Media Ignore Caterpillar Plant Employees Overwhelmingly Opposed Stimul
March 3rd, 2009 6:52 PM
In February, in the build up to the ultimate passage of President Barack Obama's $787-billion stimulus package, there was a lot of discussion about how much the stimulus was going to help the ailing economy. And to promote the bill, Obama visited a Caterpillar plant in Peoria, Ill. Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Ill., who represents the 18th Congressional District of Illinois, where the Caterpillar plant…
ABC News: Conservatives Are Biggest Porn Consumers
February 28th, 2009 10:20 AM
ABC News is excited about porn. At least excited by the "fact" that conservative and religious states have the highest levels of porn usage in the country. This, ABC says, is according to a study by Benjamin Edelman at Harvard Business School. Yes, it's another one of those dime-a-dozen studies.
ABC trumpets the bare "facts" in its February 28 piece titled, "Porn in the USA: Conservatives Are…
ABC's 'Name That Party' December 'Scandal' Montage Updated to Include
February 20th, 2009 3:09 PM
Well, isn't THIS interesting. In a December post (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I reviewed ABC's online "The Faces of Political Scandal" slideshow, which featured mini-profiles of 14 politicians in recent years who have been tainted by scandal and/or crime. At the time, I noted that: Of the 14 politicians identified, seven are Democrats and seven are Republicans. Five of the seven GOP members…
ABC Groaner: Now Just Living 'Near' Fast Food Places Kills
February 20th, 2009 6:42 AM
The ABC News medical unit wants to warn you about a stunning new risk to your health: fast food. Amazingly, it "ups your stroke risk" ABC tells us. Of course, we all know that eating too much fast food is bad for us, right? Well ABC has even more startling news. It isn't necessarily only eating the stuff that'll kill you. You see, ABC wants us to believe that just living near fast food places…
Daschle's Tax Dodging: (Of Course) There's Even More Than Originally R
January 31st, 2009 10:03 AM
Sleep a little, miss a lot. As noted Friday evening (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), Jake Tapper at ABC's Political Punch blog revealed that former South Dakota senator Tom Daschle, Barack Obama's nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, had failed to pay over $100,000 in federal income taxes for 2005, 2006, and 2007, because he did not originally report the "the services of (a free)…
Driving Mr. Daschle: HHS Nominee Has $100,000 'Geithner Problem
January 30th, 2009 11:41 PM
Former South Dakota Senator Tom Daschle (picture at right is part of a Getty Images pic at a related New York Times story) has just upped the ante in Washington's tax-avoiding/evading game of "Can you top this?" Whereas recently confirmed Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner "only" $40,000 in back taxes and interest, principally relating to unpaid Social Security and Medicare taxes (with a dash of… Scorns Bush in 'Historic Moments of Inaugurations Past' Sl
January 19th, 2009 4:55 PM
A 14-picture slideshow of "Historic Moments of Inaugurations Past" that begins with an illustration of Washington's 1793 swearing-in and mostly includes flattering photos of other commanders-in-chief ends not with a photo of President George W. Bush but of left-wing protestors at his first inauguration. (h/t e-mail tipster Chris Lowery)Even President Nixon was shown flashing his "classic double…
ABC Exclusive: Former Obama Pastor Admits to Being 'Arrogant...Evil
January 19th, 2009 12:49 PM
In a January 18 ABC News exclusive interview, former Obama pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright confessed to, but did not repent of, his inflammatory rhetoric directed at the media. Wright's excuse:"They were arrogant, they were evil, they were devious and I responded in kind," Wright said. "I just talked to you about a 500-year tradition but you don't ask me one question about that because that's not…
ABC News Shocker: The 'All Time Dumb Quotes' Are All From Republicans
January 1st, 2009 4:43 PM
Looks like ABC News is starting out 2009 with a partisan bang. On its main page, ABC News is hosting a slide show featuring what it is calling the "All Time Dumb Quotes." Now, these are not all strictly political dumb quotes, to be sure. They also have the empty headed Christina Aguilera, that sharp as a tack Jessica Simpson and other denizens of the Hollywood Mensa club among the 16 featured…
ABC’s Ultimate Financial Hardship Story: Selling Your Body for Medic
December 19th, 2008 10:56 AM
Just how bad is the economy? ABC's "World News with Charles Gibson" went all the way to Edwardsburg, Mich. to find out. The Dec. 18 broadcast of "World News" highlighted a new economic indicator - the increase in the number of people willing to lend their body to science for money. "We're going to turn next to some of the extreme measures that some Americans are taking because of the…
ABC's Rick Klein: Obama Wants Fight with Gay Activists to Prove He's M
December 18th, 2008 3:57 PM
Barack Obama doesn't mind a fight with gay activists over selecting Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at his inauguration because the President-elect is bound and determined to govern as a centrist.That according to's Rick Klein as posted to The Note blog (emphases mine):President-elect Barack Obama’s selection of Pastor Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at his inauguration…
Name That Party Parade: ABC's 'Faces of Political Scandal' Labels Most
December 11th, 2008 9:04 AM
A collection of "The Faces of Political Scandal," assembled by ABC News yesterday (HT to an e-mailer), once again demonstrates the media's relative reluctance to identify the membership of Democrats involved in scandal.Of the 14 politicians identified, seven are Democrats and seven are Republicans. Five of the seven GOP members are identified as such, while only two of the seven Democrats were… Examines Obama's Church Search
November 24th, 2008 11:55 AM
Complete with a photo of the president-elect at the pulpit, is hyping how "Obama Goes Church-Hunting, With Caution" on the Web site's front page."In picking church, Obamas will weigh political, religious and personal feelings," the subheading to Russell Goldman's reads.:Come Jan. 20, Barack Obama knows the house in which he and his family will live, but he has yet to decide at which…