

THIS INTERVIEW Is Why We Needed Fox Noticias

Jorge Bonilla

OF COURSE: Jorge Ramos Cheered the Woke Bishop That Criticized Trump

Jorge Bonilla

Latino Media MAD Trump Won’t Trans the Kids

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Latino Media Pushed Immigration Hopium at Biden Inaugural

Jorge Bonilla

Telemundo Whitewashes Jimmy Carter’s Latin American Legacy of Chaos

Jorge Bonilla

Jorge Ramos Is Gone from Univision, But Still Whining About Trump

Jorge Bonilla

GOOD RIDDANCE: Jorge Ramos Signs Off (For Now)

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Univision Hyped Coyotes Touting Biden’s ‘Benefits’

Jorge Bonilla

INCONVENIENT: Regime Media Mostly OMIT Toddler Ditched at the Border

Jorge Bonilla

Are You Ready For 'The Mother of All Caravans'?

The Latino media are practically drooling at the thought of new audiences swarming into the United States as part of the heralded Mother of All Caravans, set to begin its “march” through Mexico on October 23 at 6:00 AM, and estimated, as per Telemundo's Nacho Lozano, at 95,000 strong.

Kathleen Krumhansl

SILENCED: Univision Cancels Lone Conservative Radio Host

Cancel culture is alive and well at Univision. And not just in the selection of news content – and intent- but in the censorship of those with a different point of view from the network´s official line, as happened to conservative Pablo Kleinman, former host of Radio California Libre (Radio Free California) on L.A. news-talk flagship KTNQ.

Kathleen Krumhansl

Jorge Ramos Absolves De Blasio, Cuomo From Rotten COVID Response

From reading Jorge Ramos's latest editorial column at, you’d think that New York is governed by invisible forces who’ve brought about the mythical reawakening of a rotten Big Apple. Nowhere in the 973-word opinion piece titled The New New York: City of Survivors, does Ramos mention mayor Bill de Blasio or former governor Andrew Cuomo- the ones responsible for New York's…

Kathleen Krumhansl

Latino Nets Are FURIOUS the U.S. Appeals Court Upheld TX Heartbeat Law

The Latino media took a brief break from President Biden’s exploding immigration, economic, health and social crises in order to lambast Texas' latest pro-life victory, after a federal appeals court granted a stay allowing that state’s Heartbeat Law -challenged by the Biden administration- to remain in place.

Kathleen Krumhansl

Univision HIDES Virginia School Sexual Assault Scandal

Univision goes out of its way to defend transsexuals and the use of non-binary nouns such as (widely rejected) Latinx for continental Latinos as part of its LGBTQ agenda. The network bit its tongue, however, when news broke of how the Loudoun County (Virginia) School Board covered up two alleged sexual assaults perpetrated by a student who used the women's bathroom under the guise of "…

Kathleen Krumhansl

FAKE NEWS: Univision Fabricates Reasons for August Job Quits

As if the actual dismal job report released by the Department of Labor for September was not bad enough, an anchor at Univision saw the need to spice things up with a sprinkling of FAKE NEWS as to why 4.3 million American left their jobs that month, attributing the lie to the U.S. Department of Labor. Check out the full blog as anchor Elyangélica González, from the midday Univision News,…

Kathleen Krumhansl

Jorge Ramos Whines: ‘This Is Not What Biden Promised’

It is a tale as predictable as the Sun rising in the East: Univision anchor Jorge Ramos has turned on President Joe Biden for being insufficiently hospitable towards the waves of migrants presently rushing the nation’s Southern border.

Jorge Bonilla

'Innocent' Hispanic Media Darling Actually a Full-Blown Activist

So, it turns out that Karina Ruiz, the Latina dreamer who filmed herself accosting senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-Nevada) aboard an airplane about her stance on immigration reform, is an immigrant rights leader, as per a Telemundo News report about nationwide protests calling for an immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. 

Kathleen Krumhansl

Univision Gushes Over Sinema's Airplane Stalker

The same network that depends on a continued uncontrolled stream of migrants has now granted celebrity status to a stalker and harasser that filmed herself confronting senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) at her seat on flight to D.C., regarding Sinema’s reluctance to support President Biden’s Build Back Better Act.

Kathleen Krumhansl

Axios Cheers Fidel's Communist Indoctrination As ‘Hispanic Heritage'

Axios Latino, or Latinxios for short, has put its tone deaf-ness on display by celebrating the murderous Castro dictatorship's literacy brigades as "Hispanic Heritage". 

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Jorge Ramos Said Harassment of Senators 'Wonderful'

In the wake of the performative confrontation of Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) in a university bathroom, it is important to remember that Univision anchor Jorge Ramos once called this behavior "a wonderful thing".

Jorge Bonilla

Univision: Forget COVID, Abolish Title 42 and Let Everyone In!

Univision is pulling no punches in its quest to have the Biden administration put an end to Title 42, thus ending the deportation of undocumented immigrants attempting to enter the nation illegally, regardless of the fact that the measure was established during the pandemic as a means to control the spread of the coronavirus in the United States.

Kathleen Krumhansl

Dolores Huerta on CNN En Espanol: The Pre-Born Have No Souls

During a recent interview on CNN En Español, labor leader Dolores Huerta argued that the pre-born have no soul, and that pro-life arguments are deceptively used as a political tool with which to engage Latinos.

Jorge Bonilla

Telemundo HIDES Pro-Abortion Violence in Mexico City

Telemundo News found time to commend women “all over Latin America” for protesting on the "Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion" (now International Safe Abortion Day), but omitted the chaos and destruction caused in Mexico City by one group of hooded feminist activists who celebrated the day by injuring 37 persons, including 9 civilians, one government official and 27…

Kathleen Krumhansl