AP Goes All Orwell in Covering Obama Apology for MOH Gaffe It Original

June 25th, 2011 10:44 PM
By failing to initially cover a story millions of people nevertheless learned of -- the presidential gaffe noted at NewsBusters by Matt Sheffield, among others, on Thursday morning -- the Associated Press created a bit of a problem for itself. In a speech to soldiers at Fort Drum, President Obama "mistakenly identified a fallen member of that division as another soldier in a completely…

Eight Days After House Hearing on Inmate Radicalization, Feds Bust Mus

June 23rd, 2011 5:30 PM
Last Wednesday as Rep. Peter King conducted hearings on Muslim inmate radicalization in America's prisons, MSNBC was busy attacking the proceeding as unnecessary and/or unfairly targeted to unfairly single out the Islamic faith. Well, eight days later comes this development as reported by ABCNews.com in a June 23 article entitled, "Feds: Prison Converts to Extremist Islam Planned Ft. Hood-…

Obama Florida Fundraiser Over Half-Empty; Only Politico, ABC Blogs Not

June 14th, 2011 10:58 AM
Many people, including yours truly, believe that one of the primary reasons for the Politico's existence is to carry negative stories about Democrats and leftists which the rest of the establishment press then mostly chooses to ignore ("Why should we cover that? It's at the Politico already"). President Obama's more than half-empty campaign fundraising stop in Miami Monday is a case in point…

Name That Party: AP Fails to Tag Nearly Indicted John Edwards as a Dem

May 25th, 2011 12:19 PM
UPDATE: As seen here, the very earliest AP reports appear to have identified Edwards as a Democrat (the age of the item may not correspond with when the AP subscriber actually received it), but the latest ones, including this item found at AP's home site (as of 12:59 p.m.), do not. UPDATE 2: A mixed bag -- The 6:55 p.m. report from the same AP reporters (pic here) notes that Edwards was the "…

ABC News's Own Website Contradicts World News's Fear-Mongering Tornado

May 24th, 2011 10:16 AM
As NewsBusters reported moments ago, ABC's "World News" on Monday did a segment attempting to tie this year's tornado season to global warming. Quite comically, some of the fear-mongering tornado data in this report was contradicted by ABC News's own website Monday (video follows with partial transcript and commentary):

Media Highlight Wanted Terrorist Al Awlaki, Forget They Called Him 'Mo

May 9th, 2011 2:19 PM
Last week, the media rightfully crowed over U.S. success in killing Osama Bin Laden, an unquestioned bad guy in the war on terror. They noted that intelligence gathered from that raid may have led to an unsuccessful U.S. Predator drone attack on Anwar Al Awlaki, leader of Al Qaeda in Yemen. Unfortunately, while Al Awlaki is very much as bad as Bin Laden, the media haven’t always known it. The…

ABC Presents Rep. Mica's Pet Project As GOP Hypocrisy on Budget Reduct

April 20th, 2011 1:38 PM
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. That could accurately describe Republicans' relationship to the liberal media on budget matters. While the mainstream media often raise a clamor about GOP plans to cut back on arts funding -- see this article from yesterday's Washington Post -- it seems any move to do the opposite will also face scorn. Take ABCNews.com's "The Blotter" and its take on…

ABCNews.com Laments Planned Parenthood Defunding Motion Passed Despite

February 18th, 2011 4:09 PM
Earlier this afternoon, the House of Representatives voted for an amendment to a spending bill that would strip Planned Parenthood of federal funding. Much of the debate on the measure happened last night, including a speech in opposition of the move by a Democratic congresswoman, Jackie Speier (D-Calif.),  who recalled her own abortion procedure. After the vote came down today, ABCNews.com…

ABC News Frets Over PBS Cuts: 'Big Bird on the Chopping Block

February 15th, 2011 11:52 AM
The ABCNews.com website on Tuesday used the Sesame Street character Big Bird to worry about potential Republican cuts to PBS. Next to a picture of the forlorn puppet and some concerned children, a graphic alerted, "Big Bird on the Chopping Block?" The article, by Huma Khan, discussed the efforts by the House GOP to cut of funding to PBS, but didn't feature a single quote from any such…

Liberal Media Ignore Plagiarism Allegations Against Obama

January 27th, 2011 1:14 PM
As it turns out, mainstream media outlets that lauded President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech as "downright Reaganesque" might be on to something. While ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC exalted the commander-in-chief, at least one observer charged the Democratic president with crafting a speech that was "tantamount to plagiarism." In a column on the U.S. News site, presidential…

Liberal Blogger Details Bradley Manning’s Inhumane Treatment – His

December 27th, 2010 12:51 AM
A man is arrested and detained for months without any charges being brought against him.  He is being held in deplorable conditions, forced to endure extreme physical and mental distress.  He is exposed to the same ‘torture’ tactics that other enemies of the United States have allegedly suffered through.  So why isn’t the Commander-in-Chief taking heat for this travesty of justice? Because…

AP, ABCNews.com Omit Convicted Killer's Illegal Immigration Status, MS

November 22nd, 2010 1:21 PM
Correction: My initial post incorrectly conveyed that Chandra Levy was an intern for then-Rep. Gary Condit (D-Calif.). She was in fact an intern for the Federal Bureau of Prisons. "Salvadoran Immigrant Ingmar Guandique Found Guilty of Murdering D.C. Intern Chandra Levy " That was the breaking news headline that was blasted to my inbox from ABCNews.com regarding today's murder conviction of…

Overwhelming Majority Think Media Encourage Political Division

October 19th, 2010 2:18 PM
On Sunday, I examined the causes of the nation's toxic political atmosphere and amongst other things accused the press of fanning the fires of discontent. Two days later, an ABC News/Yahoo News poll reported by Michael Calderone found 63 percent of Americans believe the mainstream media are more interested in encouraging political division than cooperation between the Parties:

Not the Catholic Church? Major Newspapers Blind to Massive Sex Abuse i

October 11th, 2010 9:59 AM
In the past eight days, ABC News has filed two shocking stories about "a serious epidemic" of sexual abuse and rape of children in Kenya. Not only did the network report that "over 1,000 teachers have been fired for sexually abusing girls over the last two years," but it also relayed systemic cover-ups, police corruption, and perpetrator interference. And while the New York Times, the Los…