
Unlike Media, Dr. Birx Blames China for Virus, Rebukes CCP Propaganda

March 19th, 2020 9:09 PM
In a Thursday evening interview with the Fox News Channel’s Bret Baier for Special Report, Dr. Deborah Birx, of the coronavirus task force subtlety and adeptly placed the blame on China for trying to cover up the existence of the coronavirus. She also shot down the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda that claimed the virus had started in the United States; effectively doing what many liberal…

Cuomo Scolds Trump on ‘Chinese Virus,’ ‘Could Have Come from Anywhere’

March 18th, 2020 11:16 PM
While the communist Chinese government was busy cranking out deceitful propaganda claiming the coronavirus had originated in the United States, CNN’s Chris Cuomo spent part of his Wednesday night show scolding President Trump for calling it the “Chinese Virus.” He even suggested that top health officials don’t call it that “because it could have come from anywhere.”

CNN’s Axelrod Warns: Trump Leading in Virus Crisis Will Help in 2020

March 18th, 2020 12:16 AM
While most of the liberal media were sniping at President Trump by trying to suggest he didn’t take the coronavirus seriously or that he should face murder charges, CNN senior political commentator and former Obama adviser David Axelrod took time out of their Democratic primary night coverage to warn his colleagues not sleep on how the President was handling the situation, because he could ride…

CNN: Biden Is the One to Lead Us, ‘Trust,’ Give ‘Hope’ in Virus Crisis

March 15th, 2020 11:48 PM
Even with his multiple stumbling points throughout the night, CNN’s post-debate analysis chalked up a win for former Vice President Joe Biden citing how he supposedly came off at the leader America needed to see her through the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. According to the liberals of CNN, not only was Biden the one people could “trust,” but he was also the bringer of “hope” and plans.

Dr. Fauci Tells CNN to ‘Get Real’ With Their Microphone Freak Out

March 15th, 2020 1:50 PM
CNN has been so intense with pushing the narrative that President Trump didn’t care about dealing with the coronavirus correctly, that they’ve been hyperventilating about an image of him and Dr. Anthony Fauci touching a microphone at the same time during a White House press conference. When CNN fill-in host Brianna Keilar pressed Fauci on what happened, the nation’s top immunologist chuckled and…

Sam Bee Calls Out Virus ‘Racism,’ Tying to China Is ‘Racist Orchestra’

March 12th, 2020 4:23 PM
The lefty media expects to do two key things in response to coronavirus: 1, freak the heck out to the point where you inexplicably buy a small town’s worth of toilet paper and 2, make sure that in your unhinged frenzy you tread so lightly so as to avoid breaking any of the taboos of PC politics.

Lemon Loses His Mind, Shouts Down Kasich for NOT Bashing Trump

March 12th, 2020 12:46 AM
CNN Tonight host Don Lemon was out of control as he raged against former Ohio Governor John Kasich (R) for not bashing President Trump’s Wednesday night address to the nation about the coronavirus crisis. At one point, Lemon was so infuriated that he told his guest that he wasn’t allowed to speak anymore. The triggering event? The White House had to issue a simple clarification about the travel…

Acosta Declares Trump’s Virus Address Was ‘Smacking of Xenophobia’

March 11th, 2020 10:33 PM
Mere moments after President Trump concluded his Wednesday Oval Office address to the nation about the extraordinary steps the administration was taking to stem the deadly coronavirus, CNN, via pompous chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta, was already insisting the address was “smacking of xenophobia” and bigotry. His evidence was Trump calling the coronavirus a “foreign virus,” which was…

Paid CNN Employee Endorses Joe Biden for President On-Air

March 11th, 2020 1:33 AM
Former 2020 Democratic hopeful Andrew Yang had been a paid CNN commentator for only a few weeks before deciding that their Democratic primary coverage of the first Mini-Super Tuesday was the right time for him to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden live on-air.

Twisted Strategy: CNN Fantasizes How Virus Can Help Dems Win 2020

March 10th, 2020 11:29 PM
The liberal media insist they and the Democratic Party were not politicizing the growing coronavirus outbreak, but in the midst of their Tuesday primary night coverage, CNN’s panel of liberals took some time to fantasize about how there will be, as former 2020 hopeful Andrew Yang put it, “a real hunger for” the competency of the Obama administration from “many, many Americans if the coronavirus…

Cuomo Backs Medicare for All as Solution to Virus, ‘Should Be a Must’

March 9th, 2020 11:03 PM
“Should be a must” and “it's no time for any other kind of B.S.” That was the reaction from CNN Prime Time host Chris Cuomo when Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was pitching his socialist Medicare for All plan as the solution to the coronavirus (COVID-19 of Wuhan Virus) outbreak. Cuomo was apparently saying all the right things because it left the Senator visibly pleased and drew praise from the…

Tapper Gets SCHOOLED By Surgeon General on White House Virus Response

March 8th, 2020 3:58 PM
Despite multiple attempts by CNN host Jake Tapper to seemingly embarrass the Trump administration with their response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) during Sunday’s State of the Union, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams schooled him on the facts. Tapper even questioned if President Trump was even listening to the advice of medical professionals, only to be told the multiple doctors in the room were…

Cuomo: Roberts Is a ‘Problem’ for Not Calling Trump ‘Dangerous'

March 5th, 2020 12:06 AM
It started out as a decent Wednesday segment of Cuomo Prime Time, where CNN host Chris Cuomo denounced Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) for threatening two Supreme Court justices, saying it was something the public “should not accept.” But it rapidly morphed into yet another bitter bashing session with Cuomo railing against Chief Justice John Roberts for not calling President Trump “…

Lemon: I Awoke from a Nap, Thought I Was Dreaming Biden Won Tuesday

March 4th, 2020 2:47 AM

The crucial Super Tuesday wins for former Vice President Joe Biden seemed to ease the liberal media’s fears of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) being the Democratic nominee. None were arguably more transparent about that than CNN host Don Lemon during the wee hours of Wednesday morning, when he explained how he woke up from a nap and thought he was still dreaming when he saw the results.