ABC, CBS, NBC Ignore Chick-fil-A Vandalism Incidents

August 14th, 2012 10:38 PM
The broadcast networks complain loudly about real or perceived offenses committed by conservatives. But when they are faced with violence committed by those they agree with, they downplay or even bury such behavior. The silence of the networks regarding the vandalism of multiple Chick-fil-A restaurants is only the latest example of destruction committed by the left and ignored by the media.…

WashPost Publishes Pro-Gun Control Letter to Editor That's Predicated

July 24th, 2012 12:13 PM
Updated (see bottom of post) | Today's Letters to the Editor section of the Washington Post contains five letters on the topic of gun control, three oriented towards more gun control and two expressing a pro-gun rights/enforce-the-laws-on-the-books position. But one letter in particular is egregious as it contains a huge factual error that Post editors failed to correct: that President Obama…

WashPost: New Va. Laws Make State 'Less Hospitable' But New Md. Tax Hi

July 1st, 2012 11:41 PM
July 1 is traditionally the day when many new state laws take effect, and every year on or about that date, the Washington Post makes sure to inform its readers of some new laws hitting the books in Maryland and Virginia. This year, Marylanders are seeing tax increases, with residents of Montgomery County -- a significant portion of the Post's subscriber base -- disproportionately affected.…

Washington Post and Baltimore Sun Repeat O'Malley Budget Cuts Deceptio

February 26th, 2012 2:09 PM
Since ascending to the head of the Democratic Governor’s Association last year, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley has been fashioning a national profile for himself as a responsible fiscal steward of Maryland’s finances.   The Washington Post and Baltimore Sun are dutifully helping O’Malley perpetuate that fiction. O’Malley released his fiscal year (FY) 2013 budget last month, which includes…

WashPost Hails 'Ambitious' Md. Governor's Call for 'Tough Choices': Ta

February 1st, 2012 4:24 PM
The media may be busy trying to reelect Barack Obama, but it's never too early for them to start grooming the 2016 field. Look no further than the Washington Post, for example. "O'Malley to set ambitious agenda," read the teaser headline posted this morning at the  Post's website. "Watch the Maryland governor deliver his sixth State of the State address now," read the caption beneath a photo…

WashPost: Legal Immigrants Are 'Unlikely Foes of Md. Dream Act

November 28th, 2011 6:12 PM
Does anyone have a dollar to lend the Washington Post? It needs to buy a clue, apparently, as it sees "legal immigrants" as the "Unlikely foes of Md. Dream Act," an in-state tuition bill for illegal immigrants that voters may toss out next November in a ballot initiative. Here's how Post staffer Pamela Constable opened her November 28 story:

Name That Party: WaPo Leaves Out the D In Maryland Scandal

September 24th, 2011 10:04 AM
"Gay marriage" advocates are probably delighted, but The Washington Post once again can't find any place to put a troublesome "D" next to the name of a Maryland state delegate charged with theft. Aaron Davis reported: A young Prince George's [County] politician who seemed to embody Maryland's crisis of conscience over approving same-sex marriage was charged Friday with stealing campaign funds…

Annapolis Capital Editor Tries to Apologize for 'Mama and Mommy' Artic

May 20th, 2011 3:18 PM
Poynter Institute's Jim Romenesko wrote yesterday about how the editor of the Annapolis Capital sought to apologize to readers for a gauzy article about a lesbian couple that ran on Mother's Day. Only his colleagues in the newsroom pressured him not to publish it, at least not in his original draft form:  

WaPo Buries Opposition to Tuition Bill; Baltimore Sun Paints GOP Criti

May 11th, 2011 11:24 AM
Yesterday liberal Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley (D) signed into law a measure allowing illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition rates at public colleges and universities. Covering the story today, the Washington Post offered this bland print edition headline on page B1: "O'Malley signs bill allowing immigrant tuition breaks." The move "bucks trend in other states" and a "showdown…

WaPo Inserts Bias in a Borders Bookstore Closing: Jonah Goldberg Not S

April 18th, 2011 7:27 AM
The closing of Borders book stores isn’t that newsworthy, but The Washington Post on Monday somehow turned it into a celebration of how liberal books sell well (and conservative titles don’t) in blue Maryland. Reporters Larissa Roso and Michael Rosenwald began at a store at Rockville’s White Flint Mall: Many shoppers, such as Francie Kranzberg, went straight for the political stuff: a copy of…

WaPo Honors Maryland House Speaker for 'Evolving' on Gay Marriage, Cen

April 11th, 2011 11:12 PM
On February 24, Washington Post reporter John Wagner sympathetically covered leading Maryland Democrats (and Catholics) for crossing their hierarchy to lobby for "gay marriage" -- without seeming to contact this hierarchy. So when Wagner sympathetically profiled House Speaker Michael Busch -- again -- at the top of the April 11 Style section, the primary question was: How was this "news," a…

MSNBC Features Two Openly-Gay Journalists Looking at Maryland's Same-S

March 7th, 2011 12:31 PM
Presenting the same-sex marriage debate in Maryland's state legislature as one about "marriage equality," openly gay MSNBC host Thomas Roberts discussed the matter with Washington Post editorial writer Jonathan Capehart, who is also openly gay. The segment, entitled "Cold Feet In Maryland?" aired today at 11:17 a.m. EST. "Supporters of Marriage Equality Wavering on Bill" the lower-thirds…

Name That Party: Arrested Prince George's County Political Couple Rare

November 13th, 2010 9:03 AM
In Maryland, Prince George's County's top elected official, County Executive Jack B. Johnson (pictured at right on NB's home page) was arrested yesterday, and "is accused of accepting cash in return for helping a developer secure federal funding." Johnson's wife, a recently elected councilperson, was also arrested yesterday. The couple are both accused of "tampering with a witness and…

WaPo Boosts Its Outlier Md. Gubernatorial Poll; Veteran Political Obse

October 1st, 2010 12:52 PM
In my beloved home state of Maryland, this year's governor's race is a rematch of the contest four years ago, and most polls show a close race, with current Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) up a few points over former Gov. Bob Ehrlich (R), but at or below the crucial 50 percent mark. Enter the Washington Post, which two days ago released a poll that shows O'Malley up by 11 points, breaking the 50 percent…