain campaign…

More Biden Wiki Wackiness: A Whole Year Disappears

August 24th, 2008 11:56 AM
The Friday evening version of Joe Biden's Wikipedia entry remains firmly ensconced in a Firefox tab on my desktop, so it can be compared to its current form as Obama-Biden's busy bees brush it up. I'm doing comparisons as time allows, and there isn't much of it at the moment. One thing is quickly obvious -- a section heading for a whole year has disappeared: Amazing. Where did 2004 go? You'll…

MSNBC.com Blames Economy for Rise in Pet Thefts

July 28th, 2008 5:44 PM
The media have been barking up the wrong tree for while, insisting the economy is in recession when we’ve yet to have even one quarter of negative GDP growth. But of course the mainstream media keep digging around for more reasons to say the economy has gone to the dogs. NBC’s “Nightly News” recently claimed that pets are the “silent victims of this whole economic downturn” because they…

AP: Obama's 'Superstar Charisma' Promises to 'Redeem' America

July 27th, 2008 8:33 PM
Before moving on from “Barack Obama's Magical Media Tour” of the past week, a look at an Associated Press story so over the top that the Washington Posts's Howard Kurtz on Friday cited it as an example of coverage which “bordered on gushing,” though in this case there really was no “bordered.” In the July 22 dispatch in advance of Obama's arrival in Berlin, “Obamamania in full flight ahead of…

A Week with No US Troop Deaths In Iraq

July 26th, 2008 10:54 AM
On July 16, Andrew Malcolm at the Los Angeles Times's Top of the Ticket Blog wrote the following (bold is mine): When President Bush ordered the surge in January 2007, (Barack) Obama said: "I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq is going to solve the sectarian violence there. In fact, I think it will do the reverse," a position he maintained throughout 2007. This year he…

MSNBC Taps Nation of Whiners for Summer Sob Stories

July 24th, 2008 1:47 PM
Earlier this month, former senator and John McCain economic advisor Phil Gramm was widely excoriated for his remarks about America being a "nation of whiners," discouraged by negative media reports fueling fears of recession.As my colleague Nathan Burchfiel noted, the context of Gramm's remarks were the media's role in accentuating the negative in economic news and hence ginning up the public's…

A.P. Uses Quotation Marks for Palestinian 'Terrorist

July 2nd, 2008 1:53 PM
The Associated Press has shown it has difficulty stating just what a terrorist is -- a terrorist. In an article today at MSNBC.com (which may or may not have created/edited the headline) titled "Palestinian 'terrorist' in earth-mover rampage," we see how the term "terrorist" has quotes around it -- which signifies, in this case, the loathsome notion that "one man's terrorist is another's freedom…

Democratic Politician Promises to 'Rip Apart' Child Rape Victims; MSM

June 26th, 2008 3:22 PM

CBS, MSNBC Websites Promote Earthquakes' Tie to Global Warming

June 19th, 2008 7:37 PM
An article at CBSNews.com and MSNBC.com utilizes the claims of a scientist with some very questionable ideas and theories. In this case it's "seismic activity is five times more energetic than 20 years ago" and the reason is due to -- you guessed it -- global warming.The research proves that destructive ability of earthquakes on Earth increases alarmingly fast and that this trend is set to…

Network Websites Downplay Obama Pledge-breaking on Campaign Finance

June 19th, 2008 11:50 AM
Today Democratic presumptive nominee Barack Obama issued a statement that he will forego the public financing system for the general election. His announcement goes back on a pledge to use public financing if the Republican candidate would do the same.All three broadcast networks' Web sites have the story, but only ABCNews.com noted in its front page tease that Obama is going back on a previous…