Still Hyping: ABC Now Touts ObamaCare's Banning of 'Discrimination Aga
August 9th, 2012 5:04 PM
ABC News is missing no avenue in its promotion of ObamaCare. The liberal network's website trumpeted the news that, under the President's health care law, "it is against the law to discriminate against transgender and LGBT patients in federally funded healthcare programs."
Writer Susan Donaldson James offered several sympathetic stories of individuals who, previously, struggled to be receive…

WaPo Columnist Works Gratuitous Swipe at Romney Into Story About Natio
July 6th, 2012 7:11 PM
"Summer’s in full swing, and unless your family is rather Romney-esque, there’s a chance you’ll be spending some time in one of the country’s hundreds of national parks. " That's how Washington Post "In the Loop" columnist worked in a gratuitous swipe at the presumptive GOP presidential nominee in today's "In the Loop" column in which he interviewed Jonathan Jarvis, the head of the National…

AP Avoids Reporting Dems' Convention Money Problems, Fails to Mention
June 26th, 2012 10:50 PM
Despite several updates to the story first reported by Bloomberg last night that the Democratic National Convention's "move" of its "celebration" originally scheduled to take place at Charlotte Motor Speedway is really a cancellation likely driven by money problems, the Associated Press has not updated its virtual relay of the DNC's related press release published late last night.…

Obama 'Major Address' Panned by Fans in the Press; AP Barely Musters E
June 14th, 2012 11:31 PM
If you're starting to lose Jonathan Alter, reporters at Politico, and other left-leaning outlets, you're starting to get into trouble. Double that if you can't even get Julie Pace at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, to muster more than eight paragraphs relating to a 53-minute speech pre-positioned as a "major address."
Hunter Walker has compiled several less than…

ABC Shills for Poor Eric Holder: 'Demonized' and 'Victimized' By the G
June 14th, 2012 11:17 AM
According to ABC News' Matt Negrin, Republicans are "victimizing" and "demonizing" Attorney General Eric Holder. The ABC network has almost completely ignored the growing Fast and Furious scandal, but an online article written by Mr. Negrin put the blame on the GOP. (Negrin mocks the concept of media bias on his Facebook page. See screen cap below.)
In fact, it seems Negrin's…

ABC Reporter Mocks Global Warming 'Denialists,' Calls for More Alarmis
April 23rd, 2012 12:32 PM
ABC reporter and global warming enthusiast Bill Blakemore on Sunday condescendingly dismissed climate change skeptics as "denialists." In a piece on, he called for yet more advocacy on the part of journalists.
After noting that confidence in the science of climate change has varied from year to year, Blakemore huffed that these beliefs "don't seem to be responding all that much…
ABC Still Claims Neo-Nazis in Sanford
April 10th, 2012 11:45 AM
Following up on P.J. Gladnick's NewsBusters story about reports of non-existent neo-Nazi "patrols" in Sanford, Fla. in response to potential racial violence there, ABC's Candace Smith apparently hasn't gotten the memo that there are no such patrols going on. As Gladnick reported two days ago, Professor William Jacobson of the Legal Insurrection blog did the legwork that reporters like…

ABC's Bill Blakemore: 'America’s Prestige Damaged by Its Climate Den
April 2nd, 2012 10:29 AM
One of ABC's chief global warming alarmists Bill Blakemore was at it again Sunday.
At the network's Nature and Environment website, Blakemore actually wrote, "America’s Prestige Damaged by Its Climate Denialism":

Jobs Lost in Best Buy HQ Layoffs, Store Closures: Several Thousand, No
March 30th, 2012 1:43 PM
From what I can tell, no one in the establishment press yesterday attempted to quantify the total employment impact of yesterday's announcement by Best Buy that it will reduce its headquarters headcount by 400 and close 50 stores. One thing is certain: It's not just 400, as the headlines and verbiage in certain media reports might lead readers to believe -- and it's not excusable to say that…

Did ABC News Purposely Use Unnecessary Chyron to Cover Up Zimmerman's
March 30th, 2012 9:04 AM
Get that totally unnecessary chyron out of there, ABC News!
Why is your "ABC NEWS EXCLUSIVE" chyron covering up the back of George Zimmerman's head in the police surveillance video of him arriving at the police station soon after Trayvon Martin was killed in Sanford, Florida? There is a big controversy out there as to whether Zimmerman actually did suffer certain injuries including a bruise…

On Solyndra and Obama's 2011 SOTU Avoidance, Politico's Samuelsohn Mis
March 18th, 2012 4:45 PM
On Friday, Darren Samuelsohn at the Politico (HT Hot Air), the place where it seems that inconvenient stories go so the Associated Press, the New York Times and the rest of the establishment press can claim they have an excuse not to cover them (respective proofs as of about 3:30 p.m. in the current instance are here and here), covering -- or I should say attempting to cover -- the latest of…

ABC's Farnham: 2008 Was Last Time U.S. 'Saw' $4-a-Gallon Gas
February 14th, 2012 9:53 AM
Everybody, including yours truly, makes mistakes. But a major news organization should be able to catch whoppers like the ones readers will see shortly, or at least fix them in short order if they get posted.
A Google search on the title of an ABC report on gas prices ("Bumpy Ride Ahead: Gas Prices May Soon Hit $4 a Gallon") at about 8:10 a.m. ET indicates that the story went up at about 6 p.…

Obama's New 'Truth Teams' and Related Web Sites Aren't News at AP, NYT
February 14th, 2012 1:08 AM
One web site devoted to "fighting the smears" (i.e., pretending that what is true really isn't) apparently isn't enough for Barack Obama's reelection campaign. There are now three, plus so-called "truth teams" of activists whose mission it will be to serve as rapid-response purveyors of what will likely heaping helpings of fabricated refutations.
This news is now officially 24 hours old; its…

Justice Ginsburg to Egyptians: 'I would not look to the U.S. Constitut
February 4th, 2012 10:35 AM
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, on a trip underwritten by the U.S. State Department (aren't justices expected to keep their distances from the government to protect their perceived impartiality?), was in Egypt on Wednesday at a Cairo University law school seminar. While there, according to the Associated Press's Mark Sherman, she told students that (in Sherman's words) "she was…