Bozell Column: A Kidnapped 'Fetus
August 5th, 2009 1:01 PM
Darlene Haynes was only 23 years old when another woman brutally slashed her open and removed her eight-month-old baby girl from her womb. Her decomposing body was found on July 27, wrapped in a blanket and dumped in a closet inside her apartment in Worcester, Massachusetts. The body was so mutilated that when they found it, the police said they couldn't immediately determine its gender. The…
Will ABC's Knocks on the Stimulus Get Past 'The Note
June 30th, 2009 12:01 AM
ABC's online "The Note" describes itself as "Washington's Original and Most Influential Tipsheet." ABC News's Senior Political Reporter Richard Klein is its current content creator. We'll see how influential "The Note" really is if what Klein writes about the machinations behind the attempt to make us forget that the Obama stimulus plan was supposedly going to be making some kind of difference…
Obama's 'Very Best Care' For His Own Family ABC Comment Largely Unimpo
June 27th, 2009 12:13 AM
Clearly, the most important takeaway from ABC's low-rated White House forum on health care was President Barack Obama's admission that he would go outside the constraints of a nationalized system to get the "very best care" if necessary for his own family.Hot Air's Ed Morrissey noted that Obama's response should properly be seen as "a Michael Dukakis moment that exposed him as a hypocrite."A…
How ABC Stacked the Deck for Obama
June 25th, 2009 4:10 AM
With the very first question of its prime time special, Questions for the President: Prescription for America, ABC set the tone that essentially confirmed for viewers that the president was right in his desire to radically remake America's healthcare system. As the infomercial began, "moderator" Charles Gibson asked a seminal question of the doctors and other participants that were about to hear…
Tapper Thumper: Is Obama 'Preventing Actual Reporters' From Covering W
May 23rd, 2009 7:35 AM
On May 20, ABC's Jake Tapper asked a few salient questions about coverage of an April 27 incident at the White House basketball court, a sort of event after the event that the White House press corps was barred from covering. Tapper wondered then why the president barred the press but it later became clear that Team Obama was creating its own little media report "complete with cuts, interviews,…
Medical Malarkey: ABC Gives Space to Doc Who Claims Common, Beneficial
May 20th, 2009 12:03 AM
Nortin Hadler, M.D. is a "professor of medicine and microbiology/immunology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and an attending rheumatologist at University of North Carolina Hospitals."He also thinks that a number of procedures commonly thought of as beneficial have no or very minimal benefit.The fact that ABC is carrying Hadler's exhortations may be a clue that the network is…
ABC's Chris Cuomo Debates Priest Over 'Angels & Demons' – But Only O
May 18th, 2009 3:30 PM
After promoting the controversial, religion-baiting film "Angels & Demons" for a combined 19 minutes last week on "Good Morning America," ABC finally featured a Catholic priest to object to the movie. Unfortunately, the interview was relegated only to the network's website, not the ABC morning show. (Considering the four days of fawning coverage to the film's stars last week, this hardly…
'Pec-tacular': DC Mag to Feature Shirtless Obama on Cover
April 21st, 2009 10:03 AM
The gushing and fawning over our new president will reach new heights -- or new lows depending on your point of view!!! -- when the May issue of Washingtonian magazine is released with a picture of a shirtless Obama on the cover.Even more disgraceful, the headline will read:26 Reasons To Love Living HereReason #2: Our New Neighbor Is HotNow that's respect for the office, dontcha think?ABC's Jake… Ignores Prop 8 Vote in Story on Beauty Pageant Gay Marriag
April 20th, 2009 6:57 PM
Let's get this straight [pardon the pun]: A beauty contest contestant with a conservative view on same-sex marriage upsets an openly gay blogger with her answer to his question about her thoughts on the issue. Yet in reporting the story, paints her as the bad guy for offending the celebrity judge, while failing to mention that a majority of said beauty queen's fellow Californians…
CNN Touts Obama $100M Spending Cut, but Even White House Acknowledges
April 20th, 2009 4:24 PM
It must be hard to keep a straight face when you report that the President of United States going to cut $100 million from a $3.5 trillion budget and then say he is serious about cutting government spending. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs couldn't pull it off. In the White House's April 20 press briefing, Gibbs was asked by Associated Press reporter Jennifer Loven why the $100-million…
ABC's Dan Harris: Is Bad News the New Porn
April 9th, 2009 2:56 PM
Is pessimism about the economy really the new porn? ABC's Dan Harris inquired about that possibility in an April 9 "Quick Fix" video for But he didn't examine ABC's role in promoting pessimistic or apocalyptic news which has been happening for years. "Here's something I'm fixated on this week," Harris teased. "A little something called pessimism porn. That is a term coined by…
ABC Blames Bank Robberies on Bad Economy
March 12th, 2009 12:14 AM
The Law and Justice front page currently features an article, dramatically titled "Will Steal For Food: Crisis Creates Criminals." On that same page, alleged bank robber Bruce Windsor is featured in an orange jumpsuit above a caption that reads: "In poor economy, police have arrested a rash of atypical alleged bank robbers."