The latest edition of Univision’s Sunday political affairs show, Al Punto, featured a segment wherein the network’s chief apologist for “democratic socialism” asked his first question regarding Sen. Bernie Sanders’ controversial support for the Castro dictatorship’s “Literacy Brigades”.
Watch below as Ramos immediately gets to the heart of the matter, to wit: not an examination of Bernie's long-term commie sympathies, but the effect that this self-inflicted controversy may have had on Sen. Sanders:
JORGE RAMOS: You are supporting Bernie Sanders and there was a recent controversy due to his statements regarding Cuba. This is what Bernie Sanders said:
BERNIE SANDERS: When Fidel Castro first came to power, he initiated a major literacy program. They went out and they helped people to read and write. You know what? I think teaching people to read and write is a good thing. I have been extremely consistent and critical of all authoritarian regimes all over the world, including Cuba.
RAMOS: Ana María, how has this affected your candidate? Can positive things be said about the Cuban dictatorship?
ANA MARÍA ARCHILA: Well. I believe President Obama is in agreement with Senator Sanders in that the advances that occurred after the revolution in Cuba were significant for the people -- the Cuban people. I’m from Colombia. Colombia is a country that is dominated by the Right and in Colombia, as well as throughout the rest of Latin America, Cuba was acknowledged as one of the best countries in terms of its education infrastructure and healthcare. That is what President Obama pointed out, that is what Senator Sanders pointed out, and it is an incontrovertible fact. Senator Sanders was also crystal clear, as we just heard, in that he does not support any of the methods of repression by any dictatorship.
In keeping with our ongoing analyses of how Spanish-language media appears to have a direct role in Bernie Sanders’ growing share of the Hispanic vote, it is important to note that THIS was the first time that Univision’s senior anchor addressed the controversy that erupted in the wake of Anderson Cooper’s interview with Sanders on 60 Minutes.
There has been no examination, to date, of Sanders’ extensive history of remarks in support of Castro, Ortega, Hugo Chavez, and of the former Soviet Union on domestic Spanish-language media. As we’ve previously documented, Sanders is only tasked with differentiating his brand of “democratic socialism” from the mean regimes in Havana, Caracas, and Managua.
This shameful segment is no exception. Ramos brings out Sanders surrogate and AOC pal Ana María Archila, the Executive Director of the (Soros-funded) Center for Popular Democracy- who is best known for her performative confrontation of Senator Jeff-Flake in front of a Capitol elevator. Ramos offers no follow-up to his meek questions, and allows Archila to rattle off her talking points unabated before moving on to a different topic with a Biden surrogate.
It is important to look back on this segment when the post-Super Tuesday narratives emerge, touting Sanders’ blowout numbers with Latinos in California and perhaps Texas. Spanish-language news media have yet to scrutinize Sanders’ record of communist sympathy.