
GOP Rep. Warns of Danger of Big Government Regulating Tech

Survey: Americans Very Concerned About Liberal Media Bias, ‘Fake News’

Will Media Report? Nearly Half of U.S. Calls Abortion ‘Morally Wrong'
Why the ‘Establishment’ Media Is Finding Itself on Shaky Ground

Gallup Poll: Confidence in Police Rates Twice That of Mainstream Media

Before Congress Speech, Netanyahu More Favorable Than Obama in U.S.

Gallup Poll Shows All-Time Low In Public Confidence In Media
The pollsters at Gallup reported on Wednesday that Americans' confidence in the media's ability to report "the news fully, accurately, and fairly" has dropped to its previous all-time low of 40 percent. That number was at 55 percent in 1999, but hasn’t been above 50 percent since 2005. The media is really struggling among Democrats, who have “traditionally expressed much higher levels of…
UPDATED: Nets Ignore Poll Showing Obama Approval at an All-Time Low

Gallup: Public's Confidence in News Media Sinks to Record Low
In its annual survey of the public's faith in 17 key institutions, TV news has fallen to a new low, with only the U.S. Congress ranking below it in terms of public esteem. Just 18 percent of U.S. adults say they have "a great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in TV news, down from 23 percent who gave those answers last year. The previous record low was in 2012, when just 21 percent said…
Journalists Place Near Bottom in Poll Ranking Public Respect for Profe

Gallup Poll Shows Only One in Four Americans Trusts Newspapers, TV New
MSNBC’s Wagner Claims Those Who Disapprove of Bush 'Still Have their
HuffPost’s Bendery Parrots Obama Talking Points on Benghazi, Claims