

NBC’s Weird Bad Bunny Profile: A Puff Piece in Service of a Narrative

Jorge Bonilla

THIS INTERVIEW Is Why We Needed Fox Noticias

Jorge Bonilla

OF COURSE: Jorge Ramos Cheered the Woke Bishop That Criticized Trump

Jorge Bonilla

Latino Media MAD Trump Won’t Trans the Kids

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Latino Media Pushed Immigration Hopium at Biden Inaugural

Jorge Bonilla

Telemundo Whitewashes Jimmy Carter’s Latin American Legacy of Chaos

Jorge Bonilla

Jorge Ramos Is Gone from Univision, But Still Whining About Trump

Jorge Bonilla

GOOD RIDDANCE: Jorge Ramos Signs Off (For Now)

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Univision Hyped Coyotes Touting Biden’s ‘Benefits’

Jorge Bonilla

Immigration Still Dominates Spanish-Language Evening Newscasts

MRC Latino analyzed every story on Univision and Telemundo evening weeknight newscasts for the month of January, 2020, and found that immigration continued to reign supreme despite the ongoing Senate impeachment trial.
Jorge Bonilla and Rich Noyes

CNN en Español Goes Gaga Over Mitt Romney 'Not Fearing Trump'

With the shaming of Nancy Pelosi et. al, the liberal media, including Latino Nets, turned their attention to dissenting Republican Mitt Romney, giving the former GOP presidential nominee the hero's treatment after he broke party lines by voting “guilty” on the impeachment article of abuse of power against President Donald Trump.  
Kathleen Krumhansl

During Impeachment Finale, Jorge Ramos Outs Himself as a Democrat

When compared with a recent opinion column, Univision’s coverage of the impeachment finale featured a revelation that all but confirms Jorge Ramos to be a partisan actor masquerading as an advocacy journalist.
Jorge Bonilla

Telemundo Highlights Incendiary Words in Report About SOTU 

Viewers of Telemundo’s morning talk show Un Nuevo Día, woke up to a report that, instead of actually reporting the content of President Trump's State of the Union Address, focused on the very nasty words of first-term congresswoman Veronica Escobar, from Texas, who was assigned to deliver the Democrat rebuttal in Spanish. 
Kathleen Krumhansl

Univision SOTU Analysis: Sadly, Trump Will Apologize For Nothing

Univision may have finally figured out a way around the inconvenient fact that Bill Clinton was the first sitting president to deliver a State of the Union Address while in an impeachment trial: By saying, “well, at least he apologized.” 
Jorge Bonilla

Telemundo Hypes ‘Kids in Cages’ Installation During Iowa Caucus Report

Telemundo News’ coverage of the Iowa Caucus remind us all of how critically important illegal immigration is for the network. Correspondent Vanessa Hauc chose to insert drama -as if any more were needed given the voting chaos- to emphasize the subject of immigration, one that has been completely absent from the Democrat primary campaign (didn´t they love undocumented immigrants?).
Kathleen Krumhansl

Jorge Ramos Tried To Wokescold Hispanic Trump Supporters, Got SCHOOLED

The most recent edition of Univision political affairs show Al Punto featured a segment with Pro-Trump Hispanics. However, Ramos may have bit off a bit more than he was expecting to chew.
Jorge Bonilla

Univision, Telemundo Freak Out Over SCOTUS' ‘Public Charge’ Decision

The nation’s Spanish-language networks never waste an opportunity to remind us that, no matter what else may be going on, immigration is the first and foremost issue- both in coverage and in importance to their business interests. The latest instance of these biases on display comes via the network’s coverage of the Supreme Court decision allowing the Trump Administration’s “public charge” policy…
Kathleen Krumhansl and Jorge Bonilla

Impeachment 'Comadre' Compares Trump to Castro, Maduro in Telemundo

If you have spent any time at all listening to “Impeachment Comadre” Sylvia Garcia, (D-Texas), either during her depositions before Congress last week, or at her media rounds on the nation´s Hispanic networks, you will have witnessed the extent to which she forcibly rehashes the Democrats’ talking points regarding the whole impeachment charade. 
Kathleen Krumhansl

Did Telemundo (Again) Stage a Protest Shot for Impeachment Report?

Telemundo ́s coverage of the Senate Impeachment Trial included both a new twist and a possible return to old, bad ways: singling out Republicans who call out liberal protesters for criticism, and portraying four, neatly arranged protesters as “dozens of protesters.”
Kathleen Krumhansl

Feigned Shock at Telemundo Over Republican Impeachment Rules

Question for Telemundo News: Where was correspondent Cristina Londoño during the Democrats’ impeachment proceedings last December? Given her apparent state of shock about the Senate impeachment procedures, it seems she went off to Lala Land during the House impeachment of President Donald Trump.
Kathleen Krumhansl

At Telemundo, Second Amendment Equals White Supremacy 

Much to the disappointment of the liberal Hispanic news media, the violence, blood and death they predicted would happen at the demonstrations held in Richmond in favor of the Second Amendment, did not materialize while they effectively amalgamized white supremacism with the constitutional right to bear arms.  
Kathleen Krumhansl

Liberal Media Forced to Concede Trump Was Right About Puerto Rico Govt

President Donald Trump’s strategic silence on Puerto Rico’s earthquakes, while greenlighting billions of dollars in aid and a new major disaster declaration for the stricken U.S. territory, is forcing the liberal media into a most uncomfortable place...acknowledging that he was right all along.
Jorge Bonilla

Univision Acts Like Liberal PAC with a Broadcast License

As the national Spanish-language news networks ramp up their efforts to persuade their viewers to vote for those candidates that are aligned with their own business interests -chief among them, ensuring an unfailing audience, and thus, advertising dollars via open borders - they become more brazen at blurring the line between information and propaganda. 
Kathleen Krumhansl