
Coulter: 'You Know Romney’s Statement Was Devastating to Obama Becau
September 12th, 2012 10:50 PM
Conservative author Ann Coulter on Wednesday called the media out for its attacks on Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's criticism of Barack Obama's response to Tuesday's anti-American hostilities in Egypt and Libya.
Appearing on Fox News's Hannity, Coulter said, "You know that Romney’s statement was devastating to President Obama because the media is screaming bloody murder" (video…

Bozell Slams 'Shocking' Attempt By Media to 'Kneecap Mitt Romney
August 3rd, 2012 11:37 AM
NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell appeared on Thursday night's Hannity and angrily denounced the big three networks for trashing Mitt Romney's foreign trip, what Bozell called "a clear-cut example of an agenda to kneecap" the presumptive Republican nominee. During the "Media Mash" segment, Bozell cited a new MRC report that found an astonishing 86 percent of stories about Romney's…
McCain: Media Bias Towards Obama 'Something We Have to Accept' - 'It I
August 2nd, 2012 9:49 AM
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said something on Fox News's Hannity Wednesday that so-called journalists across the fruited plain should be embarrassed by.
"The media bias towards President Obama is just, it's something we have to accept. It is just the air we breathe in the political environment" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Dick Morris: 'I Guarantee Bill Clinton Is Going to Cast His Ballot for
July 30th, 2012 11:33 PM
"I guarantee you, Sean, based on what I’ve heard from third parties or I’ve spoken to that William Jefferson Clinton is going to cast his ballot for Mitt Romney."
So said former Clinton adviser Dick Morris on Fox News's Hannity Monday (video follows with transcript).

Bill Maher: 'George Zimmerman Is Sean Hannity's Missing White Girl
July 22nd, 2012 7:31 PM
I'm not sure what he meant by it, but HBO's Bill Maher said Saturday on Twitter that Trayvon Martin killer George Zimmerman "is Sean Hannity's missing white girl."
One gets the sense that along with much of the liberal media, Maher wasn't pleased with Zimmerman's interview on Fox News last week:
Sununu Smacks Down Juan Williams: 'Don't Let Your Blind Loyalty to Thi
July 13th, 2012 9:44 AM
As NewsBusters previously reported, former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu on Tuesday laughed in Andrea Mitchell's face when she defended Barack Obama's use of bogus outsourcing reports about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
Continuing this trend of calling out Obama shills in the media, Sununu on Fox News's Hannity Thursday told Juan Williams, "Don't let your blind loyalty…

Bob Beckel: 'If I Was Juan Williams I'd Wake Up Next To' Michelle Malk
July 3rd, 2012 3:02 PM
What is it about liberal media members making misogynistic comments towards conservative women?
Take for example Bob Beckel, the co-host of Fox News's The Five, who told FBN's Don Imus a few weeks ago, "If I was Juan [Williams] I'd wake up next to [Michelle Malkin] with a shotgun" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Bob Beckel Tells Tucker Carlson: Giving Daily Caller a White House Pas
June 19th, 2012 12:35 AM
Liberal Fox News political commentator Bob Beckel had a heated exchange with Daily Caller editor Tucker Carlson on Hannity Monday evening.
With the topic Neil Munro's interruption of President Obama Friday, Beckel said, "The idea that they gave the Daily Caller a White House pass is the craziest idea I've ever heard" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Michelle Malkin Takes Juan Williams to Woodshed for Saying 'I'm a Real
June 14th, 2012 10:40 AM
A fight broke out between New Media and Old Media on Fox News's Hannity program Wednesday that has the entire blogosphere abuzz.
When Fox News's Juan Williams, in the midst of a discussion about the national security leaks controversy, arrogantly told syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin, "I'm a real reporter, I am not a blogger," all hell broke loose (video follows with transcript and…

Coulter: NYT Prints Democrat Leaks to Make Democrats Look Good, GOP Le
June 11th, 2012 11:44 PM
Conservative author Ann Coulter made an outstanding observation on Fox News's Hannity Monday about the ongoing national security leaks controversy.
"When the New York Times is printing classified intelligence under a Republican administration, it's to make the Republican administration look bad. When they’re doing it under a Democrat administration, they’re doing it to make the Democrat look…

Former Clinton Adviser Dick Morris: 'Bill Clinton Does Not Want Barack
June 4th, 2012 11:58 PM
Former Clinton White House adviser Dick Morris said Monday, "Bill Clinton does not want Barack Obama to win."
"I’ve spoken to several good friends who are staunch conservatives who have had exchanges with Bill Clinton in private," Morris told Fox News's Sean Hannity, "and at one point one of them quotes him as saying, 'You have six months to save the country'" (video follows with transcript…

Clarence Page: 'Right-Wing Wouldn't Have' Rev. Wright Story 'If it Was
May 20th, 2012 12:51 PM
If there was a contest each week for the dumbest comment made by a member of the media, this would likely be last week's prohibitive favorite.
On the syndicated Chris Matthews Show this weekend, during a discussion about Barack Obama's America-hating Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the Chicago Tribune's Clarence Page actually said with a straight face, "Right-wing wouldn't have that story if it…

Jon Lovitz Slams 'Hypocritical' Obama 'Selling' a 'Victim Mentality
May 18th, 2012 8:30 AM
Appearing as a guest on Thursday's Hannity show on FNC, comedian Jon Lovitz complained that he finds President Obama's attacks on the wealthy to be "hypocritical" while the President raises so much campaign money from wealthy donors, including from Wall Street, and criticized Obama for "selling" a "victim mentality."
After asserting that he does not regret voting for Obama, but that he is…

Tavis Smiley: 'No One Who Happens to be Poor Wants What Romney Has
April 26th, 2012 9:27 AM
Although the list is long and undistinguished, PBS's Tavis Smiley said possibly one of the dumbest things he's ever said on television Wednesday.
In a discussion about class warfare and the politics of envy on Fox News's Hannity show, Smiley actually said with a straight face, "No one who happens to be poor wants what Mr. Romney has" (video follows with transcript and commentary):