Chicago Tribune
Wayne Stayskal: Cartoonist Extraordinaire
November 26th, 2018 10:38 AM
Google "Great American Political Cartoonists" and you will undoubtedly find the late Herbert Block (aka "Herblock") of The Washington Post, (Paul) Conrad of the Los Angeles Times, Michael Ramirez of the Las Vegas Review-Journal and several other cartoonists whose work, if not their names, are familiar to newspaper readers. One name that will take more than a cursory search to find is Wayne…
The Seduction of Socialism
July 26th, 2018 5:48 PM
For the current generation, sometimes referred to as millennials, it appears one thing is more seductive than sex -- and that's socialism.Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, winner of a New York Democratic primary, are the old and new faces of socialist America. Their platforms, it appears, hinge on the concept of shared wealth, in other words, handing out free…

Liberal Media Forced to Admit Economy ‘On a Roll,’ Jobs ‘Excellent'
June 7th, 2018 12:24 PM
How well is the American economy doing these days? Well enough that even some liberal media which are usually Debbie Downers during Republican administrations have been singing its praises.
One New York Times writer “ran out of words” about the robust jobs numbers, another wrote about how the economy “roared” in May, while Yahoo said the economy was “on a roll.”

Chicago Tribune Helps ACLU Deflect Blame For City's 2016 Murder Spike
March 28th, 2018 9:06 PM
On Monday, University of Utah Professors Paul G. Cassell and Richard Fowles published a study primarily blaming the 58 percent murder spike in the City of Chicago in 2016 — to 754 from 480 in 2015 — on a steep decline in police "stop and frisks." The 2016 "stop and frisk" decline occurred because of an agreement the City made with the American Civil Liberties Union designed, according to the…

Tucker Carlson Mocks Chicago Tribune Coverage of Illegal Hiring Scam
December 6th, 2017 10:43 AM
In a story which should have been recognized at least two months and possibly 5-6 months ago but which remained unreported until last week, a Chicago bakery lost one-third of its workforce in July. Press reports during the past week, most prominently one from Bloomberg News seen in the Chicago Tribune and elsewhere, won't directly admit what should be obvious, though the company involved is…

Chicago Tribune Calls for Removal of Anthem from Sports Events
October 26th, 2017 6:17 PM
With athletes, cheerleaders and singers across the nation now commonly dissing Old Glory, The Chicago Tribune suggests it's not even appropriate for corporations to play the national anthem at sporting events. On The Town Editor Kevin Williams argues the Star Spangled Banner is getting the disrespect it deserves because it shouldn't be used at sporting events owned by private businesses.

Chicago Tribune Belittles American Ideals in Name of Kaepernick
July 13th, 2017 8:45 PM
Douglas Goetsch was once a single, cross-dressing poet and a teacher at the University of Iowa, New York University and Western Kentucky. Battling depression and craving femininity, he broke up with his girlfriend and "Jennered" over to "womanhood." Douglas is now "Diana" and "she" just penned a vicious attack on America and much more, all in the name of Kaepernick.

AP Bitter That Boeing Plant Obama's NLRB Tried to Stop Didn't Go Union
February 16th, 2017 12:30 PM
Meg Kinnard at the Associated Press betrayed quite a bit of unhappiness Wednesday evening and Thursday morning in her coverage of workers' decisive rejection of a union organizing effort at Boeing Corp.'s 787-10 production plant in North Charleston, South Carolina. In two very similar reports found at the wire service's Big Story site, Kinnard solely blamed "Southern reluctance toward…

AP, Several Other Outlets Ignore Hillary's 2005 Flag-Burning Bill
November 29th, 2016 11:25 PM
Well now. The press has been raking President-Elect Donald Trump over the coals for proposing "consequences" for burning the American flag.
It's especially rich to see leftists like Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post invoke the name of the otherwise completely despised late Antonin Scalia, who was considered the tie-breaking Supreme Court Justice in the 1989 case when the Court ruled that flag-…

Former Chicago Trib Editor Slams Endorsement of Libertarian Candidates
September 30th, 2016 5:14 PM
“The Chicago Tribune is clearly unconcerned that Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson didn't know what Aleppo is, couldn't identify a single foreign leader for Chris Matthews and was clueless about the identity of Harriet Tubman,” James Warren stated in an article posted on Friday.
Warren's remarks on the newspaper's endorsement of Johnson for president are particularly interesting…

Clarence Page Likens Bathroom Law to Willie Horton, Laughs Off Danger
May 1st, 2016 11:17 PM
As this weekend's syndicated The McLaughlin Group discussed the issue of the North Carolina bathroom law which limits people from using public restrooms in state buildings that do not correspond to the gender listed on their birth certificates, Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune compared the issue to Willie Horton from the 1988 presidential campaign.
He ended up dismissively laughing when…

Imagine That: ABC/ESPN Blog Demonstrates Chicago 'Ferguson Effect'
April 13th, 2016 10:45 PM
Two writers at the Five Thirty-Eight blog, purchased by ABC's ESPN network two years ago, have done something the crime increase causation deniers will surely detest: demonstrate, based on statistical evidence, and despite their tentative language, that "real changes in the process of policing in Chicago" have led to "spike in gun violence in Chicago since the end of November."
Translating the…

Chicago Teachers Authorize Another Strike; Press Rarely Notes Demands
December 15th, 2015 10:44 PM
The Chicago Public Schools system, from which came Arne Duncan, perhaps the nation's most execrable Education Secretary, is in serious financial trouble. So is the State of Illinois. Having already borrowed against next year's property tax collections, CPS somehow expects the state to bail out its underfunded pensions to the tune of $500 million. Though it has subsequently been narrowed, MRC-TV,…

Student in Custody Targeted 'White Devils': Will the Media Cover?
November 30th, 2015 4:19 PM
The media has been carrying water for pro-abortion activists since the Friday shooting at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado in trying to hold the pro-life movement/conservatives, along with the Republican Party, responsible for the murders for their "fierce criticism" of the abortionist organization. However, a more recent incident of threatened violence leads one to wonder if the press will…