Forget Auto Bailouts, Can Michelle Obama Save the Fashion Industry

November 20th, 2008 11:22 AM
Finding Michelle Obama to be the "First Lady of Fashion,"'s Luchina Fisher wondered if the president-elect's wife could save the fashion industry.:Michelle Obama will soon be the nation's first lady and mom in chief, but others are expecting even grander things from her, like saving the fashion industry. And who in their right mind would think that?: "We're all obviously trying to… Brings Out 'Pregnant Man' Hype Again

November 13th, 2008 2:09 PM
Congratulations, America. It's a she-male!Trumpeting an "exclusive," is proud to announce that transsexual Thomas Beatie is pregnant again. As we've documented at NewsBusters, the biologically female pregnant "man" was the mid-summer fascination of ABC News both in broadcast and on its Web site, Beatie gave birth in July but is preggers again and that's enough to make the…

ABC Reignites 'Troopergate': Officer Portrayed as Victim, Palin as Gui

November 8th, 2008 6:08 AM
ABC Still Attacking Gov. Palin On its Blotter from Brian Ross Blog, ABC News is trying to re-ignite the "Troopergate" issue by portraying Alaska state trooper Mike Wooten as a victim of "threatening phone calls." And, in reporting this new aspect of the story, ABC waits until the last sentence of the story to mention that Governor Palin was deemed innocent of charges of ethics violations in…

Truth Leaks Begin: Emanuel Was Director of Freddie Mac

November 7th, 2008 10:04 AM
Now that Barack Obama has won his bid for the White House, Americans should get ready to learn some inconvenient truths about him and the folks surrounding the president-elect that media have safely hidden from the public in order to promote his messiah-like image.First out of the gate were revelations about Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.), the Obama supporter and Congressional Democratic Caucus…

Photoshop Tilt! Suggests Contest Between Smiley Obama, Sna

October 27th, 2008 1:46 PM

Leftwing Blogosphere Crying About Biden's Tough Interview

October 26th, 2008 1:54 AM
The leftwing blogosphere went into full panic mode Saturday as a result of a tough interview Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden had with a Florida anchorwoman two days ago (video embedded right).As my colleague P. J. Gladnick previously reported, Barbara West of the ABC TV affiliate WFTV in Orlando gave Biden quite a grilling Thursday.Yet, despite the obviously favorable and well-… Writer 'Deeply Ashamed to be Called a “Journalist

October 25th, 2008 11:21 AM
Just how bad has the presidential campaign coverage been this year?So bad that popular online columnist Michael S. Malone, aka's "Silicon Insider," wrote Friday, "I’m deeply ashamed right now to be called a 'journalist.'” So strong were his words that they should be required reading for all the Obama-loving media members that have disgraced themselves as well as their industry this year,…

Biden Guarantees an International Crisis in Six Months if Obama Wins

October 20th, 2008 10:30 AM
Democrat vice presidential candidate Joe Biden on Sunday guaranteed that if Barack Obama is elected president, there will be an international crisis within six months.It's certainly going to be interesting to see how the Obama-loving media report this potentially huge gaffe by the Delaware senator.UPDATE AT END OF POST: Is Biden basing this on national security information the Obama campaign…

Sam Donaldson: Socialism Has Washed Over Capitalism

October 19th, 2008 8:03 PM
ABC's Sam Donaldson has validated Joe the Plumber's worst fears: socialism has indeed washed over capitalism.Maybe worse, Donaldson is clearly less unhappy about this than our new campaign spokesman from Ohio. Such appeared to be the case when the former White House correspondent published a rather ominous commentary at Tuesday both in written and video form (emphasis added, h/t… Pushes Obama Talking Points on Joe the Plumber's Taxes

October 16th, 2008 2:41 PM
"McCain Used Joe Wurzelbacher to Depict His Tax Plan; Ironically He Is in Line for Obama's Tax Plan," insists the subheader for an October 16 story by Imaeyen Ibanga. The reporter pushed the Obama campaign talking points that as it stands right now "Joe the Plumber" would be a beneficiary of Illinois senator's tax plans:Wurzelbacher has become the focal point of the presidential…

ABC's Tapper Exposes Group Wearing 'Palin is a C***' T-shirts

October 13th, 2008 10:38 PM
Although it seems unlikely the disgusting, Sarah Palin-bashing T-shirts my colleague John Stephenson shared with readers today will get much attention from Obama-loving media, at least ABC's Jake Tapper has taken offense.Writing at his Political Punch blog Sunday, Tapper, who continues to distinguish himself as one of the few impartial journalists still working for a mainstream press outlet, didn…

Will Media Report Democrat Congressman's Sex Scandal

October 13th, 2008 1:47 PM 4-3 Court Ruling in Conn. Called 'Blessing' to Gay Marri

October 10th, 2008 4:44 PM
In a 4-3 decision today the Connecticut Supreme Court decided that civil unions for same-sex partners were not equivalent to marriage and as such ordered the state to start issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples applying for them.In reporting the decision, put the story in the top headlines rotation with the following teaser:Conn. Gives Blessing to Gay Marriages; State Supreme… Links Dow Dip to Bush Speech

October 10th, 2008 4:17 PM
In a heavily amateurish move, attributed a dip in an already sinking Dow to President Bush's speech on the economy with a top headline story in its home page rotation."Dow-ner: Bush Speaks, Stocks Drop; Friday address marks 10th time Bush has recently spoken on volatile markets," the teaser headline read.The story in question took the skilled labor of a grand total of four ABCNews…