Media Mislead: Trump's Travel Ban Victory Is 'Limited,' 'Partial'

June 26th, 2017 11:58 PM
The latest episode in the Trump administration's long-running legal battle to impose a temporary ban on travel from several nations concluded on Monday. Its result, as described by National Review's David French, was that "in a per curiam ruling, the Supreme Court restored the vast majority of the Trump administration’s temporary travel ban — including the temporary ban on refugee entry." Much of…

Media Label Murder of Muslim Hate Crime, No Mention Killer Was Illegal

June 20th, 2017 2:07 PM
When Muslim teenager Nabra Hassanen, 17, was murdered Sunday, the media propagandized that it was a hate crime. They had no evidence to do so but they did so anyway. When the Fairfax County police dispelled the myth, they pushed harder.  

James Comey as Anita Hill? L.A. Times and Washington Post Go There

June 11th, 2017 2:46 PM
It was pretty much inevitable. Once you propose the theme of James Comey as a sexual harassment victim as happened in the New York Times, it was almost certain that the next step would be a comparison of him to Anita Hill. And it sure didn't take long. The June 9 Washington Post, followed a day later by the Los Angeles Times, have already gone with that comparison.  The Washington Post article…

AP Frets: Children of Illegal Immigrants Aren't Getting Food Stamps

June 9th, 2017 10:09 AM
During Barack Obama's presidency, we were constantly assured by the administration and its press apparatchiks that deportations had greatly increased during his tenure. So it's more than a little strange that the Associated Press is now worried that because of President Donald Trump's "crackdown on illegal immigration," fewer people who are genuinely eligible for "federal food assistance" are…

Abortionist Recognized As 'Person Of The Year'

May 23rd, 2017 4:19 PM
When the term “abortionist” comes up in conversation, does the word “hero” usually follow? That’s the light in which the  LA Times decided to tell Willie Parker’s story, in a piece about his acceptance of an award from a pro-choice women’s group.

Press Ignores Jerry Brown's Taxpayer-Directed 'Freeloaders' Insult

May 21st, 2017 2:28 PM
On May 12, California Governor Jerry Brown, during a visit to that state's Orange County, said, "The freeloaders — I’ve had enough of them." His statement came during what the Orange County Register called "an impassioned defense" of the state's recently passed "road-improvement plan. The "freeloaders" he targeted with his remark are the state's taxpayers, those who wish to recall a tax-…

Media and the Left Create Laughably Wrong MOAB Cost Calamity

April 16th, 2017 5:47 PM
Shortly after the U.S. military dropped a MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs) on an ISIS tunnel complex in Nangahar Province in Afghanistan, the media began citing the alleged costs involved. The exaggerations, some by a factor of over 1,000, even after considering all of the mission's likely direct costs, were laughably wild, and resulted from a combination of sloppy thinking and ignorant reporting.

Unhinged Journalist's Conspiracy: United a ‘Distraction’ From Trump?

April 13th, 2017 9:01 AM
Readers who haven't recently ventured into the fever swamp known as the Los Angeles Times may have a hard time fathoming how utterly obsessed what used to the be the West Coast's paper of record has become with the threat to civilization known as Donald Trump. Once one understands how bad things have gotten, it will be easy to believe that one of its columnists, a Pulitzer Prize winner, actually…

Slick Rewrite: LA Times Blames Climate Change for 28-Year-Old Spill

April 6th, 2017 5:26 PM
An April 6 L.A. Times story, by Columbia Journalism School researchers, used 2,340 words to reject years of court cases and research. Instead, the agenda-driven story blamed the 1989 Exxon Valdez shipwreck and resulting oil spill on climate change.

LA Times: Clinton Impeached for 'Allegedly Lying Under Oath'

March 31st, 2017 10:20 AM
Los Angeles Times legal reporter David Savage and his newspaper are playing coy with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses again. Savage struck a mystified tone when Donald Trump’s lawyers tried the Clinton vs Paula Jones defense to dismiss a lawsuit filed on January 17 where former Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos claimed Trump kissed and touched her inappropriately. Savage dismissed the tactic,…

Even the 'Los Angeles Times’ Thinks CA Charging Pro-Lifers Is Dumb

March 30th, 2017 10:46 PM
In this crazy world we live in, even a broken clock can be right from time to time. For this installment, behold a Thursday Los Angeles Times editorial entitled “Felony charges are a disturbing overreach for the duo behind the Planned Parenthood sting videos” that came to the defense of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) after California pressed 15 felony charges against the pro-life founders.

LA Times Smears Former California Gov. Pete Wilson Over Immigration

March 28th, 2017 8:47 PM
The appearance of a March 23 portrayal of former California Governor Pete Wilson at the Los Angeles Times, though probably coincidental, is quite serendipitous. Six days after the alleged rape at a Maryland high school of a 14 year-old freshman girl at the hands of two late-teen classmates in the U.S. illegally, Times writer Mark Z. Barabak went after Wilson for his support of that state's…

Chelsea Clinton Hopes MAGA Hat on Pic of Lincoln Is Photoshopped

March 26th, 2017 8:26 PM
Chelsea Clinton is 37 years old — 19 years past the minimum voting age, 16 years over the legal age to drink, no longer entitled to reflexive press protection as the daughter of a Democratic President or presidential candidate, and thus eligible for ridicule when she deserves it — even if the establishment media's gatekeepers don't like it. I'd suggest that if you really have to ask, as Chelsea …

NYT Optimism on $64B Cali High-Speed Rail Program, Derailed by Reality

March 6th, 2017 9:02 PM
Thomas Fuller's New York Times piece pushed for a public works program in La La Land that comes with a big promise and a $64 billion price tag: A high-speed railway that will one day, theoretically, connect San Francisco and Los Angeles in less time than in takes to watch The Dark Knight Rises. The story’s headline and tone pit stingy, stick-in-the-mud conservatives against sunny, striving…