YouTube Reverses Course, Restores Video Critical of Censorship of Gay

YouTube has reversed its decision to censor the views of a pro-traditional marriage organization after attention was drawn to its removal of a video last week produced by Christian preacher and hard rock drummer Bradlee Dean. Last week, YouTube – owned by Google, whose corporate motto used to be “Don't Be Evil” -- removed the video, which spotlights how gay rights extremists are using laws in…
Matthew Sheffield
May 21st, 2012 5:46 PM

Katie Couric's Whiny Graduation Speech: 'Mistreated' and 'Cheated' at

Ex-CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric, now with ABC, gave Sunday's commencement address at her alma mater, the University of Virginia. When it came to her time at CBS News, Couric cast herself as a "mistreated" "trailblazer," who got "burned" by critics. Couric suggested her critics were motivated by sexism: "In those first few months at CBS, TV critics wrote about my clothes, my hair, my…
Rich Noyes
May 21st, 2012 5:13 PM

Michelle Malkin Column: How the Gay-Marriage Mafia Slimed Manny Pacqui

Boxing champion Manny Pacquiao is guilty — of being true to his Catholic faith. The gay-marriage mob is guilty — of the very ugly bigotry it claims to abhor. And left-wing media outlets are guilty — of stoking false narratives that shamelessly demonize religion in the name of compassion. The attempted crucifixion of Pacquiao this week was fueled by an online army of cultural shakedown artists…
Michelle Malkin
May 21st, 2012 5:12 PM

CBS Surprisingly Highlights Persecution of Christians in 'Majority Mus

Sunday's CBS Evening News refreshingly spotlighted the continuing persecution of the Coptic Christians in Egypt, an ongoing story that the Big Three networks have largely ignored for months. Correspondent Elizabeth Palmer zeroed in on the uncertain future for the religious minority as the country gears for a rare election: "[Egypt's] Christians are deeply worried....Two of the frontrunners in…
Matthew Balan
May 21st, 2012 5:04 PM

Bias by the Numbers: Sharpton Calls Romney 'Willard' 194 Times In the

As much as Obama supporters like the Rev. Al Sharpton take exception to the haters who use the president's full name -- "Barack Hussein Obama," most recently disdained in the Ricketts super PAC memo revealed by the New York Times -- what about liberals who make fun of the name "Willard Mitt Romney"? No one is fonder of that playground ridicule that Rev. Sharpton, who loves referring to Romney…
Tim Graham
May 21st, 2012 4:50 PM

Rasmussen Column: Once Again, It's the Economy, Stupid

Mitt Romney has pulled a point or two ahead of President Obama in polls of likely voters. In polls of registered voters, Obama has the advantage. The president's job approval ratings are hovering in the upper 40 percent range, which suggests a close race. Looking at this information, partisan activists come to wildly different conclusions about what to expect on Election Day. Democrats tend…
Scott Rasmussen
May 21st, 2012 4:40 PM

PolitiFact Rates Another Accurate GOP Claim 'Mostly False' on CNN

PolitiFact decided to get cute with words and nail an accurate statement by a conservative advocacy group as "Mostly False" for supposed contextual issues. This is not the first time that the fact-checking outfit has labeled an accurate statement "Half True" or "Mostly False," as it did twice to the Romney campaign. According to PolitiFact's Bill Adair, who appeared on CNN Monday afternoon,…
Matt Hadro
May 21st, 2012 4:30 PM

VP's Son Beau Biden Touts 'O'Biden' Campaign Event to Ed Schultz

Yes, the same gaffe for which liberals mocked Sarah Palin back in 2008. This time when it was made, on Ed Schultz's radio show, Schultz dutifully let it pass without mockery. (audio clip after page break)
Jack Coleman
May 21st, 2012 4:15 PM

NYT's Shear Rips Drudge, Breitbart, Accuses GOP of Racial Attacks on R

Political reporter Michael Shear uses a half-baked Times "expose" to accuse the GOP of using racial attacks by bringing up the legitimate issue of the anti-white, anti-American, paranoid ravings of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor for decades in Chicago, in Saturday's "Race and Religion Rear Their Heads." Perhaps the uglier side of politics is always close to the surface. President…
Clay Waters
May 21st, 2012 4:02 PM

HuffPo's Cheatin' Heart -- More Anti-Monogamy Propaganda

Summer is approaching, and wedding season is kicking into high gear. And the Huffington Post is celebrating by declaring war on marriage (of the traditional variety, it has no problem with gay marriage), arguing that monogamy is impossible and that cheating is desirable. The Huffington Post has developed an obsession with cheating, and has spurned the very concept of monogamy.…
Paul Wilson
May 21st, 2012 3:50 PM

Morning Shows Skip Ideological Labels for Violent Anti-War Protesters

Violent anti-war protesters clashed with Chicago police this weekend, but the network morning shows on Monday avoided attempts at pinning an ideology on them, simply referring to "anti-war" "protesters." On CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose blandly explained, "Protests turned violent in Chicago...Police battle protesters in Chicago." Reporter Bill Plante added, "And a small group of them…
Scott Whitlock
May 21st, 2012 3:24 PM

AP Reports Facebook, But Not Twitter, Cooperated with Pakistani Offici

We've written before critically about Twitter, including posts about how the micro-blogging site's was slow in removing a "Kill Zimmerman" account that encouraged violence -- in violation of Twitter's terms of service agreement by the way -- against alleged 2nd-degree murderer George Zimmerman. But today, we have to offer a hearty kudos to the folks at Twitter for refusing to cooperate with a…
Ken Shepherd
May 21st, 2012 3:13 PM

Gay NPR Critic Whacks Romney the 'Bully Mammoth' in Theater Review

The cover of this week's edition of the alternative newspaper Washington City Paper carried the promo "Theater: Euripides and Mitt Romney." Turn to page 31, and the headline is "Bully Mammoth." Openly gay NPR movie critic Bob Mondello is also the longtime drama critic for the City Paper, and he can't see a new staging of "The Bacchae" by Euripides without thinking of the recent Washington…
Tim Graham
May 21st, 2012 2:53 PM

Bozell, Hannity Address Media's Double Standard on Presidential Drug U

"In 2008, in the primaries, there were 1,365 stories on Barack Obama" and of those, "not one single story" was devoted to President Barack Obama's admitted youthful use of illicit drugs. By contrast, President Bush's refusal to admit either way on youthful drug use in the 2000 campaign was met with non-stop media scrutiny, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell noted on Friday's edition of Hannity…
NB Staff
May 21st, 2012 1:06 PM