Investor's Business Daily

Press Virtually Ignores Wendy's Plan to Install Self-Serve Kiosks
May 14th, 2016 11:00 AM
The establishment press has given an open mic to proponents of raising the minimum wage nationally, and has cheered $15-per-hour legislation passed in California and New York earlier this year as "historic."
The silence from those same quarters, e.g., the Associated Press, the New York Times and others, is deafening now that one of the predictions of those who have criticized such sharp…

Will Nets Notice? FNC's Gingrich: Hillary Is ‘Ruthless’
May 6th, 2016 11:34 AM
The press is protecting Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton from the true extent of the blowback over her expressed desire to see coal miners lose their jobs and her bogus attempt to "apologize" for what she said.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, appearing on Fox & Friends Thursday morning, identified a larger truth about Mrs. Clinton's callous disregard for workers and their families…

Of Course: Press Blame Long Airport Lines on TSA ‘Budget Cuts’
May 5th, 2016 11:24 AM
Almost any time a government agency or program fails to perform, those involved complain that they don't have enough money to properly do their jobs. Unless the matter involves national defense, the press gullibly swallows their contentions.
The Transportation Safety Administration is the latest case in point. Lines at airport security checkpoints are already getting noticeably longer, and we…

Not News: $4 Trillion in Annual GDP Growth Lost to Regulations
April 28th, 2016 11:09 PM
The editorialists at Investor's Business Daily have reported on the results of an important study by several George Mason University Mercatus Center economists showing what regulations have cost the economy in economic growth since 1980. The establishment press, which has been singularly uninterested in reporting anything that has to potential to slow the regulatory leviathan down — y'know,…

AP: Min. Wage Job Losses 'Uncertain'; 2 States Show It's a Sure Thing
April 10th, 2016 11:55 PM
On Tuesday, shortly after Governor Jerry Brown signed California's $15-an-hour minimum wage legislation, the Associated Press's Michael R. Blood and Don Thompson called the move "a victory for those struggling on the margins of the economy and the politically powerful unions that pushed it."
As seen in a NewsBusters post on March 31, it's definitely a win for union members whose wages are set…

USA Today: Obama Commuted Sentences of Only 'Low-Level Inmates'
April 3rd, 2016 5:56 PM
The antennae went up when I saw the following tease on the front page of Thursday's USA Today print edition: "Obama commutes sentences for 61 low-level inmates." The brief description which immediately followed told readers that "He has cut sentences for 248 so far, more than (the) previous 6 presidents combined, official says."
Hmm. What's a "low-level inmate"? The underlying Page 3A article by…

IBD and HuffPo Columnist Agree: Hillary Should Withdraw
March 28th, 2016 6:02 PM
Who says that there can't be occasional agreements across the partisan divide?
The free-market, liberty-loving editorial board at Investor's Business Daily and a Bernie Sanders-supporting columnist at the Huffingon Post agree on one thing: Hillary Clinton should withdraw from the presidential race. Okay, IBD wants her to "suspend," while HuffPo's H.A. Goodman says she should "concede." Both…

IBD Explains Consumer Bureau's Auto Loan 'Shakedown' Press Won't Cover
January 28th, 2016 12:00 AM
Critics who warned in 2010 that the odious Dodd-Frank law's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau would become a rogue agency which would become a largely unaccountable behemoth on a mission to create problems where none exist could not have been more correct.
Sadly, searches on terms relevant to one of the agency's latest controversies involving the distribution of funds in a two year-old auto-…

In Endorsing Hillary, Des Moines Register Ignores Email 'Smoking Guns'
January 25th, 2016 2:29 PM
The Des Moines Register likely broke new ground when it endorsed Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination on Saturday. The Register may be the first major newspaper to endorse a major-party presidential candidate under investigation by the FBI at the time of the endorsement.
The time stamp at the editorial's link is currently and inexplicably this morning, but pundits and…

IBD Calls Out Gore As His 10-Year 'Planetary Emergency' Deadline Looms
January 23rd, 2016 10:14 AM
On January 26, 2006, former Vice President, current climate alarmist and centimillionaire Al Gore told the Associated Press's David Germain that "unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken within the next 10 years, the world will reach a point of no return."
Tuesday, as DC and much of the Northeast finishes digging out from a serious and possibly historic weekend snowstorm,…

Unreported: Capitalism Explains Sharp Decline in World Poverty
December 31st, 2015 12:47 PM
In September, President Barack Obama "committed the U.S. to a new blueprint to eliminate poverty and hunger around the world" in a speech at a United Nations "global summit." A review of his speech's transcript indicates that while he acknowledged the ugly reality that "800 million men, women and children are scraping by on less than $1.25 a day," he made no mention of the fact that just three…

Bozell & Graham Column: Obama, Seriously Out of Touch
December 8th, 2015 11:44 PM
Barack Obama wanted 15 minutes of air time on Sunday night, the most heavily watched night of the week, to speak to the nation about the San Bernardino shooting. It was appropriate for the president to request it, and for the networks to grant it, but everyone knew he would say nothing new of substance because on the matter of Islamic terrorism, he never does.
And he didn’t. And in so not doing…
IBD Slams Libs for ‘Deadly Denial’ of Threat Posed by Radical Islam
November 24th, 2015 4:45 PM
An editorial in Tuesday’s print edition of Investor’s Business Daily firmly took President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Democratic Party to task for their “deadly denial” of radical Islam and the prominent role it’s played in the war on terrorism and terrorist attacks from 9/11 to Fort Hood to Paris.

IBD: Islamist Organization Involved in 'Screening' U.S.-Bound Refugees
November 19th, 2015 5:38 PM
Add what follows to the long list of items we should be reading about in wire service reports but instead must find in the editorial sections of the nation's two leading business newspapers.
An Islamist organization tied to the Muslim Brotherhood is involved in the screening potential Syrian refugees allegedly receive before being allowed to come to the United States. Investor's Business Daily…