According to ABC News' Matt Negrin, Republicans are "victimizing" and "demonizing" Attorney General Eric Holder. The ABC network has almost completely ignored the growing Fast and Furious scandal, but an online article written by Mr. Negrin put the blame on the GOP. (Negrin mocks the concept of media bias on his Facebook page. See screen cap below.)
In fact, it seems Negrin's article was so biased, the network altered the headline. The original title spewed, "Demonizing Attorney General Eric Holder, GOP Is Fast and Furious." The altered headline reads: "Against Attorney General Eric Holder, GOP Is Fast and Furious." (The first version can still be found in the hyper link.) In his piece, Negrin whined, "There's little question that Republicans want to use the demonization of Holder as a political issue."
The Fast and Furious program allowed weapons to go into Mexico. The guns fell into the hands of criminals and ultimately lead to the death of border agent Brian Terry.Yet, Negrin's article ignored Terry and instead lamented Holder's fate: "[Holder's testimony has] shown that the White House may stand to be embarrassed simply by the GOP's victimization of President Obama's top law enforcer."
Negrin offered a sneering tone, dismissing the seriousness of the scandal:
Calling for Holder's resignation is something of a rallying cry in the GOP. The candidates seeking the party's nomination in the primary said Holder had to go; the RNC has tried to raise money off of Fast & Furious and later told visitors to its website, "Fire Eric Holder today!"
[Republican Congressman Darrell] Issa, however, hasn't always favored the release of documents. In 2007, when Gonzales was under scrutiny over the firing of U.S. attorneys, Issa told a local news outlet that the administration shouldn't have released documents related to the case. Issa argued that the attorneys were "at will" employees whose firing didn't need explaining to the public.
In total, the ABC News network has only allowed one anchor brief on the Fast and Furious scandal.
Negrin seems to enjoy discounting the concept of media bias. On his Facebook page, the section that's public includes a picture of him holding a Media Research Center "Don't Believe the Liberal Media!" sign.
Clearly, Americans should take this journalist's advice.
Matt Negrin can be found on Twitter here.