

NBC’s Weird Bad Bunny Profile: A Puff Piece in Service of a Narrative

Jorge Bonilla

THIS INTERVIEW Is Why We Needed Fox Noticias

Jorge Bonilla

OF COURSE: Jorge Ramos Cheered the Woke Bishop That Criticized Trump

Jorge Bonilla

Latino Media MAD Trump Won’t Trans the Kids

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Latino Media Pushed Immigration Hopium at Biden Inaugural

Jorge Bonilla

Telemundo Whitewashes Jimmy Carter’s Latin American Legacy of Chaos

Jorge Bonilla

Jorge Ramos Is Gone from Univision, But Still Whining About Trump

Jorge Bonilla

GOOD RIDDANCE: Jorge Ramos Signs Off (For Now)

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Univision Hyped Coyotes Touting Biden’s ‘Benefits’

Jorge Bonilla

Univision's Facebook Watch Partnership Pushes Abortion Agenda

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos’ Facebook watch platform continues to take a hard stance in support for liberal policy items. A recent instance of “Real America” continues to push an extreme position on abortion. This brief segment captured the essence of Ramos’ coverage of abortion; pro-lifers are cast as extremists, and those who favor abortion are cast as brave defenders of our fundamental…
MRC Latino Staff

Piling On: Telemundo Smears The NRA With Fake News

Telemundo continues its aggressive push for gun control, this time by putting out a story that suggests the National Rifle Association is under duress because of calls for increased gun control as a result of horrific shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.
Jorge Bonilla

Telemundo Neglects to Mention Its Own 'Incendiary Language'

A recent report by Telemundo anchor José Díaz-Balart seemed like a comedy skit given the subject: “the media’s responsibility in the use of language”. Even the opening sentence of the report gave away his preference for incendiary language, as he explicitly used the word “racist” three words into the feature. By the way, a quick look-up of our files revealed that at Telemundo alone, the term “…
Kathleen Krumhansl

Latino Nets Warn of ‘Terrifying’ Trump-Triggered Economic Crisis 

Now that Mueller and the dossier are ancient (buried) news, the liberal Spanish-speaking media will jump at any chance (asides from its non-stop illegal immigration litany) to declare doomsday for President Trump and his Administration. Case in point: the possibility, according to Univision, CNN en Español and Estrella TV, of an economic recession that could put an end to Trump’s claim to credit…
Kathleen Krumhansl

Jorge Ramos Insists on Calling for Gun Control

With the horrific shooting in El Paso,Texas as his backdrop, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos renews an all-too-familiar call for action on gun control.
Jorge Bonilla

Jorge Ramos Goes On Anti-Trump Binge after El Paso Shooting

Few things are more upsetting than watching the media, including the nation´s Spanish-language newscasts, turn a tragedy into a political issue. The massacre that took place at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas, provided all of the liberal media with the perfect scenario to do so non-stop.
Kathleen Krumhansl

Are You Available? Biden's Reply to Female Reporter on Running Mate

Telemundo´s coverage of the El Paso massacre included a softball interview to presidential candidate, Joe Biden, that began, of course, with a kiss, was framed in the harshest anti-Trump light possible, and ended with an opportunity for Biden to pander to Hispanics.
Kathleen Krumhansl

Luis Gutierrez: Trump Must Be 'Eliminated'

Univision aired its special, titled “Hispanics in the Crosshairs”, in the immediate aftermath of the horrendous shooting at El Paso, Texas. Unfortunately, the network squandered valuable time and goodwill by lending its platform to one of the most incendiary voices in any community, let alone the Hispanic community.
Jorge Bonilla

Liberal Spin Trumps Balance on Spanish-Language TV News

Compared to MRC Latino’s original study five years ago, the two main Spanish-language evening news broadcasts in the U.S. have become even more heavily skewed to the left. Out of 812 stories on U.S. politics and policy, more than 70 percent were slanted in a liberal direction, compared with 240 stories (29.6%) that were balanced or neutral and only two (0.2%) which were favorable to conservatives…
Rich Noyes and Alexander Reyes

HBO Spanish Series 'Los Espookys' Lampoons Latino Family Values

There´s no doubt about it: Hispanics are growing in numbers – and importance – in the U.S.A. Hollywood, in this case HBO, is paying close attention to the 60 million who make up the nation’s largest ethnic minority group. In its first ever Spanish-language programming experiment, the network recently produced a horror comedy called Los Espookys, with Spanish dialogue and English subtitles.
Kathleen Krumhansl

Latino Leader Debunks Dems Rhetoric About Trump on Immigrants

Since 2015 the nation´s liberal media, both mainstream and Hispanic, have stuck to the same rhetoric ttowards President Donald Trump like gorilla-glue, using his reference to the problems brought about by illegal immigration, as a mantra to conform to their political agenda. The latest example came on June 25th, 2019.
Kathleen Krumhansl

At Estrella TV, Gilroy Shooting Is Just a Segue to NRA Slam

For Estrella TV’s evening newscast, the horrific shooting in Gilroy, CA is little more than a segue into a fact-free smear of the National Rifle Association. Check out the full post as anchor Adriana Yáñez coldly transitions from the lead story on the horrific shooting at Gilroy, California, the aforementioned NRA hit piece.
Jorge Bonilla

Univision Rushes To Call Trump’s Baltimore Statement A ‘Racist Attack’

Univision’s Sunday evening newscast was quick to jump into the fray and label President Donald Trump’s statements on the city of Baltimore as a “racist attack”.
MRC Latino Staff

Telemundo Bemoans Border ‘Blockade’

Telemundo just happened to have a camera crew at the ready as Mexican National Guards detained a Guatemalan national at the border with the United States. Convenient coincidence, or an escalation of the network’s advocacy for open borders? Watch as anchor José Díaz-Balart frames the report, which prominently featured a crying mother at the border so as to elicit sympathy from the audience:
MRC Latino Staff