ABC News: 'Unemployed, Underemployed Look to Jobs Summit for Help

November 30th, 2009 10:57 AM
"Unemployed, Underemployed Look to Jobs Summit for Help" is posted on ABC News's Web site today.  Authored by senior Washington correspondent John Cochran, the piece is notable in that nothing in it supports the headline.  Cochran writes:Boosting confidence is at the top of President Obama's list at the Jobs Summit he is scheduled to host on Thursday. The invitation list includes business leaders…

'Louisiana Purchase' Landrieu Blames ABC Report of $100 Million Buyoff

November 21st, 2009 2:30 PM
What's $100 million of taxpayer money between a few U.S. Senators? After reports surfaced of $100 million for Louisiana was added to the Senate's health care reform legislation, originally from ABC News, and subsequently commented upon by prominent lefties, like U.S. News and World Report's Bonnie Erbe as my colleague Noel Sheppard pointed out, Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., took the Senate floor on…

ABC's 'Blotter': Hasan Had Multiple Ties to Jihadi Groups, Styled Self

November 12th, 2009 3:21 PM
Richard Esposito, Mary-Rose Abraham and Rhonda Schwartz of ABC's "The Blotter" have a fresh post up on about Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's ties to jihadi groups. It's a fascinating read.Esposito and his colleagues report that:

How Will Media Report GOP Beating Democrats in New Gallup Poll

November 11th, 2009 1:59 PM
A rather stunning Gallup poll was released Wednesday showing Republicans moving ahead of Democrats in which Party registered voters support in next year's Congressional elections.As Gallup reported in its summary, this is a rare occurrence in the almost sixty years since the polling organization has been tracking generic voter preferences for the House of Representatives.Given media's downplaying…

ABC News Forgets Someone On The Anniversary Of The Fall Of The Berlin

November 9th, 2009 5:00 PM
That's right. In a four page report from ABC News titled, "Tens of Thousands Celebrate 20th Anniversary of Berlin Wall's Collapse," Ronald Reagan is not even mentioned. Not once. And from what I have read, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton didn't mention President Reagan, and neither did President Obama in his taped message. I hope I end up being wrong about that, but I kind of doubt that I am.…

Wholly Ineffective: Lefty Boycott of Whole Foods Has No Noticeable Fin

November 5th, 2009 12:44 PM
Here's news you can virtually guarantee won't get noticed by what remains of the establishment media. Whole Foods (WFMI) announced its financial results for the quarter ended September 30 yesterday. The quarter closed about 50 days after outraged leftists called for a boycott of the grocery chain to retaliate for a Wall Street Journal op-ed written by CEO John Mackey. In that column, Mackey…

ABC's Concerns of Sexism in Scozzafava Exit Ignore Its Own Bigotry Tow

November 5th, 2009 10:00 AM
Dede Scozzafava's exit from a major campaign gave readers a perfect glimpse into the double standard applied by the media when it comes to women in politics. The World Newser, official blog of ABC's World News Tonight, ran an article November 2 lamenting Scozzafava suspending her campaign curtly titled "Message to the GOP - 'Moderates Need Not Apply.'" The piece quoted three people sympathetic…

ABC News: 'Is Obama 'Too Nice' to Make Tough Decisions

October 19th, 2009 12:16 PM
ABC News's Web site includes the article "Is Obama 'Too Nice' to Make Tough Decisions?" by correspondent David Kerley.  The piece begins:With problems for the president in Afghanistan, health care and unemployment, some critics on both the left and right are asking: Is the president essentially "too nice" to make the important decisions?The National Journal magazine asks in a just-out edition, "…

Conveniently Incomplete: Gore Claims British Court Vindicated School S

October 11th, 2009 11:27 AM
Thanks to Drudge, the Internet will likely be abuzz with the news and video about Irish filmmaker Phelim McAleer's challenge to former Vice President Al Gore over correcting the nine errors found by a British judge in Gore's Oscar-winning "An Inconvenient Truth" documentary. McAleer is co-producer of Not Evil, Just Wrong, a film challenging the content of Gore's film, that according to Wiki will…

ABC Perpetuates Myth of Violent Pro-Lifers

September 22nd, 2009 10:05 AM
It's standard journalistic practice to put the most important information at the very beginning of an article. For ABC News, it appeared the most pertinent facts about Irene Vilar, a woman who had 15 abortions in 16 years, were her fears about how pro-life activists would receive her new book, "Impossible Motherhood."  ABC reporter Susan Donaldson James perpetuated the myth of raging pro-…

ABC Thinks ObamaCare MIGHT Cover Abortions

September 13th, 2009 6:01 PM
"[O]ne more misunderstanding I want to clear up – under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place."So said Barack Obama during his healthcare address to the nation Wednesday.Yet, according to an article at, this could be another example of the President playing fast and loose with the facts (h/t Jake Tapper):

ABC Hosts Bigoted Snark Against Fertile Christians

September 2nd, 2009 8:30 AM republished a bigoted attack against a famously large Christian family on Tuesday. Amelia McDonell-Parry of gossip website snarked about Michelle Duggar's latest pregnancy in the post, stating that it "can't be good news...if you're at all concerned about overpopulation." She also hinted that Mrs. Duggar's daughter-in-law was forced to have a baby of her own.McDonell-… Hypes Boycott of Whole Foods, Dismisses CEO's Conservativ

August 14th, 2009 4:21 PM
Whole Foods CEO John Mackey's recent Wall Street Journal op-ed may well have been "in bad taste", would have its readers believe (see screen cap at right). Emily Friedman devoted an August 14 story mainly to liberal Whole Foods patrons huffing and puffing in disgust about Mackey's op-ed:Joshua has been taking the bus to his local Whole Foods in New York City every five days for the…

Pro-Obama Group Urges Members to Attend Town Hall Meetings

August 9th, 2009 4:39 PM
As the Democrat leadership and their media minions dishonestly depict town hall meeting protesters as an angry mob ginned up by conservative organizations, the group that helped get Barack Obama elected president is urging its members to show up at such events to counter dissenting views.Will this get much press attention in the next 48 hours?We can only hope the Obama-loving media will take a…