Bob Beckel Tells Female Tea Partier On Live TV ‘You Don't Know What

April 16th, 2012 11:32 PM
Fox News contributor and former Democratic strategist Bob Beckel directed an F-bomb at female Tea Party activist Jennifer Stefano during Monday’s Hannity. The two were arguing through a commercial break, and Beckel apparently didn’t know they were back live when he made his indelicate remark (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Bozell on Hannity's 'Media Mash': NBC 'Apology' for 911 Call Editing I

April 6th, 2012 10:57 AM
NBC's "apology" for their selective editing of the  Zimmerman 911 call was "two whole sentences of nothing," complained NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell on the April 5 edition of Fox News Channel's Hannity. The network claimed it was a simple "error in the editing process." "This was no error, this was no mistake, this was deliberately done," Bozell protested during the programs "Media Mash"…

Screw Objectivity! ABC's Josh Elliott: 'I'm Proud to Work at a Place T

March 26th, 2012 5:04 PM
Sometimes journalists just come right out and say it: Appearing at the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) Awards, Saturday, ABC News anchor Josh Elliott gushed over media subjectivity: "I'm proud to work at a place that believes in advocacy journalism!" Elliott, who reads the news for Good Morning America, fawned over the liberal gay rights group: "I will never be in a…

Radical, Hateful Leftists Like Ed Schultz Soiling NBC Brand, Bozell Te

March 16th, 2012 10:58 AM
Are left-wing hatemongers like Ed Schultz sullying the NBC brand? How do legitimate, albeit left-leaning, journalists like Matt Lauer or Tom Brokaw feel about NBCUniversal's cable news outlet, Fox News's Sean Hannity wondered during last night's "Media Mash" segment with NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell. "You have to wonder about that. When you think of Tom Brokaw, when you think of the…

Santorum Strikes Back: 'My 12-Year-Old Will Out-Reason Bill Maher

March 13th, 2012 9:18 AM
As NewsBusters reported, HBO's Bill Maher on Friday disgracefully claimed Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum homeschools his children to keep them locked up in his "Christian madrassa" where they won't be exposed to knowledge and reason. On Fox New's Hannity Monday, the former Pennsylvania Senator struck back at the vulgar comedian saying, "My 12-year-old will out-reason Bill…

Palin: 'Doesn't Bode Well for Our President's Character to Not Speak O

March 9th, 2012 10:15 AM
Sarah Palin on Thursday took Barack Obama to task for not telling his Super PAC to return Bill Maher's million dollar donation. Speaking to Fox News's Sean Hannity, the former Alaska Governor said, "It does not bode well for our President's character to not speak out against that dirty money" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Ann Coulter on Media's Breitbart Smear: 'Even in Death He Shows Libera

March 3rd, 2012 3:34 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, the liberal media have been less than gracious following the surpising death of conservative publisher Andrew Breitbart. On Fox News's Hannity Friday, conservative author Ann Coulter said it best. "Even in death he shows liberals in their true colors" (video follows with transcript and absolutely no need for additional commentary):

Herman Cain Cites MRC, Bozell to Correct Farrakhan Whine

February 28th, 2012 5:30 PM
Appearing on Fox News's Hannity on Monday, former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain refuted the notion put forward by Louis Farrakhan that, "Never has a sitting president been spoken of in the manner that President Obama and his family have had to endure." [Watch the video after the jump] Cain demolished the baseless claim: "If you go to the Media Research Center, Brent Bozell,…

Sarah Palin: 'Lamestream Media' Are 'All Wee-Weed Up' About Santorum's

February 21st, 2012 9:39 PM
Sarah Palin on Tuesday weighed in on the press's reaction to comments Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum made about Satan in 2008. Appearing on Fox News's Hannity, the former Alaska Governor said, "For these lamestream media characters to get all wee-weed up about that, first you have to ask yourself, 'Have they ever attended a Sunday school class even? Have they never heard this…

Rick Santorum Says 'Phony Theology' Controversy Is 'Media Trying to De

February 20th, 2012 10:43 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, America's press have for the past 48 hours been in a coordinated attack on Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum cherry-picking the same sentences from a lengthy speech he gave Saturday in order to falsely accuse him of impugning President Obama's religious beliefs. On Monday, the former Pennsylvania Senator discussed the matter with Fox News's…

Liberals, Media Try to Shift Debate from Abortion to Contraception

February 16th, 2012 10:53 AM
I wrote last week about a theory put forth by Washington Post's Sarah Kliff that abortion proponents were shifting strategies to focus on contraceptives rather than abortion, the reason being their own polls show abortion is no longer a winning issue with young people and women, but contraception is. This week Republican strategist Dick Morris pitched the same theory on Hannity, adding some…

Dick Morris Accuses George Stephanopoulos of Being a 'Paid Democratic

February 13th, 2012 10:45 PM
Former Clinton adviser Dick Morris on Monday accused ABC’s George Stephanopoulos of being a “paid Democratic hitman.” Appearing on Fox News’s Hannity, Morris also said Stephanopoulos was “under orders” to ask Mitt Romney all those contraception questions during ABC’s January 7 Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire (video follows with transcript and commentary):

ABC, CBS and NBC Ignore Shocking Jump in Government Dependents

February 10th, 2012 3:57 PM
According to the Heritage Foundation Barack Obama’s policies, in just two years, have resulted in the number of Americans who rely on a federal program spiking by 23 percent to 67 million. Yet there was no mention of this grim figure on the Big Three network (ABC, CBS and NBC) evening or morning news programs. Since the study was released on Wednesday only Fox News and CNN have mentioned the…

Media Mash: NB Publisher Bozell Takes On Liberal Media Pumping Up Obam

December 19th, 2011 12:45 PM
Appearing on Friday's Hannity on Fox News, during the weekly "Media Mash" segment, NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center president Brent Bozell detailed ABC's attempt to paint a rosy economic picture to help President Obama and the liberal media's across-the-board effort to slam Newt Gingrich as a "frightening" "political killer." [View video after the jump]