Cable Television

CNN Fears Democratic Primary Will Take Too Long, Hurt the Nominee
February 11th, 2020 10:49 PM
As the New Hampshire primary results were coming in Tuesday night, showing three candidates with double-digit support and two in the “top tier” barely holding on, CNN’s exclusively liberal panel had fears that the nomination processes would take too long and the candidates would damage each other too extensively.

MSNBC’s Tur SCHOOLED By Trump Voter on Bernie’s ‘Anti-Life’ Ideology
February 11th, 2020 6:58 PM
On the ground in New Hampshire, Katy Tur, or “the MSNBC anchor who knew too little,” spent much of Tuesday stepping on rakes. After making the embarrassingly uninformed claim that people took out 30-year loans to buy cars, Tur tried to downplay Senator Bernie Sanders’s (I) radical ideology but was immediately schooled by a Trump voter she sought comment from.

Todd Compares Trump Supporters to Bernie’s Online 'Brownshirt Brigade'
February 10th, 2020 11:29 PM
Just two days after a man drove a van through a group of Trump supporters registering people to vote in Florida, MTP Daily host and NBC political director Chuck Todd took a vicious swipe at Trump’s backers, which he noted were gathering just across the street for a rally, by comparing them to the Nazi Brownshirts who enforced Adolf Hitler’s rule.

‘Not Up to Us': New MSNBC Anchor Begs Colleagues Not to Whip Dem Votes
February 9th, 2020 2:38 PM
During Sunday’s Meet the Press on NBC, newly hired MSNBC anchor Joshua Johnson (formerly with NPR) had a candid moment when he admitted the media took part in helping the DNC whip votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and implored his colleagues not to lobby for certain candidates in the 2020 Democratic primary.

CNN: Uninspiring Biden Brought 'Get Off My Lawn' Energy to Debate
February 8th, 2020 12:16 AM
Following the ABC Democratic debate in New Hampshire on Friday, CNN’s panel of liberal journalists and activists were mostly in agreement when panning the performance and campaign strategy of former Vice President Joe Biden. Between them, the panel painted an image of an “angry” old man shouting “get off my lawn” across the stage, while failing to “inspire” people to donate to his campaign.

'Double Jeopardy Does Not Apply': CNN Looks for More Impeach Charges
February 5th, 2020 6:10 PM
Moments after the Senate acquitted President Trump of the impeachment charges against him, CNN’s The Lead looked to the future and to House Democrats who were zealously trying to drum up more impeachment charges. “Double jeopardy does not apply in politics,” chief national correspondent John King proclaimed to the rest of the panel, clearly looking for Trump to be retried on the charges he was…

CNNers Belittle Trump's SOTU Guests: Like Oprah Handing Out Cars
February 5th, 2020 8:00 AM
Throughout President Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night, he accented his address and policy proposals by looking to the balcony and calling attention to the stories of great Americans, just as every president since Ronald Reagan had done. But in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, CNN’s Cuomo PrimeTime took issue with Trump’s use of those guests, with one decrying the scene as akin…

CNN’s Tapper Decries Trump’s ‘Reality TV’ SOTU, Divisive ‘Red Meat’
February 5th, 2020 12:09 AM
Moments after President Trump wrapped up his eventful State of the Union address Tuesday night, CNN host Jake Tapper took to ripping into; much like the petty Speaker of the House did in ripping up the advanced copy Trump gave her. According to him, the address bore a striking resemblance to mindless “reality television,” and, with very few exceptions, it was nothing but divisive “red meat” for…

Frustration Setting in for CNN: Iowa 'Starting to Look Like a Debacle'
February 4th, 2020 12:28 AM
It’s past midnight and there’s still no official results from the Iowa caucuses and rumors said results wouldn’t be published until the morning. CNN’s patience wore wearing thin late in the 10:00 p.m. hour when their frustrations flashed. They were so desperate for numbers that host and liberal activist Van Jones began reading unverified numbers an apparent caucus secretary had released on…

CNN: No Such Thing as Right-Wing Media, Just a 'Propaganda Apparatus'
February 2nd, 2020 3:16 PM
In exercising projection, CNN’s so-called “Reliable Sources” sought to decry President Trump’s “imperial presidency” on Sunday by emphasizing how there was no such thing as “right-wing media” vs. “liberal-media,” but, in fact, it was a “propaganda apparatus” vs. a “media apparatus.” Yes, it was the same show that said Trump had killed more people than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao combined, claimed the…

CNN Suffers MELTDOWN After Alexander Says He'll Oppose Witnesses
January 31st, 2020 12:47 AM
Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander was the last of four moderate Republicans the liberal media had held out hope for voting to hear more witnesses in the impeachment trial. But shortly after the Senate trial ended the question and answer portion, the Senator made it known he was finished hearing the evidence and was ready to vote. Upon hearing this development, CNNers (particularly those with a…

MSNBC's Melber: Is Trump 'Darth Vader’ or ‘the Worst Stormtrooper?'
January 30th, 2020 9:48 PM
During a rare moment of clarity on Thursday’s The Beat, MSNBC host Ari Melber seemed to realize the contradictory nature of the liberal media’s dueling hyperbolic narratives against President Trump. “Is he Darth Vader or is he like the worst Stormtrooper,” Melber wondered. The question came while his guests were arguing about whether Trump was an all-controlling and murderous dictator or…

CNN’s Lemon Refuses to Apologize for Belittling Trump Supporters
January 28th, 2020 11:03 PM
Days after he took part in viciously attacking Trump supporters for supposedly not being able to read, CNN anchor Don Lemon finally addressed the controversy on-air, but only after it blew up across social media. During his opening monologue for Tuesday’s CNN Tonight, Lemon refuses to apologize, instead claiming he doesn't belittle people and was only laughing at the joke and didn't hear…

CNN Swoons for 'Very Emotional' Schiff, Knows 'What's Right' for Us
January 24th, 2020 12:17 AM
That’s it! Stop the impeachment trial and remove President Trump now because Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) was on the verge of tears! That was essentially the reaction CNN had to Schiff’s final words in Thursday’s session. CNN Tonight host Don Lemon touted how the proceedings adjourned with “A very emotional closing there from the lead impeachment manager, Adam Schiff saying, ‘Right matters.…