ABC on Romney (Not at Bain Since 1999): He 'Sent Millions to the Mormo

January 18th, 2012 11:58 PM
In 1998, we learned that Al and Tipper Gore made $353 in deductible charitable contributions against income of $198,000 the previous year. In the decade from 1998-2007, Joe and Jill Biden averaged $369 per year in such reported contributions. Bill and Hillary Clinton were infamous for taking charitable contributions for used underwear. The aforementioned facts are generally not known by…

AP's Kuhnhenn: Obama Only Promised to Make Signing Statements 'More Tr

December 28th, 2011 8:17 AM
At the Associated Press on Friday, reporter Jim Kuhnhenn provided yet another reason why characterizing the wire service as The Administration's Press is perfectly appropriate. In wake of President Obama's use of a "signing statement" objecting on constitutional grounds to congressionally-imposed "restrictions on his ability to transfer detainees from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo…

ABC's Misleading Headline: "Gingrich ’06 Memo: 'Agree Entirely With

December 27th, 2011 8:54 AM
ABC's Jonathan Karl Tuesday published a piece now prominently featured at the Drudge Report with a headline guaranteed to be the Obama-loving media's lead story concerning something Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich wrote over five years ago: "Gingrich ’06 Memo: 'Agree Entirely With Gov. Romney' on Health Care." Inside the actual document uncovered by BuzzFeed’s Andrew Kaczynski… Bashes 'Holiday Homophobia,' Challenges Christians Rejecti

December 26th, 2011 8:30 AM
It’s the Christmas season, and is celebrating Christ’s birth in the way that media types know best: promoting homosexuality and bashing traditional Christians for their unwavering stance on homosexuality. A Dec 23 piece (in the “Health” Section) by reporter Susan Donaldson James, titled “Holiday Homophobia: Is It Christian to Reject Gay Partners?”, prominently features two…

Trouble: Gingrich Talk of Life Begins at Implantation With Tapper

December 5th, 2011 1:36 PM
I’m sorry to say the good people at are apparently starstruck. Blogged Josh Mercer yesterday: "The Gingrich campaign contacted me directly last night about the comments that he made to ABC News. The campaign sent me the following statement from Newt Gingrich. (Which is also on their website). I am very glad that the Gingrich campaign was quick to respond to the fallout from the…

Michele Bachmann Greeted With 'Lyin' A-- B--ch' by Jimmy Fallon's Band

November 22nd, 2011 5:31 PM
As we get nearer to Election Day, Americans on both sides of the political aisle must be wondering if the media will have any limits concerning what is an acceptable attack on one of President Obama's opponents. Consider that on NBC's Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, as Republican presidential candidate and sitting member of Congress Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) was introduced Monday, the band…

AP's Terse Report on Obama and Expelled 'Occupy' Participants Ignores

November 15th, 2011 8:17 PM
At the Associated Press this afternoon, White House Correspondent Ben Feller relayed the essence of a statement by Obama administration spokesman Jay Carney about how the President believes that, in Feller's words, "it's up to New York and other municipalities to decide how much force to use in dealing with Occupy Wall Street demonstrations." Feller failed to mention both the President's…

Big Three Nets All But Ignore Occupy Oakland Violence and Arrests

October 25th, 2011 7:21 PM
The morning shows of ABC, CBS, and NBC on Tuesday devoted just 19 seconds to the arrests of 75 people in northern California, after police evicted Occupy Oakland from their encampment in front of city hall there.  The Early Show devoted a news brief to the story during its last half hour, noting the violent reaction from some of the protesters. Good Morning America and the Today show both…

Obama's 'All the Choices We've Made Have Been the Right Ones' Remark A

October 19th, 2011 9:32 PM
Concerning President Obama, his obviously most important quote of the past 48 hours is his statement to ABC's Jake Tapper (transcript here) that concerning the economy, "I believe all the choices we've made have been the right ones ..." Clearly, such a remark, if widely known, would be problematic for the President among quite a number of unemployed and underemployed Americans. In the New…

Stephanopoulos Asks Obama If He Can Stop Debit Card Fee

October 3rd, 2011 5:40 PM
ABC's George Stephanopoulos lobbied President Obama Monday to "put a stop" to Bank of America's new service charge for its debit card customers. "You might have a new issue on your plate," the former Democratic political operative advised the President about the new five dollar monthly debit card fee for Bank of America customers. In the interview which aired on and at…

Hoffa Before Obama at Detroit Labor Day Rally: 'Let’s Take These Son

September 5th, 2011 7:27 PM
That civility thing which Democrats and the Left thought to be all-important earlier this year is sooooo January. Unless it changes its stripes overnight, the incivility and hostility on display today in Detroit, which hasn't been seen much in establishment press reports to this point, won't appear on the Big 3 Networks' morning shows tomorrow. The American people really need to see what has…

ABC Glorifies 'Freeganism' (Read: Dumpster Diving) As 'Sustainable' Pr

August 8th, 2011 4:43 PM
The credit downgrade must be having truly deleterious effects on New York-based reporters. At least one is hyping the merits of "freeganism," which is just a politically correct euphemism for dumpster diving. "Amid S&P downgrades and widespread panic about financial markets, an anti-consumerism movement quietly marches on: Freeganism,"'s Reshma Kirpalani argued in an August 8…

Obama's False Family Drama: Ann Dunham Was Not Denied Health Insurance

July 14th, 2011 10:31 PM
As Clay Waters at the Media Research Center's Times Watch reported earlier today ("One of Obama's Emotional Arguments for Obama-Care Proven Wrong in NYT Staffer's New Book"), the New York Times's Kevin Sack ran a story yesterday which "reflects badly on Barack Obama and how he misled people in his campaign for Obama-care." I'll say. As reported by Sack (bolds are mine throughout this post):

'Countdown to U.S. Debt Default' Clock at

July 9th, 2011 3:31 PM
It's one thing to report dishonestly. It's another to proudly display it. The front page of the ABC "World News" website now contains a "Countdown to U.S. Debt Default' clock: