

NBC’s Weird Bad Bunny Profile: A Puff Piece in Service of a Narrative

Jorge Bonilla

THIS INTERVIEW Is Why We Needed Fox Noticias

Jorge Bonilla

OF COURSE: Jorge Ramos Cheered the Woke Bishop That Criticized Trump

Jorge Bonilla

Latino Media MAD Trump Won’t Trans the Kids

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Latino Media Pushed Immigration Hopium at Biden Inaugural

Jorge Bonilla

Telemundo Whitewashes Jimmy Carter’s Latin American Legacy of Chaos

Jorge Bonilla

Jorge Ramos Is Gone from Univision, But Still Whining About Trump

Jorge Bonilla

GOOD RIDDANCE: Jorge Ramos Signs Off (For Now)

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Univision Hyped Coyotes Touting Biden’s ‘Benefits’

Jorge Bonilla

Predictable: Telemundo Fawns Over Greta Thunberg

Telemundo continues to embarrass itself with its over-the-top climate advocacy, and with its fawning coverage of activist Greta Thunberg’s visit to the United Nations earlier this week. Check out the full poset as anchor José Díaz-Balart takes a full minute to introduce a report on the goings-on at the U.N., and on the streets of Washington, D.C., where activists disrupted traffic. 
Jorge Bonilla

Jorge Ramos Delights in Blocking You

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos’ recent opinion column, titled “Why I’m Not Quitting Twitter” was written, in part, as an explainer into his continued presence on social media. However, it also provides a fascinating insight as to how he views debate, and gives us a window into his biases.
Jorge Bonilla

Univision Tiptoes Around Arrest of Prominent CA Democrat Donor Ed Buck

Univision’s TV news division gives us a mixed bag with its coverage of the arrest of Democratic donor Ed Buck on charges. On the one hand, there was a full disclosure that you don’t often see in media, but on the other hand, there was some pretty creative tiptoeing around critical elements of the story.
MRC Latino Staff

Telemundo Joins NBC’s Corporate Climate Alarmism

NBC and its affiliate networks have amped their climate alarmist coverage in the run-up to the United Nations Climate Action Summit to be held in New York later this month. Not to be outdone, Telemundo has weighed in. Not only does Telemundo correspondent Vannesa Hauc close her report with a bit of fear-mongering, but watch as anchor Felicidad Aveleyra bookends the report with a call to action:
MRC Latino Staff

TX Dem Party Chair to Jorge Ramos: Beto’s Gun Grab Would Be ‘Difficult

Texas State Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa appeared on Univision’s Sunday political affairs show Al Punto and responded to host Jorge Ramos’ cheerleading over Beto O’Rourke’s proposed gun grab with a cold dose of reality. Watch below as Hinojosa tells Ramos, in so many words, that Beto’s dog don’t hunt:
Jorge Bonilla

What Media Got Wrong About Jorge Ramos at Dem Debate

In addition to grading individual candidate performances, media often reverts to its favorite topic: the media. But many in the media have misread, and subsequently misinterpreted Univision anchor Jorge Ramos’ performance in last night’s ABC-Univision Democratic presidential debates.
Jorge Bonilla

Univision Misframes Story on ICE's DNA Testing Pilot Program

A recent report on the extension of a DNA testing pilot program proves Univision’s biases when it comes to immigration.
Jorge Bonilla

Ramos Spotlights Deportation Evasion Via Church Sanctuary

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos takes to his Facebook Watch platform to promote illegal immigration by highlighting church sanctuary for those seeking to evade deportation.
MRC Latino Staff

Univision Gives San Juan Mayor Top Billing, Even During Storm Coverage

Univision never misses an opportunity to showcase its media darling, especially if it’s during coverage of a storm. San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz is featured accusing Trump of "verbal incontinence."
MRC Latino Staff

Entravision Continues To Carry Planned Parenthood's Water

Once again Entravision, the nation’s largest Univision affiliate group, is going to bat for Planned Parenthood; this time, over the abortion behemoth’s decision to forego federal funding rather than comply with changes made by the Trump Administration to Title X. 
Jorge Bonilla

Telemundo Celebrates Song Honoring Ruthless Mexican Capo

Now that convicted cartel boss Joaquín ´El Chapo ́ Guzmán is serving a life sentence at the ADX Florence supermax prison in Colorado, Telemundo fueled the lore about him as a bigger-than-life hero with a two-minute report on a new narcorrido, a narrative ballad in which the lyrics praise drug trafficking and illegal activities, that portrays him as a loving father and not a serial killer (over 3,…
Kathleen Krumhansl

CNN: Trump Lies, Coyotes Have No Clue, Illegals Don´t Enter Illegally

In an attempt to demonize the current Administration´s actions to ensure undocumented families can be kept together through their immigration proceedings, CNN en Español interviewed John Amaya, an attorney who served in the Obama Administration at ICE and the DOJ, among other positions, and currently works for a private law firm dealing with – you got it-  immigration. His answers were “creative…
Kathleen Krumhansl

Jorge Ramos Serves Up Green New Deal Propaganda on Facebook Watch

If a recent episode of Real America is any indication, then the purpose of the partnership between Facebook and Univision appears to be little more than to allow host Jorge Ramos to indulge the fringiest left-wing policies under the guise of journalism
Jorge Bonilla

Not on Latino News: Economy Benefiting All, Including the 55+

Yes, it´s true. People over 55 years of age are prospering across the nation. But so are Latinos - and as one Hispanic investment ace tells us, they are not the only ones, much to the chagrin of the liberal Spanish-speaking media that continue to make a case for an ailing economy about to crash and for Donald Trump to be deep-sixed.
Kathleen Krumhansl