Glenn Beck (TV Show)

Liberal Sites Now Mocking Maddow as 'Bonkers' Like Glenn Beck, Hannity
April 4th, 2019 4:55 PM
Liberal publications loathe Fox News hosts naturally. But it's very unusual for them to take that loathing and spread it on a liberal star like Rachel Maddow. But on Thursday, The New Republic posted an article on "MSNBC's Wild Ride" by Jacob Bacharach, which argued Maddow is "frequently just as bonkers" as Glenn Beck was on Fox News in the Obama years. Slate's Willa Paskin added Sean Hannity to…

Sharpton's Strange Theory: Blames Beck-Bachmann For Egyptians Pelting
March 27th, 2013 9:52 PM
According to contemporary reports, as here and here, Egyptian protesters who pelted the motorcade of then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with tomatoes during her visit to Egypt last July were chanting "Monica! Monica!"
So who did Al Sharpton, on his MSNBC show this evening, blame for the tomato pelting? Why, Glenn Beck and Michele Bachmann, of course! According to the Reverend Al, it…

Bozell Column: Al Gore, Super Rich Sellout
January 8th, 2013 10:27 PM
The liberal media have spent 12 years feeling sorry for Al Gore.The Man Who Should Have Won in 2000 has had megatons of positive publicity dumped on him, hailing him as the “Goracle.” They cheered as leftists honored him with the Nobel Peace Prize and gave an Oscar to his filmed eco-sermon “An Inconvenient Truth.”
So when Gore sold his left-wing cable channel Current TV to al-Jazeera for $…
James Cameron: Shoot Climate 'Deniers,' Glenn Beck a 'F------ A--hole
March 24th, 2010 6:45 PM
"Avatar" director James Cameron had some nasty words for Glenn Beck and global warming "deniers" yesterday. Cameron said at a news conference that he would like to shoot "those boneheads," referring to skeptics of anthropogenic global warming. "Anybody that is a global warming denier at this point in time has got their head so deeply up their a** I'm not sure they could hear me," Cameron added.…
The Nation: Prominent CPAC Speakers All Sound like Joe Stack
February 23rd, 2010 12:03 AM
We've seen the likes of Time Magazine, MSNBC, the Washington Post, and Newsweek link the Joe Stack airplane attack to the conservative movement. But in an interesting twist, a political blogger for The Nation has inexplicably linked Stack to several players at the recent CPAC convention - including Tim Pawlenty, Scott Brown, and most notably Glenn Beck. Leslie Savan wastes little time delving…
Roger Ebert: Proof Positive Some People Should Never Quit Their Day J
October 1st, 2009 9:43 PM
In his latest opinion piece, Roger Ebert proved that he is very skilled at one thing and one thing only - movie reviews. Ebert penned a piece in his Journal for the Chicago Sun-Times today; a scathing critique which detests the overt melodrama, the wretched dialogue, and the lack of a plot line. What was he reviewing? The Republican base.Ebert hammers the party's base with such…
Behar’s Beck Obsession -- Maher: 'We’re Going to Find Glenn Beck D
October 1st, 2009 8:13 AM
Perhaps this is going to be a common theme of CNN Headline News "The Joy Behar Show." For the second night in a row, two out of two shows - Behar went after the former CNN Headline News host, now Fox News host Glenn Beck as a head of the conservative movement. On her Sept. 30 show, Behar guests included HBO "Real Time" host Bill Maher and conservative author and columnist Ann Coulter. One had a…
Newsweek's Fineman: Things Rogers Ailes 'Allowing on his Network Don't
September 15th, 2009 1:17 PM
So what if his network is drawing a larger audience than its combined competition? So what if one of his newest shows has drawn unprecedented numbers for a start-up that airs at 5 p.m.? According to Newsweek's Howard Fineman, Fox News President Roger Ailes is tarnishing his own personal reputation. It could just be sour grapes for Fineman, who is affiliated with rival network MSNBC and was…
Gawker: 'Glenn Beck is an Actual Terrorist, and the People Attending h
September 11th, 2009 2:47 PM
Usually it is easy ignore the commentary from that great bastion of cultural insight, known as the gossip Web site Gawker. But every now and then, even Gawker steps over the line. In a Sept. 11 post by Alex Pareene that was allegedly meant to reflect on the passing of eighth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Pareene launched into a hate-and-expletive-filled anti-President George W. Bush…
Olbermann Guest Dan Savage: Beck, Bachmann 'Actively' Trying to 'Get t
September 2nd, 2009 12:05 AM
Only on MSNBC, the network that prides itself as the "place for politics" could you see this type of anti-religion, anti-conservative vitriol. On MSNBC's Sept. 1 "Countdown with Keith Olbermann," host Keith Olbermann entertained the musings of Dan Savage, a syndicated sex columnist, author and gay-rights advocate about religious conservatives and their participation in public policy debate. "…
Chicago Tribune’s 'The Swamp' Blogger Likens Palin’s Endorsement o
August 27th, 2009 1:46 AM
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been out of office over a month and there are still those working at major media outlets that just can't get over their obsessions with dissecting everything the former GOP vice-presidential nominee does. Case and point - Mark Silva, a blogger for the Chicago Tribune's "The Swamp," in an Aug. 26 post took it upon himself to try to rationalize why Palin would…
Rush, Beck Warn Obama Administration Trying to Bring Country to Its Kn
August 26th, 2009 8:34 PM
They warned back in 2008 what might happen if Barack Obama was elected president, and according to conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh and Fox News Channel host Glenn Beck, a lot of bad stuff is unfolding right before our eyes. Limbaugh appeared on Beck's Aug. 26 program to discuss the threat of the federal government attempting to regulate the media. He explained the president's policy…
Who's Really Bailing on Glenn Beck
August 26th, 2009 5:11 AM
"...democracy must be more than what the majority insists upon." Barack Obama, The Audacity of HopeLet me take this opportunity to look into something the media won't touch. All moonbat hands are unloading every cannon on the deck at Glenn Beck right now. According to the media, Glenn walks down the sidewalk with half a baby hanging out of his mouth pushing old ladies into traffic. Well, as my…
CNBC's Cramer on Glenn Beck Advertisers: 'I Think They All Come Back i
August 24th, 2009 5:21 PM
Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz and the brain trust at ThinkProgress probably won't like this, but CNBC "Mad Money" host Jim Cramer thinks the Glenn Beck boycott won't have an impact on NewsCorp's (NASDAQ:NWSA), the parent company of Fox News, bottom line. During the "Stop Trading" segment on "Street Signs" Aug. 24, Cramer explained that Unilever (NYSE:UN) was going all out with its advertising, by…