
PREVIEW: Joe Biden Finally Gets His Univision ‘Softball’ Interview

Jorge Bonilla

Spanish-Language Nets HIDE White House ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’

Jorge Bonilla

Jorge Ramos Whines About Biden Describing Illegals As ‘Illegals’

Jorge Bonilla

Univision’s Jorge Ramos Gets SHUT DOWN On Immigration, Border Crisis

Jorge Bonilla

Univision Anchors Parrot White House Line On Biden’s Mental Faculties

Jorge Bonilla

How Univision Covers Immigration: Manipulative Migrant Storytelling

Jorge Bonilla

Univision’s Jorge Ramos Whines About Senate Dems On Border Bill

Jorge Bonilla

Univision's Soft Interview with Kamala Harris: Media Double Standard?

Jorge Bonilla

Jorge Ramos Is PAINED By Amnesty Being Left Out Of Biden Border Deal

Jorge Bonilla

CNNEE Ignores Biden Docs, Whines About GOP Committee Assignment

The crew at CNN En Español´s Directo USA took the White House's strategy of saying “as little as possible about the handling of President Biden´s documents” to heart. The subject garnered exactly 21 seconds of airtime after which anchor and correspondent whined over House GOP committee assignments.

Kathleen Krumhansl

Telemundo Mad Over Arkansas’s Ban On Official Use Of Non-Word ‘Latinx’

Telemundo appears to signal its intent to continue fighting the Great Latinx War by smearing Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ ban of the non-word in official documents, if Friday night’s laughably one-sided report is any indication.

Jorge Bonilla

Latino Nets Mad Biden Didn't Talk to Migrants

Biden’s snub of the migrants camped out in the streets of downtown El Paso didn’t sit well with the Latino networks covering his first presidential visit to the Southern Border last Sunday - and it showed.

Kathleen Krumhansl

Seriously? Univision Anchor Plays Dumb Post on SCOTUS Title 42 Stay

Since Title 42 went into effect on March, 2020, Univision has aired countless reports condemning the ‘illegal and racist’ Trump-Since Title 42 went into effect in March, 2020, Univision has aired countless reports condemning the ‘illegal and racist’ Trump-era policy, see

Kathleen Krumhansl

Telemundo Offers Contradicting Reports on Border Deportations

Telemundo News seemed unable to get their information straight yesterday when two reports about the arrivals of hundreds of thousands of migrants at the southern border, and Title 42, left viewers up in the air with conflicting information.

Kathleen Krumhansl

Brace Up Latinos: Christmas Can Kill You, Per Univision

On the last Monday before Christmas, the staff at Univision´s midday news edition gifted their Navidad-adoring public with a fear-mongering report linking the joys of the season with – mind you- not COVID,  but heart attacks.

Kathleen Krumhansl

Univision Anchor Slams Biden's Border Blowoff

Univision’s normally melodramatic coverage of the calamity going on at the nation's southern border experienced a rare moment of lucidity today when anchor Satcha Pretto, from Univision's Despierta America, shamed President Joe Biden for his failure to visit the border and “see for himself what was happening” during last week’s public relations trip to Arizona.

Kathleen Krumhansl

CNN En Español Tries To Reduce 'Twitter Files' To Hunter's Nude Pics

Over two years have passed since Twitter censored the New York Post's story on Hunter Biden's "Laptop From Hell". We continue to learn about the internal processes behind the censorship, but CNN En Español insists on trying to avoid any substantive coverage of the story while gaslighting the public it claims to serve.

Jorge Bonilla

Univision, Telemundo HIDE Twitter Files from Newscasts

The Twitter Files revealed the intricacies of the platform's suppression of The New York Post reports on Hunter Biden's infamous laptop, but at the Latino corporate press all that mattered was Donald Trump’s reaction to the bombshell report. Of course, the Bad Orange Man is always a great excuse to divert -- and overtly ignore -- inconvenient news, as was the case following Elon Musk'…

Kathleen Krumhansl

'NOT FOR ME': Univision Chevy Bolt Infomercial Spontaneously Combusts

Univision’s relentless promotion of the green agenda via in-show infomercial for the Chevy Bolt spontaneously combusted when Despierta America’s Chef Yisus inadvertently wrote the electric vehicle off as a “chick car” by saying it was “maybe not for me”, but definitely for his wife! 



Kathleen Krumhansl

Univision, Telemundo Barely Covered Biden Deal for Venezuelan Oil

Latino corporate media once again validated their roles as propagandists and buffers of damaging news for the Biden regime, with Univision and Telemundo granting the awful U.S-Maduro deal to pump Venezuelan oil, a scant one minute and 15 of combined airtime since the agreement was announced on November 26th.

Kathleen Krumhansl

Politifact Joins ‘Spanish-Language Disinformation’ Grift

The hunt for “Spanish-language disinformation” is proving to be America’s fastest-growing grift: so much so that Politifact is now itching to get into the game.

Jorge Bonilla

STATE PROPAGANDA: Univision Shills for Biden’s Student Loan Bailout

The morning and midday anchors at Univision News assumed the roles of regime propagandists for President Biden on Wednesday, as they joyfully announced the “excellent news” of a new extension on federal student loan payments. Never mind that a federal judge in Texas declared Biden’s promise to provide up to $20,000 in loan forgiveness as unlawful, and that their reporting wasn’t just…

Kathleen Krumhansl

Univision Ridicules Trump’s Message to CPAC Mexico

Univision, where journalists routinely advocate for abortions, transgender rights, the sexualization of grade school children, same sex marriage, et. al, has now become the watchdog of virtue – that is, Donald J. Trump's, who “does not practice any religion and has five children by three different women'', yet dared urge a group of supposed ultraconservatives gathered in Mexico City, to "…

Kathleen Krumhansl