Financial Times

Scarborough's Trump Townhall 'Breaking News'—Dem Will Donate To Biden!
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough breathlessly announces as "breaking news" that Jeffrey Katzenberg, a co-chair of Biden's campaign, will donate to Biden's campaign.

Uh-Oh! 'Morning Joe' Starts Discussing Biden-Carter Similarities
On Morning Joe, liberal Ed Luce of the Financial Times discusses his current column, in which he sees similarities between the presidencies of Jimmy Carter and that of Joe Biden. Luce twice describes a current sense of "drift."

Communist Propaganda Outlet China Daily Paid Millions to U.S. Media
New disclosures with the Department of Justice revealed plainly what many have suspected. The liberal media are completely in the tank for communist Chinese propaganda.

Phony 'Non-Partisan' Project Aims to Gin Up a Biden Landslide
On Morning Joe, Ed Luce of the Financial Times discusses the Transition Integrity Project. He describes is as "non-partisan," but it was founded by hard-left Rosa Brooks. The Project has war-gamed four election scenarios, and the only one that does not result in a "constitutional breakdown" in which Trump clings to power is the one in which Joe Biden wins an overwhelming…

First Female Financial Times Editor Says ‘Capitalism Needs a Reset’
The editor of the socialist policy-loving Financial Times Roula Khalaf thinks that capitalism needs to change. British Vogue did a puffy interview headlined “‘Capitalism Needs A Reset’: The First Female Editor Of The Financial Times Is A Level-Headed Radical.” Author Zoe Williams fawned over how Khalaf was now “at the helm of capitalism’s biggest cheerleader. Though that isn’t how she…

The Economist, Financial Times Exploit Virus, Push Socialist Policies

Paul Krugman Gripes US Response to Coronavirus Is ‘Worst in the World’

Scarborough on Genocide Day: 'Maybe' Don't Compare Trump to Nazis

Bill Gates Says Fossil Fuel Divestment Has ‘Zero’ Impact on Climate

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Trump and the Media: Demolition Derby Editorial Refutes Editor Who Criticized Magazine's 'Baiting'
Financial Times Rips 'Stupid' French Magazine For 'Baiting' Muslims