
CNN Fears Dems Can’t Reconcile Generational Divide in Their Base

March 3rd, 2020 11:07 PM
As CNN host Jake Tapper pointed out during their Super Tuesday coverage, there was an obvious generational divide between the Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wing of the Democratic Party and former Vice President Joe Biden’s (D). “Younger voters overwhelmingly are with Bernie Sanders … And older voters are overwhelmingly with Joe Biden.” Sharing their fears of that divide and resentment carrying over to…

Chris Matthews Announces RETIREMENT After Pressure He Be Fired

March 2nd, 2020 8:09 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball is no more! That was part of the somber announcement host Chris Matthews made at the top of the program on Monday when he announced his retirement from the network. The move came after a week of pressure from supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and the #MeToo movement for him to be fired for controversial comments he had made. The pressure appeared so great that he wasn’t…

CNN Tells Viewers to Take Trump’s ‘Hoax’ Comment ‘How You Wish’

March 1st, 2020 4:13 PM
The self-proclaimed “facts first” outlet had apparently given that up for more a facts a la carte approach. According to CNN Inside Politics host John King, one didn’t need to believe the fact that President Trump was describing the Democratic and media fearmongering of his administration’s handling of the coronavirus (COVID-19) as a “hoax;” “you can read this how you wish” and believe he said it…

CNN Marvels at Bernie the 'Fortress,' the Mountain, the 'Bulldozer'

February 26th, 2020 2:14 AM
In something reminiscent of someone listing off glorifying titles for characters from Game of Thrones, CNN’s post-debate panel of liberals on Anderson Cooper 360 Tuesday marveled at how Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) conducted himself, even while digging himself into a hole by tripling down on his support for communist dictator Fidel Castro.

‘Let’s All Talk Over Each Other!’ CNN Mocks CBS for Debate Chaos

February 26th, 2020 12:25 AM
Arguably, the biggest takeaway from the Democratic debate on Tuesday was that CBS News didn’t know how to moderate. CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell and This Morning co-host Gayle King had almost no control as the debate would often descend into a cacophony of shrieking candidates. Their incompetence was so blatant that the panel on CNN’s AC360 couldn’t help but periodically mock the…

Pro-Abort Nets Spike Appeals Court Upholding Trump’s Pro-Life Rule

February 24th, 2020 11:52 PM
When Republican-controlled statehouses were passing a wave pro-life laws around the country in 2019, the liberal broadcast networks looked on in horror and bashed the bills. On Monday, after the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the Trump administration’s Protect Life Rule, the networks were nowhere to be seen. Instead, CBS Evening News reported on a study about smart speakers, ABC’s World…

ABC, NBC Treat Trump’s India Trip as Sightseeing, Ignore Trade Efforts

February 24th, 2020 9:18 PM

One of the big announcements to come out of President Trump’s visit to India, so-far this week, was a $3 billion deal to supply the country with new military helicopters. But the viewers of ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News on Monday were misled to believe the visit as just the President was just on a sightseeing trip by ignoring the deal and other trade negotiations. Combined, the…


Matthews: Sanders Win in Nevada Is Like France Falling to the Nazis

February 23rd, 2020 3:37 PM
As The Hill media reporter Joe Concha reported on Sunday, Hardball host Chris Matthews was the latest target of the so-called Bernie Bros as they demanded MSNBC fire him for a comment he made about their dear leader, Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) win in the Nevada caucus. According to Matthews, Sanders’ blitzkrieg through the first three states, and his increased momentum, reminded him of the…

CNN Hysteria: Memes Drive ‘Voter Suppression,’ Are All Russian Ops

February 23rd, 2020 1:58 PM

Though the segment blew up on Twitter because The Atlantic’s David Frum described President Trump as so “physically capable” that he couldn’t “pick up a ball,” the arguably more ridiculous part of that Sunday’s so-called “Reliable Sources” segment was when fill-in host John Avlon led the panel in a mini-freak-out about memes. Together, they claimed memes were responsible for voter suppression…


CNN: ‘Bloomberg Was Awful,’ ‘Titanic, Meet Iceberg,’ Fist to His Face

February 20th, 2020 12:13 AM
The first three words of CNN’s analysis after Wednesday’s Nevada Democratic presidential debate, provided by chief political analyst Gloria Borger, summed up the panel’s consensus: “Bloomberg was awful.” Whether it was comparisons to the Titanic or getting punched in the face, the criticism only got worse as the liberal panel began to mock former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg for being…

Hello, Lib Media? Bloomberg Censors, Threatens His Reporters in China

February 18th, 2020 11:46 PM
While ABC and CBS were largely putting aside the many controversies of former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to tout his rapid rise in the polls Tuesday, Leta Hong Fincher, the wife of a former award-winning Bloomberg News reporter was busy reminding the public of how Bloomberg censors his reporters who cover China and threatens those that don’t submit.

Stelter: Was I ‘Stupid’ to Say Avenatti Was ‘Serious’ 2020 Contender?

February 16th, 2020 3:23 PM
Well, it may have taken a while, but CNN host Brian Stelter finally admitted that praising lawyer Michael Avenatti (A.K.A creepy porn lawyer) as a “serious” contender for 2020 wasn’t a smart move. The admission came during the latest Reliable Sources as he was speaking with writers form the left-wing Daily Beast, Lachlan Markey and Asawin Suebsaeng about their new book about how the DC swamp…

The Media Couldn’t Be Less Interested in Van Attack Against Trumpers

February 13th, 2020 12:02 AM

It has been four days since a deranged leftist tried to kill six Trump supporters at a voter registration event in Duval Country, Florida on Saturday with a van. In that time frame, the story had only generated a measly one minute and four seconds of airtime between three brief mentions on liberal news outlets, NBC and CNN. That’s despite the fact that the attacker had admitted to authorities…


Sparks Fly as CNN’s Establishment, Far-Left Dems React to Sanders Win

February 12th, 2020 1:07 AM
Moments after Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was declared the winner of New Hampshire’s Democratic primary, CNN’s far-left liberals like host and activist Van Jones were ecstatically gloating about how “this guy is on the march” just like President Trump in 2016. And they didn’t appreciate it when establishment Democrats such as former Obama advisor David Axelrod pumped the bakes by noting how…