Mundo Fox

Ataque desenfrenado contra republicanos de activista en MundoFox
May 28th, 2015 9:51 PM
El activista pro-amnistía, Jorge Mario Cabrera, de una notoria organización no partidista, sin fines de lucro en Los Ángeles, destapó su ira partidista en MundoFox en reacción a la última decisión judicial que bloqueó la amnistía ejecutiva del presidente Obama. Dicha amnistía beneficiaría a alrededor de cinco millones de inmigrantes no autorizados que se encuentran el país.
“La razón que estamos…

Telemundo ignora iniciativa migratoria conservadora
May 22nd, 2015 9:22 PM
Aunque Telemundo usualmente cubre cualquier noticia relacionada al tema migratorio, la cadena no informó a su audiencia sobre el nuevo esfuerzo conservador para abordar el tema migratorio.
Las televisoras rivales de Telemundo, Univisión y MundoFox reportaron sobre la iniciativa, que es impulsada por la American Principles in Action. Esta organización presentó la iniciativa en el Centro para…

Telemundo Ignores Conservative Immigration Initiative
May 22nd, 2015 8:31 PM
Even though Telemundo typically covers just about anything related to the topic of immigration, so far the network has failed to inform its audience about a new effort among conservatives to address the immigration issue.
Telemundo rivals Univision and MundoFox both reported on the initiative, which is the brainchild of the conservative organization American Principles in Action and was unveiled…

Telemundo Still Silent on Clinton Scandals
May 20th, 2015 10:40 PM
The nation’s second largest Spanish-language network, Telemundo, was the only major network not to cover Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s long-awaited Q&A session with the news media in Iowa this week.
Strangely, during the course of the past month, Telemundo’s principal national evening newscasts have failed to even once inform its viewers about any of the controversies…

Hermetismo alrededor de los escándalos de Clinton en Telemundo
May 20th, 2015 10:32 PM
La segunda cadena más grande de habla hispana en los Estados Unidos, Telemundo, fue la única que no cubrió el esperado intercambio de la candidata presidencial Hillary Clinton con la prensa esta semana en Iowa.
Aunque Telemundo entrevistó a la directora política de Clinton, el noticiero estelar de Telemundo no ha informado ni siquiera una sola vez a sus televidentes sobre las polémicas alrededor…

MundoFox resalta la religiosidad entre los hispanos
May 19th, 2015 4:32 PM
La mayoría de los principales medios de comunicación del país destacaron recientemente la disminución de practicantes de la fe cristiana entre la población de los Estados Unidos. Los informes se difundieron a raíz de la publicación del más reciente estudio del Centro Pew sobre el Paisaje Religioso Cambiante de Estados Unidos. No obstante, la cadena de habla hispana, MundoFox, enfocó su informe…

Hispanic Religiosity Stands Out on MundoFox
May 18th, 2015 10:39 PM
While most of the country’s major media outlets recently highlighted declining levels of Christian faith and practice among the general populace, following the release of the Pew Center's latest survey on America’s Changing Religious Landscape, Spanish-language network MundoFox zeroed in on survey results which show the continued vitality of the Christian faith among the vast majority of the…

Alleged Clinton Influence Peddling in Colombia Examined by Univision
May 5th, 2015 5:34 PM
The intersection of multimillion-dollar donations to the Clinton Foundation and the business interests in Colombia of one of the Foundation’s top donors, Frank Giustra, has become the subject of fresh reporting on Univision’s principal national evening newscast, while Spanish-language competitors Telemundo and MundoFox continue to be silent about the matter.
Following up on the network’s…

Univisión examina alegaciones de tráfico de influencia de los Clinton
May 5th, 2015 12:49 PM
El entrelazamiento de donaciones multimillonarias a la Fundación Clinton y los intereses de negocio en Colombia de uno de mayores donantes de la Fundación, Frank Giustra, fue el objeto de un nuevo informe de Univisión, durante su noticiero nocturno. Entretanto los competidores de Univisión, Telemundo y MundoFox siguen guardando silencio sobre el asunto.
ABC, CBS, Spanish Nets Ignore News Hillary Will Speak to Benghazi Cmte
May 4th, 2015 11:35 PM
On Monday night, English-language networks ABC and CBS joined Spanish-language networks MundoFox, Telemundo, and Univision in ignoring the news that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has finally agreed to testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi regarding the 2012 terror attack in Libya and her usage of a private e-mail account while at the State Department.
NBC NN Hails Sanders as ‘Not Your Typical Blow-Dried Politician’
May 1st, 2015 12:14 AM
English-language networks ABC, CBS, and NBC and Spanish networks MundoFox, Telemundo, and Univision covered the news on Thursday night that independent Senator Bernie Sanders (Vt.) will seek the Democratic nomination for president in 2016, but only NBC Nightly News chose to label him a “socialist” after ABC and CBS had previously done so on Thursday morning. While correspondent and MSNBC host…

National March for Marriage Catches Attention of MundoFox
April 24th, 2015 8:19 PM
The first major network news program to take notice of the National March for Marriage that will take place in the Nation’s Capital on Saturday was not on one of the English-language networks, but on Spanish-language MundoFox.
What apparently drew the attention of MundoFox to the event, which is being held three days before the U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments to either uphold or strike down…

La marcha nacional por el matrimonio captura la atención de MundoFox
April 24th, 2015 4:30 AM
El primer programa nacional de noticias en cubrir la Marcha Nacional por el Matrimonio, que tendrá lugar la capital estadounidense este sábado, no fue una cadena de habla inglesa, sino la hispana Noticias MundoFox.
La causa que aparentemente atrajo la atención de MundoFox sobre el evento es la esperada alta participación de latinos que defienden el matrimonio tradicional. La marcha se realizará…
CBS, Spanish Nets Remain Silent on New Clinton Foundation Allegations
April 23rd, 2015 9:37 PM
On Thursday night, CBS and Spanish-language networks MundoFox, Telemundo, and Univision continued their silence on the latest controversy involving the Clinton Foundation and claims made in the upcoming book Clinton Cash about donations to the group while a Russian company purchased an American-owned uranium mine. Meanwhile, NBC ended its blackout on the story with a full report on NBC Nightly…